Back in Polis/The End

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Third person P.O.V
The gang went from Rome to Amsterdam to Paris.l, having been to all the mostly traveled places in fhe world they got a call from Raven and Octavia. Guys they have found out where you are, you cant keep running anymore it will never end . O this will end I'll get Lexa to takes us back to Polis we will end this. Lexa was next door on the phone to her father Dad well back soon Clarke has made the decision to come home call down Roan of Azgeda and Ontari we fight as we get back the Mountain ends with them.
Lexa P.O.V.
Babe you want to leave? Ok its going to be a fight and we know it. I've called my father hes arranging the help Azgedas best fighters and obviously Luna and Anya will help best hope Octavia and Raven will help. We will win this Yeah well win i just my mother isnt so stupid to listen to Cage or Pike. Call her. What? Call her she'll listen as she thinks youre dead well you know what i mean. No. She deserves to not know itll be her little surprise to se her daughter walk in and end her little operation.
The next afternoon infront of the new Arkadia headquarters in Polis
Ok its time. Klark are you sure? Im sure, this ends tonight.
Third person P.O.V
The battle went on for hours walking through a maze of a building Clarke at Lexas side fighting off guards with Roan and Ontari at the back. Anya and Luna down another corridor with Octavia and Raven at the back as the teams went futher through slashing and shooting guard after guard Clarke finnaly confronts her mother for her actions. I TRUSTED YOU, LET YOU SEND ME AND WHAT I THOUGHT WAS MY FAMILY TO KILL INNOCENTS. WHY? Because Clarke they are dead and horrible creatures who should have died long ago. Werewolves shouldnt exist they are abominations to this world we are the natural not your little girlfri- Abby didnt get to finish her sentence before a blade had sliced  her neck open as she fall to her knees Clarke sais her final words to her mother I hope you burn in hell along with this building. Lexa takes the hinta and tells her friends to escape. Clarke we need to leave weve set the place to explode come on. Yeah coming
She takes Clarkes hand and blur to the door a few minutes go by as they stop Cage from escaping the building as they push him back in the whole place goes up in flames. So much for hardfought victory Clarke laugs as she sais it are you alright clarke? That wasnt pretty babe. Yeah Lex im fine can we just leave i dont want to be here anymore. All Lexa did was nod  and put her arm around her. They walked back to Clarkes old apartment and just sat there. Clarke didnt drink anyhting or talk for days. Lexa being worried tried to distract her  Maddi and Aden tried aswell it was as if no one was there Clarke was just a husk of being. That it is until she noticed Lexa stop trying and just laying om the couch and Aden and Maddi not talking to eachother. Whats going on? You wont talk anymore and were worr- Clarke you-youre talking? Finally! Lexa just blurred right over and took Clarke to the floor Missed you too baby.
They got her to eat/drink something and after that fell in to old routines of joking playing and just being with each other.
A month later
The wedding ceremony had just ended they were now at the kiss. The party was extravagant. They finally had peace. The end.

A/N right ok this thing was just sitting there and i lost all motivation for writting so this is probably the crappiest thing ive ever wrote (trust me thats saying something lol) i have 0 time so i just thought id quickly come up with something seeing as this has almost been up a year? I cant remember. Anyways this is story thanks for reading and hope you have a good day/night/existencei wont post again on her so see ya dudes/gals *runs away from phone*

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