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(Cat above is Branchtail)

Stormpaw struggled underneath the weigh pushing down on him. "Alright, Fernpaw! Get off!" He spat at his sister.

Fernpaw let out a small huff of laughter and sprang to her paws. Stormpaw staggered to his paws and gave his fur a quick shake. Branchtail sat off to the side along with Fernpaw's mentor, Frostflower.

The brown warrior was shaking his head. "No. You aren't being careful and aware. When you leap onto her back, you need to be aware that she could roll over and crush you." He padded over to Stormpaw. "Luckily for you Fernpaw is your size. If this were a real battle, you could've been seriously injured. Now try again."

Stormpaw sighed. This was the sixth time he had been told to try again. Fernpaw was already facing him, ready for him to attack once more. Stormpaw leapt at her again and this time landed on her back and leapt off as she rolled over. He flashed a glance at Branchtail.

His mentor have him an approving nod. "Good."

Frostflower noticed Fernpaw let out a yawn. "I think that's enough training for today." She mewed. "Good job, both of you."

"I agree." Branchtail meowed. "Let's head back to camp."

The four cats began to make their way through the forest. Branchtail had said nothing more to Stormpaw as they walked and Stormpaw's pelt prickled with uneasiness. Is he disappointed in me?

As they slipped through the gorse tunnel, Branchtail and Frostflower departed to the warriors' den.

Stormpaw made his way to the apprentices' den and sprawled himself out. Fernpaw joined him with two mice dangling from her mouth. She dropped one in front of him then sat down with the other.

"What are you so disappointed about?" She  asked.

Stormpaw simply looked up at her. "I'm not disappointed."

"A mouse on the moor could have heard your tail hit the ground," Fernpaw mewed.

"I feel like Branchtail is disappointed in me." Stormpaw admitted.

"I'm sure he's not. You're not going to be good at a move on the first try." Fernpaw meowed, swallowing a bite of her mouse. "Branchtail knows that. He probably just wants you to train harder."

Stormpaw flashed his sister another look before he sat and dug into his mouse. Once they had both finished their meals, the two siblings continued to sit in silence. After a few moments, Stormpaw opened his mouth to speak, when suddenly Firepaw came racing across the clearing to mee them with Cloudpaw behind him.

"It's tomorrow!" Firepaw announced excitedly.

"What is?" Fernpaw asked.

"My warrior ceremony!" Firepaw exclaimed.

"He just got back from his assessment." Cloudpaw mewed. "Mudpelt and Fallowstar finally decided it was time he earned his name."

"Fallowstar's holding the ceremony first thing in the morning!" Firepaw beamed as he slipped into the apprentices' den with Cloudpaw following.

Stormpaw watched them leave, a hint of jealousy tugging at him. Firepaw was the oldest apprentice but he hadn't trained as long as Stormpaw had, due to a case of greencough that had left him in Whitepool's den for a moon.

"It's about time Firepaw moved into the warriors' den." Fernpaw commented.

"I wish we were being assessed." Stormpaw muttered. "We've trained longer."

"It wasn't Firepaw's fault his case of greencough was so bad." Fernpaw retorted. "And besides he's still older and more experienced."

Stormpaw's only reply was a snort. I shouldn't be having to train anymore. What more do I need to learn?

He looked to the warriors den as his father Stonehaze slipped out with Brackenear and Deerspot.

Life's going to be a lot better once I'm a warrior.




Stormpaw returned to the camp carrying three mice. Branchtail led him through the thorn tunnel, a wood pigeon in his jaws. He dropped it on a fresh-kill pile that had already been restocked by another hunting patrol.

"You did well." he congratulated him. Stormpaw felt relieved that he had made up for the battle training.

Stormpaw dropped his kill of f then padded to the apprentices' den. Inside, the nests were empty except for Cloudpaw's. He could see her snow-white pelt rising and falling gently as she slept. She was as beautiful. Stormpaw had developed a crush on her after training for several moons.

"Sleeping late?" He asked.

Cloudpaw's head shot up. She glared at him the gave her slender body a long stretch. "I've already been hunting and on a patrol." She meowed, playfully. "What have you done today?"

"Hunting, Battle training." Stormpaw flicked his ears.

Cloudpaw simply smiled slyly as she slipped past him and out of the den. Stormpaw followed her and walked out just in time to see Firepaw and Fernpaw walk through the thorn tunnel with fresh kill in their jaws. His sister was looking at the ginger tom with a look he had never seen her make before.

The two apprentices dropped of their catches and Stormpaw saw Firepaw mew something to Fernpaw. Fernpaw smiled then pressed her muzzle to his.

Stormpaw tilted his head to one side. Fernpaw and Firepaw? How long has this been going on?

He turned to Cloudpaw. "Have you noticed Firepaw and Fernpaw?"

Cloudpaw nodded. "She likes him. She told me"

Stormpaw's tail twitched. He was happy Fernpaw found a tom she liked but she was too young. And his sister.

He shook his head and slipped back into the den. He padded over to his nest and curled up, wrapping his tail around him.

First Branchtail's disappointed in me, then Firepaw's becoming a warrior, and now Fernpaw likes him.

Why can't anything go right?

Warriors: Stormspot's GriefWhere stories live. Discover now