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(Cat above is Snowstorm)

Stormspot padded through the forest. He wasn't far from the ThunderClan camp. I shouldn't be doing this, he thought to himself. I'll have my pelt ripped off if I get caught.

He was hoping to find Cloudwing. He hoped to see her again. To see his kits. To See how they've grown.

Suddenly, up ahead he heard to sound of pawsteps coming closer. Stormspot stood his ground ready for which one of his old clanmates he would meet and possibly have to fight. Finally, the cat came into view. It was his son, Snowpaw. The young tom looked at Stormspot for a moment with a look of curiosity and then a look of hatred.

"What are you doing here?!" Snowpaw demanded. "You don't belong to ThunderClan anymore. Get out!"

Stormspot took a step forward. "Snowpaw, please. If you could hear me out, I'll-"


Stormspot's ears twitched as if he didn't understand. His heart slowly began to break more. Snowstorm? HIs kits had become warriors...and he wasn't there.

"You're a warrior?" he asked.

Snowstorm nodded. "We all are. Snowstorm, Raindrop, Hazelbreeze, Sparktuft, Dewtail, and Willowgaze."

Stormspot smiled. "Congratulations. I'm proud of you. I know you six trained hard."

"Thanks." Snowstorm replied, slight sadness tinted in his voice.

Stormspot studied his son. He was built like him, lean but strong. His white fur was sleek amd smooth, and he a a scar over his muzzle just like Stormspot did. He had grown up well.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." Stormspot meowed. "I'm sorry I'm not the father you deserve."

Snowstorm raised his head. "Why did you do it? Why did you kill those cats?"

Stormspot sighed and lowered his head. "Grief causes you to terrible things. We all grieve differently. I wanted to avenge my family. They were killed and they were innocent. They had no part in this rivalry between Wolfstar and Fallowstar."

"I guess you did have good reasons." Snowstorm meowed. "No cat knows what you went through."

"I didn't want any cat to find out." Stormspot mewed. "I didn't want to leave ThunderClan."

"Then what are you doing here?" Snowstorm asked.

"I wanted to see you or your siblings." Stormspot answered. "Or Cloudwing."

"They're back at camp." Snowstorm replied. "I-"


From somewhere close by, they could hear some cat calling for Snowstorm. "That's Dewtail." The white tom mewed. "I have to go."

He turned to leave but Stormspot bounded ahead and stopped him.

"Wait." Stormspot meowed. "Before you go, please tell Raindrop amd Hazelbreeze that I'm proud of them and love them. Tell Cloudwing that I'm alive and that I'm safe. Let her know how much I love and miss her. Please."

Snowstorm looked at his paws for a moment. Fear swelled in Stormspot's chest. What if his son refused? Cloudwing would never know what happened to him after he left. After a couple of heartbeats, Snowstorm looked up, a smile ascross his muzzle.

"Don't worry. I'll tell them." He mewed. "Bye Stormspot. Stay safe."

And with he bounded off to find Dewtail and return to camp. Stormspot watched his son leave before turning on his heels and retracing his pawsteps back home.



"Stormspot's back!" Violet cheered.

Stormspot barely looked up as three of his kits ran up to him, bombarding him with questions.

"Did you see any of your old clanmates?"

"Were you attacked?"

"Did any cat notice you?"

Stormspot didn't answered but lowered his head and kept walking. Bailey noticed the pain in his eyes and moved to usher her kits away. "Why don't you three go over there with Owl?"

The three kits nodded and bounded over to their sister. Stormspot sat at the entrance of the nest, looking down at his paws. Bailey padded over to him and sat down beside him, gently nuzzling his shoulder.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I didn't see cloudwing." Stormspot began. "I saw Snowstorm. He's a warrior now. All three of them are. He threatened me at first but I think he warmed up a little. I just wanted to see Cloudwing. I wanted to tell that I was alive and safe. That I had found a home." He paused for a moment. "That I love her."

Bailey starred at her mate for a moment before pressing her muzzle to his. "I have a feeling Cloudwing knows. I have a feeling she has never doubted your love for her or ever will. She knows you're a strong cat."

"But I wanted to tell her." Stormspot mewed. "Just so that I knew that she knew."

Bailey nuzzled him again and the two sat in silence for a moment. Their kits bounded over to them.

"Who's Snowstorm?" Stone asked.

Stormspot looked at his kits and smiled. "He's my son. He's in ThunderClan."

"We have more brothers?!" Bramble exclaimed.

"Yes." Stormspot answered. "Snowstorm and Raindrop, and you have a sister named Hazelbreeze."

"Wow!" Violet beamed. "Are they warriors?"

Stormspot nodded. "They haven't been warrior long ."

"What about our cousins?" Stone asked.

"Snowstorm told me they're warriors to—Sparktuft, Dewtail, and Willowgaze." Stormspot replied.

"I can't believe we have older siblings and cousins!" Bramble exclaimed. "And they're all warriors!"

Stormspot smiled as his kits continued talking about their clan kin. Bailey nuzzled him again and watched them with him. Stormspot looked at the sky, wondering if Snowstorm had told Cloudwing yet.

I'm safe, Cloudwing. I'll see ypu again one day.

I promise.

Warriors: Stormspot's GriefWhere stories live. Discover now