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(Cat above is Fernshade and her kits)

Stormspot sat in the nursery, his eyes beaming with pride. Fireclaw was beside Fernshade, his tail wrapped around her and their kits, who had just been born. Fernshade was gazing down at her kits, letting out soft purrs as they snuggle close to her belly.

"They're beautiful." She whispered.

Fireclaw softly licked his mate's ear. "You did wonderfully. I'm proud of you."

The nursery entrance rustled as Whitepool padded in. He bent his head down to examine each of the kits. "You did very good, Fernshade." He mewed. "Your kits look fine."

"Thanks to you, Whitepool." Fernshade mewed. "Thank you."

"Have you given them names yet?" Asked Mosspelt.

"Yes." Fernshade mewed. She laid her tail on each kit as she named them. "The gray tabby tom is Dewkit, the gray tabby she kit is Willowkit, and the ginger tom is Sparkkit."

"Those are wonderful names." Purred Redfur.

Stormspot's ears pricked at the sound of rustling from the entrance. Poppypaw quietly slipped in, his yellow eyes glowing with wonder.

"I heard Fernshade's kits were born." He mewed. "Can I see them?"

"Of course." Fernshade meowed, beckoning the apprentice closer with her tail.

Poppypaw quietly walked closer and looked down at the small kits. "They're cute. What are their name?"

"Willowkit, Dewkit, and Sparkkit." Fireclaw answered.

"Do you think I'll get to mentor one of them?" Poppypaw asked, hopefully.

"That's up to Fallowstar to decide." Stormspot replied. "But I'm know that when the time comes, you'll be an excellent mentor."

"Thanks." Poppypaw mewed. He turned back to Fernshade. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"Some water would be nice." Fernshade meowed.

"Okay. I'll be right back." Poppypaw called as he dashed out of the den.

Stormspot sat back and watched Fernshade pull her kits closer to her belly as Fireclaw layed down next to her and wrapped his tail around her and their kits.

Welcome to ThunderClan, little ones.




Stormspot woke up slowly. Lying in his nest, he allowed the last black tendrils of sleep to drift away. A quarter moon had passed since Fernshade's kits were born. Stormspot often visited her sister, tending to any of her needs as she rested.

He sat up in his nest and gave his body a long stretch, his jaws opening in a big yawn. He slipped ou of the den, the wind ruffling his fur.

Most of the clan was awake and tending to their assigned tasks. Branchpelt was leading a patrol with  Stonehaze and Frostflower; Poppypaw and Petalpaw were helping the elders; Fallowstar and and Shadedsky were lounging outisde their den.

"There you are!"

Stormspot turned his head to find Cloudwing bounding across the clearing towards him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. Fernshade wants to see you." Cloudwing answered. "Your nephews and neice opened their eyes."

Stormspot's heart gave a little leap inside his chest. My nephews and neice. The concept of him having more kin still amazed him. He bounded across the clearing with Cloudwing behind him.

When he reached the nursery, he padded in quietly. Inside, Dewkit, Willowkit, and Sparkkit were gazeing around the den with newly opened wide eyes. Dewkit and Sparkkit both had blue eyes like Fireclaw while Willowkit had green eyes like Fernshade.

"Stormspot, you came!" Fernshade exclaimed. She padded over to meet him and pressed her muzzle against his.

"Of course I did." Stormspot mewed. "This is a big moment."

"Hi!" Sparkkit bounded up to stand beside his mother. "My name's Sparkkit. That's my brother Dewkit and my sister Willowkit."

Fernshade licked her son between the ears. "He knows who you three are." She beckoned for Dewkit and Willowkit to sit beside Sparkkit. "Kits, this is my brother and your uncle, Stormspot."

"We have more kin?" Dewkit squeaked.

"Yes." Fireclaw mewed. "There are two warriors named Stonehaze and Rainflight. They're your grandfather and grandmother on your mother's side. And there's Redfur: your grandmother on my side."

"What about our grandfather on your side?" Willowkit asked.

"My father hunts with our ancestors." Fireclaw answered. "He died shortly after I became an apprentice. He was a golden tom named Sunstorm."

"Wow." Sparkkit meowed. "I wish we could've met him." 

"He would've loved to meet you three too." Fireclaw purred, playfully flicked Sparkkit with his tail.

Stormspot, wanting to leave his sister to be with her family, mewed his goodbye and padded out of the nursery. Cloudwing followed, letting out a low purr.

"Fernshade's kits are wonderful." She mewed.

"I know." Stormspot agreed. "I'm happy for her."

"Do you want kits?" Cloudwing asked.

Stormspot starred at the white she cat for a moment. "Yes, Of course."

Cloudwing wrapped her tail arpund her paws.
"Who would you have them with?"

Stormspot tilted his head to one side. "I don't know. Why?"

Cloudwing let out a small huff of laughter. "You don't get it do you?"

"Get what?"

Cloudwing stepped closer to Stormspot and licked his cheek. "I love you."

Stormspot's ears twitched and he questioned if he heard her right. "You do?"

"Yes." Cloudwing replied. "I have ever since we were apprentices. Why do you think I liked to tease you?"

Stormspot smiled. "I love you too."

Cloudwing let out a small purr and nuzzled her nead under Stormspot's chin. Stormspot rested his chin on the top of her head and wrapped his tail around them.

Life is finally right.

A/N: sorry this chapter was kinda short(at least I thought it was). I'm just glad I finally finished this chapter.

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