What Are We Doing?

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Clarke P.O.V
I walk into my bedroom to get a change of clothes for Lexa and I. Once I walk into the living room shes sat on my couch looking down. Clarke. Lexa.
How did you know?  Lexa before i answer that can I say something? She nods I really like you and I want to continue like before maybe a little more than friends? What like partners or girlfriends? How about we start with dating. Now for your question, I knew because I'm a hunter and this was my first mission Were you going to kill me? I couldn't do it as soon as I looked at your photo from your file I knew it'd be hard but not this hard. Can I tell you something? Yeah? I can hear your thoughts and you can hear mine. I felt stronger when you held me up on the way back. I asked my father what this meant he, uhm, Said that were soulmates? Yeah  and I don't know if you're lying about not being able to kill me or not Lex I can't kill you, if you need proof stay the night. I cant, I have no clothes. Here take these. You shouldn't go to work tomorrow. Why? You're going to be hurting alot and we need to get to know eachother. Properly not just what we read in a file. Ok yeah. Also you might want to know how i became a vampire. My ex girlfriend Costia said we were soulmates, I believed her for a time. She bit me in my sleep. When I woke up she looked at me then to another girl in the room. I could hear the girls heartbeat, next thing I know I have blood on my hands and Costia was laughing. Then i turn to her and I rip her heart out leaving her on the floor. When I snap out of it im in a room and my cousin Anya walks in saying she saved me. This was last year I was nineteen. I dont want turn you into this, so be carefull around me. Just because she did that doesn't mean you will. I trust you now get some rest ill be out tomorrow for a couple of hours because I have uni. Ok ill stay here? Yes stay here. What do you eat exactly? Raw meat or something ok i have to go shopping aswell tomorrow but ill be back before 1. Night Lex. Night Clarke
Next morning- 6:40 a.m.
I get ready for my class that i have in 15 minutes i grab my keys and backpack, as I walk out my room I see Lexa on the couch asleep. I walk out the room and then I hear Lexa's thoughts I guess you didn't kill me then I decide to answers No I didn't because I like you now go back to sleep.  Yes Clarke have a good day.
As I get to uni Octavia tackles me "Where were you?" "At work and I'm going to be late for class now so fuck off" "Ouch Griffin. Anyways what are doing after your class?" "I have to go shopping then I have a date" "Ohh you going out with Lexa? Or you cooking her something?" "I'm cooking now go away Rave wants you" I point to Raven waiting by her car, "Hope she has strong stomach if youre cooking"  Octavia hugs me and runs off to see her "Shes a bitch". I get to class as the bell goes. The teacher talks about art history and culture for two hours. After that another class that goes on for one hour.
I finish packing up and go to the store on my way back home to pick up some food for Lexa and I. Once back at my apartment I kick the door and Lexa opens it "Damn let me help you" She grabs all of the bags and walks to the kitchen "I forgot you have super strength" She laughs at me "I'm making us dinner tonight and yes you're staying again" She nods her head "Clarke. What are we doing?" "What do you mean?" "What will we do if things end badly or if we end up together?" "Well if it ends bad ill just get a new job. If it ends good we'll see" I wink at her, she just shakes her head laughing "Ok need any help?" "Just that you stay there and rest, also please text your cousin and say im not going to kill you" "She'll ask why?" "Just say we're dating" "Ok, but she'll be over here in 5 minutes" "Why?" "That's what she just said, also Luna's bringing wine do you mind?" "No, not at all though I have a feeling ill be using that gear after all" "What gear?" "The knives and maybe protective armor" "Don't worry Clarke if you stay by me they wont do anything" I go up to her and kiss her "Soulmates huh? I guess I got lucky" "No I did, I get to have you and the world will fall on its knees" She kisses my forehead and unpack some of the food, even when I told her not to. After its all unpacked I went and got changed into jeans and a t-shirt. Lexa went to her place to get changed, when she came back she had a single red rose in her hand "What's with you and flowers?  "Just wanted to say thank you for saving my life, and sorry for what is going to be said by my cousin and Luna" I shake my head and kiss her "You're such a dork" She shrugs and walks into the kitchen to get a drink "Clarke, if they get too much just think about it and ill tell them to go" "Ok, I think I can handle them though" She looks at me and shakes her head. There's a knock on the door and Lexa goes to get it when she opens shes engulfed by Luna. Clarke. Lexa. Anya. Luna.
Lexa we thought you were joking it took us ages to find the place. Yeah Luna couldnt even track you. Guys Clarke isn't going to kill me.I slip behind Lexa and take her hand. Yeah why would I kill someone Im dating? Dating? Last I heard Lexa was pacing her apartment and you couldn't date yet. Same here it was quite funny actually. I was not pacing I was walking from the elevator to my apartment. Also it was because I hadn't told Lexa why I couldn't, I was supposed to eliminate her but I couldnt because it hurt me to think of hurting her. Luna are you hearing what im hearing? Yes I belive these two are soulmates. Yes we are we can hear each others thoughts we become stronger when we touch and Clarke saved my life. Titus tried to kill me but missed. Clarke cut her wrist so I would drink her blood. After she wouldn't do it after I asked her to, I kissed Lexa until she was distracted she started bitting my lower lip so I moved my wrist to her mouth, she drank the blood and now should be almost healed. They looked at eachother then back at us. Are you going to change into a vampire? No shes not I won't let her. Lexa I don't care if it happens but right now I don't think so. Lexa she must be like you for this to work. Yes listen to Luna it wont work. I won't change her because I love her. You what? I love you. Me and Luna are just gonna leave.
With that they're gone. "Lex im going to go to my room. I'll see you in the morning" "Clarke wait, im sorry but i dont know why i said it" "Lex, it was probably because we're soulmates, but I need to sleep, I'll see you in the morning"

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