What? Part 2

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Lexa P.O.V
"Anya thank fuck, I did something stupid" "What now?" "I kissed Clarke" "You what?, why?" "Because Gustus said shes my soulmate and I really like her and now I don't know what to do" "I take it she rejected you cause shes a fucking hunter" "Anya shes a hunter so what, she hasn't tried to kill me so that's a plus and she can hear my damn thoughts when were near eachother" "Do you want me to come over?" "No, because you will bring Luna and she'd try to kill Clarke" "Ok. What did Clarke say?" "She said she can't do, this not yet" "Well that's good we can fix this. Tomorrow morning before you leave for work, go to her place and apologise, ask if she needs a ride and once you're in your office just be normal" "And If it doesn't work?" "If it doesn't work just get her flowers apologise again and leave" "Ok thanks An" "Yeah see ya" She hangs up. Right I need to plan how Im going to do this.
Next morning- 7.a.m.
"Ok just go down, knock, apologise, ask if she needs a ride" I keep repeating that over and over again. Once I get to her door, before I could even knock some girl comes out, on closer inspection I see its Reyes from engineering."Oh hey Ms Woods, Clarke's gone already said she had to do something before she goes to work" "Ok Reyes thank you for informing me" With that I leave. I get to my building and say to the receptionist "When Clarke Griffin gets here tell her I need to see her. If she gets here whilst I'm in my meeting tell her she has more time to do her errands before work" I don't even wait for an answer I just walk to the elevator so I can go to my office.
15 minutes later- Meeting with Titus
Titus. Lexa
Titus fuck off, Im not doing anything wrong. Lexa you can't exit the building with your Personal Assistant and then drive her home. I own this fucking company so i can do what ever the hell I want. Love is weakness. I wont hear this again. I can perfectly seperate feelings from duty, you've taken up enough of my time go and do your other job. Yes Heda.
7:45 a.m.
I hear a knock at my door "Come in Clarke" She comes in with a bag and two coffees. She imidiatly starts talking "Lexa, I got you your coffee and sandwich from the coffee house" "Thank you Clarke. Listen about last night I don't know what I was doing but I went to yours with the intention of giving you my number not to kiss you. I'm sorry." "Lexa its fine i dont care that you kissed me, its not as if the world will end now is it? Plus I said I can't do anything not yet" "Ok Clarke I have to do some work I call you if I need you"
She nods and goes to her office, after I finish my E-mails I go to the florist and get her bouquet of flowers. I get back to my office without seeing Titus. I knock on her door "Come in" I walk through the door "I didnt know what type you liked so I just got you these" "Lexa they're beautiful thank you, but why did you get them?" "I just thought our conversation could have been better so I thought flowers would work" " Thank you" "No problem, do you need a ride home?" " No im just gonna walk its a nice night out" "Ok Clarke, goodnight" "Goodnight Lexa" I walk out of the building to see my car is gone, that's strange I drove it here. "Heda, your car is over here I had someone wash it for you" "Thank you Titus, walk with me" "Yes Heda" "Titus I know you don't agree with me but I can do as i wish" "I'm sorry Lexa" "What's wrong you barely ever call me Le-" He stabbed me in the back with something sharp "I had to do it, I told your father it was a bad idea to put you in charge but im sor-" "You fucking will be you bastard" I rip out his heart and throw it then i manage to kick him away before stumbling a few feet away from him and sitting against a wall. After a few minutes I hear footsteps so I look up "Lexa? Why are you on the floor? "Clarke? How did you get here?" I thought she walked on the other street "Lexa lets get you home so we can see the damage Ok?"I can only nod at her. She helps me up and I feel a little stronger when i hear her thoughts "I seriously need to figure this out" "Don't worry I know what's happening with us" I think about Titus "At least I got to know my hunter" After that everything is a little blurry. We get to her apartment and into her bedroom Lexa Clarke
Lexa whats wrong? Why were you nearly unconscious on the floor? Clarke there was a hunter after me and I had to fight but the bastard cut me with something and now I think im dying. Ok I know how to fix this, when the hunter strikes but misses the heart any wound can be healed by a hunters blood. Ok Lexa I need you to do something. What do I do?Bite my wrist itll heal you. Clarke I can't do that. I missed one important detail about me but I can't tell you. Lexa stop being an idiot and bite my wrist for fucks sake I know you're a vampire now do it. She grabs my face and kisses me I start bitting at her bottom lip, when she suddenly has her wrist to my mouth and I'm terrified that im going to kill her"Lexa this will heal you don't worry" After a couple seconds she takes her wrist away and moves to the bathroom to clean her wound, I go in behind her "Clarke how did you know?"  "Lexa go to my kitchen and grab an ice pack please, Ill explain in a minute once ive done this" I do as she asked and brought her the ice pack "Thanks.Go sit in the living room I'll be out in a sec" "Ok" "Actuall, Lexa come back in here" "Yeah Clarke?" "Where'd the hunter hit you?" I take off my jacket, lift up my top and turn around  "Lexa you're lucky that i found you. Go sit down I'm nearly done"

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