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(Cat above is Bailey)

"Hey! Hello? Wake up, sleepyhead!"

Stormspot blinked his eyes open, groaning in pain. He lazily turned his head and was met with a pair or sparkling, bright green eyes. A brown tabby she cat, probably not much younger than him, was sitting in front of him, a big smile plastered across her muzzle. She was lithe with short, silky fur, and a skinny yet fluffy tail. There were parts of her fur that were timted with white. Her eyes were kind and soft and her smile was warm and welcoming.

"Thank goodness you're okay." She meowed. "That was some storm, huh? I got worried when I found you but then I saw that you were still breathing."

Stormspot rolled onto his stomach, a throbbing pain in his head. He pressed a paw to his head amd starred back at the she cat. "What are you talking about?" He asked.

The she cat's ears drooped with concern. "You don't remember what happened?"

Stormspot rubbed his head. "I just remember the storm and-" then it hit him. "The tree. It fell on me. And I'm still alive?"

The she cat let out a purr of amusement. "You're still breathing and talking aren't you?"

"Where am I?"

"You're in my home." The she cat answered. "It's just an old twoleg nest that's been abandoned for some time."

Stormspot grunted a little as a little wave of pain flowed through his head. "Well thank" He trailed off, realizing he hadn't learned the she cat's name yet.

"Bailey." The she cat mewed as if she read his mind. "My name's Bailey."

Stormspot tilted his head to one side. Bailey sure sounded like a kittypet name. It was too soft to be the name of a rogue or loner. Plus, this she cat didn't seem like a fighter.

"Were you once a kittypet?" He asked.

"I think so." Bailey answered. "I know my mom was and I think me and my brother were too but were too little to remember. My mother became a loner when her twolegs got a dog."

"Where are your mother and brother?"

Bailey's ears drooped to the side of her head and her eyes softened. "They died a while ago. They were killed by a fox."

Stormspot let his eyes fall to his paws. He knew what it was like to loose family. "I'm so sorry."

"Thanks." Bailey mewed. She suddenly perked up and layed down closer to Stormspot, crossing her paws. "So what's your name, mystery tom?"

Stormspot purred at Bailey's playfulness. He knew his name would sound strange to her just as hers was to him. "I'm Stormspot."

Bailey's ears perked up. "You're a clan cat!" She exclaimed. "You should get back to your clan. They're probably wondering where you are."

Stormspot tucked his tail around himself. "Actually I was a clan cat. And they know where I am. I can't go back."

"Why not?" Bailey asked, sorrow hinted in her voice.

Stormspot rested his head in his paws. "I did something terrible." He mumbled. "I was banished. I disappointed every cat; my old mentor, my mate, our kits."

Bailey scooted closer to him. "If you don't mind me asking and if you want to talk about it, what did you do?"

Stormspot sighed. "There was a battle between my clan and another clan. My mother, father, and sister were killed. In the span of three days after the battle, I hunted down and killed the cats that killed them. Last night, the other clan found out and annoumced it to every cat and now all four of the clans know. I didn't want it to end like this. I just wanted to avenge my family."

Bailey pressed her pelt against his and lightly licked his cheek. "I'm so sorry that happened. I guess we both know what it's like to loose our family. i wanted to do the same when my mom and brother were killed but I know I can't take on a fox by myself."

Stormspot smiled a little but it faded quickly. "I didn't get to explain myself. I was threatened. I can't step a paw back in the territory."

"Sounds like you've had a rough night." Bailey mewed.

"My life wasn't always rough." Stormspot retorted. "My life was pretty good before I became a warrior. The only good thing after that was my kits being born. Now I'm just a homeless, mangy loner."

Bailey smiled. "Well, you don't have to be homeless. You're welcome to stay here if you'd like. It's safe and warm and there's plenty of mice and rats. Plus I could use the company."

Stormspot smiled. This she cat he just met was being nice, welcoming and...comforting. She had saved his life. She was offering him a home, food. A second chance to live a good life.

Maybe life here wouldn't be so bad. A life with Bailey.

"Thank you, Bailey. I'd like to stay here." He meowed.

Bailey pressed against him again wrapping her tail around them. "Welcome to your new home, Stormspot."

Warriors: Stormspot's GriefWhere stories live. Discover now