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Lexa P.O.V
As we pull in to a parking spot outside of Grounders, "Hey Clarke?" "Yeah Lexa"? "Do you go to college?" "Yes, I go to Trikru University. Why?" "Just wondering, shall we go in?" She nods I run around the car to open her door for her, maybe a little too fast "Lexa, how did you get there so quickly?" I look at her with a smirk " I just ran around the car" She nods but i dont think she quite believed me "Thank you Lexa" We walk into the restaurant and ask for a table, as soon as we enter Anya comes flying at us "Lexa why didn't you say you were coming in?" "I wanted to have dinner to get to know Clarke my new p.a" I gesture to Clarke whos standing a little behind me, Anya looks at her then at me with a look that sais Are you fucking stupid? I nod because I may as well be. "Clarke, this is Anya, Anya this is Clarke" I shoot Anya a glare "Anya its nice to meet you" Clarke extends her hand, and luckily Anya does the same "You too. Now I must go and see Luna she's in the kitchen, Lex you want the same as usual?" I nod and look at Clarke "What would you like?" "Oh uhm I'll have the same as you if that's alright?" Anya nods with a fake smile "It'll be out soon" "Thanks An" I go to our table and hold out Clarke's chair "Thank you" "No problem" "Clarke, if you wish we can ask eachother questions" She nods, then a waiter arrives asking what we want to drink "Water" We say it the same time, Clarke just laughs, "So Lexa, when did you become CEO?" "Last year when my father retired. Do you know many people here?" "A few like the Blakes, Reyes and now, you"
I nod "Any boyfriends?" She shakes her head "No not, anymore he didn't like me moving so much but I have to for family and school" "I wouldn't have liked it either considering, that you could have cheated whilst away" She shakes her head "That's a valid point I guess. What about you anyone special?" I laugh "No last time that happened it ended, let's say badly" She nods "Here comes Anya and another woman, I take it shes Luna?" I turn my head "Yeah that's Luna alright" "Lexa, how many... Hello Im Luna and you are?" She looks at Clarke with a strange glow in her eyes "I'm Clarke, Lexa's new P.A." She holds out her hand "Clarke as in Clarke Griffin?" How will Clarke handle this?I ask myself when i hear Clarke's voice but not to everyone else "Why can I hear Lexa? And how does she know my last name? Wait, no no no. When faced with a half and half, they have the ability to know you by name after a few short minutes. Damn shes a werewolf and a vampire" That last word struck me like a dagger. I look at Anya with desperate eyes "Lexa, may we speak to you for a moment?" She pulls Luna by the hand and I go to follow "I shall be but a moment" Clarke nods and gets out her phone. Once im with Anya and Luna I explain quickly "I can hear what she's thinking and she can hear me. She knows Luna is a half and half, but she analysed it quickly like reading it out of a book" "What that means shes a hunter, get her out of here" I shake my head "I can't if she's a hunter she'll know somethings up if I say we have to go" "Damn it Lexa why do always have trouble when picking girls" I shrug my shoulders "I should get back to her. Don't try anything we need information" They nod and I go back to Clarke "Sorry I took so long they were interrogating me for information about you" "Really like what?" "If you're single and if this was a date" "Well im single and is this a date?" "It can be if you want it to" She smiles and nods, then I hear her thoughts "Damn I can't do this, but if I dont it'll be me" I decide to ask her something "So, before you came to work at Polis, where did you work for?" She pauses for second "I worked at a bar called Arkers" I nod knowing she didn't "Seems our food is here" As soon as finish my sentence Anya comes out with two stakes "Enjoy" Is all she sais before shes back in the kitchen with Luna.
After dinner- Lexa's car
"Need a ride home?" "I can walk from the office to my place, seems Octavia needed my car tonight so she picked it up from there" "You don't have to walk just tell me where to go" She nods "I live on Trikru Ave. Apartment block 15" "Really? Thats a coincidence we live in the same building" She looks at me with shock "What thought I lived in a penthouse?" "Well yeah, I mean you're Lexa Woods CEO of Polis Corp" I laugh "Yeah but i dont live with anyone else so an apartment is fine" she nods. We don't talk more after that. Once were at the apartment block I open her door and walk with her to the elevator "I had a good time Lexa, Thank you" The elevator opens on the floor below mine "Goodnight Lexa" and with that shes gone. Once im in my apartment I get my phone out "Shit, I didnt give her my number" I go to the receptionist and ask for Clarke Griffin. "Ms Woods, she's in apartment 12 on the 10th floor" "Thank you" I go back to the elevator and press in the 10th button. As the door opens im out like a lightning bolt I get to her apartment and knock. After a few moments she answers the door whilst shes on the phone "O I'll call you later and dont drive all over town trying to find me. Love you bye" "Lexa? Did I forget something?" I shake my head "No I did though" Before I knew what i was doing I lean in and kiss her after a second she kisses me back I go to change angles but she pulls away "I can't do this, not yet" I nod my head "I'm sorry I don't know what i was thinking I-" Before I can continue my phone rings "I have to go I'll see you tomorrow" "Goodnight Lexa" I nod my head and answer the phone "Woods, who's this?" Her door closes and I walk to the elevator "Anya thank fuck, I did something stupid" "What now?" "I kissed Clarke"

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