Maybe I love you

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Clarke P.O.V
Maybe I love her, but it's too soon to say it. She said it when yelling at her cousin, then again when i asked. I need to give her an answer by morning. I'll sleep on it.
Next morning- 7 a.m.
Lexa. Clarke
Lex? You up? Yeah I'm in here. Listen we need to talk about last night. Yeah, I know I was stupid and that it's way too soon, but it's how I feel. I know but it's too soon, like I think maybe im in love with you but I don't want to say it in case this doesnt workout now im rambling so if you could just say something that would be great- She kisses me This will work, we'll make it work. I love you Lexa. She kisses me again. "So are we going to work today?" "No, I wanted to take you on a tour like i said I would. Now go get dressed" "Ok" "Oh and Clarke?" "Yeah?" "I love you too"
10 minutes later- Lexa's car
Lexa. Clarke.
So where are we going? Its a suprise Really Lex? I pout at her and she gives in Fine we're going to the woods and then I'm taking you on a date. Why the woods? I wanna show you something I know you will like. Do you have your sketch book? Yes. Wait how'd you know I sketch? I may or may not have came across it when you were out yesterday. Bitch I try to keep a straight face but fail when Lexa smiled at me You love me and you know it. Unfortunately, I do Shall we go? Let's
She drives for about 15 minutes when she parks the car and gets out, she opens my door, I pull a face at her and she laughs, "Clarke it's over there, a five minute walk at most" "but?" "I'm kinda gonna do something" "Lexa, wha-" Before I could finish my question Lexa picks me off and runs into the woods. She puts me down on a rock and smiles. Clarke. Lexa
You bitch, atleast give me a warning next time. Sorry, sort of anyways, see i wanted to do that but in the Polis building. You mean tower, and why? Well I just wanted to and it was part of my plan. Plan? Yeah, if you look that way you'll see the sun at just the right spot for you to make a masterpiece. So you brought me to dra- I look where Lexa pointed and it was an amazing view

 So you brought me to dra- I look where Lexa pointed and it was an amazing view

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Lex, this is amazing. Yeah, but there's a reason for bringing you here. Yeah? I start drawing. I wanted to know how you became a hunter. Well my mom remarried after my dad died. After that they joined the council at the Arkadia Agency. Now shes chancellor Abby Kane and she gave me this as my 1st mission. Ok what happens when you dont report back? They'll assume im dead or that i am what i hunted. And then the hunter becomes the hunted, so how are we gonna do this? I can disappear or something Ill go where ever you go. You know thats sounds really cheesy right? Yeah I regret that. Do you know who would hunt you? No. Ok I have an idea, I'll show you after you finish drawing. Ok, dork. Once I was done sketching I just put my book away, i looked for Lexa but couldn't see her when I hear a rustle in the trees, i got ready for a threat I got my knife out. When someone jumped from the tree, I twisted around and pinned them to floor with the knife against their neck, only to realise its Lexa. Clarke. Lexa.
At least I know you can handle yourself. Asshole I could have killed you. Yes, but I was making sure. She looked like she was going to say something else. Lex, say what you were gonna say. It's just that when you pinned me down, uhm your eyes kinda turn red/blue. Like mine turn red/green. That cant be right, im human. Clarke Im just saying thats what happened. Ok I need to figure out what the hell is happening. Clarke did you clean your wound properly? I look at my wrist and take the bandage off to see a scar. Yeah, let's go shall we? She doesn't look like she believes me but she smiles and nods at me. She takes me to our date. Clarke I have to go to the office really quickly, come with me? Yeah sure.
We go into the building and she takes me to her office. Clarke come through here, I need to show you something. I walk to her and she quickly lifts me up and runs out the window, I close my eyes. Clarke open your eyes. Ok. I open my eyes and look at Lexa we're on top of Polis tower. Clarke Im going to jump down, follow me after. She goes to walk away but I grab her arm. Please do- argh! Clarke whats wrong? My head hurts, Lexa whats happening? She holds my head to her chest, Clarke think of your paintings, your friends, family. Ok ill try. I close my eyes and start thinking of Lexa, my head starts clearing. When I open my eyes, again Lexa is gone I didnt even feel her move. Lex? Lexa where are you? I hear a growl and I pull my knife out again. They try to tackle me but I pin them down with the knife against their neck. I see a flash and I focus on the person, Lexa. Lexa what are you doing? I took a picture of you. Look. She shows me her phone and I see that my eyes are red/blue I get off of Lexa and sit down. Lex I don't feel so good. I know come here. She hugs me and then kisses my forehead. I'm sorry. Why? I bit you. No i forced you to bite me 'cause you were dying. But now you're being hunted. I'm a vampire. Yeah I'm sorry. Don't be it was worth it. I smile and kiss her. Clarke? Yeah Lex? I know a way that they can't hunt you. Come work for me

Double chapter today 🙃 cause i think ill post twice on like Tuesdays and Saturdays, but Thursdays I will only post once. Have a good day/evening/night or existence. See ya.

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