But I already do

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Clarke P.O.V
Lexa. Clarke
Come work for me. But I already do. As in properly be my second in command. Lexa, if I'm second in command I cant be with you all the time. Well shit, uhm, how about you stay my personal assistant and I work more from home? First of all I was planning on staying your p.a. and dont worry about working from your home, because we work together. Ok I'll make sure youre safe. I know you will, dork. Only for you. I shake my head and kiss her. So, want to continue our date? Yeah. What's wrong Clarke? How am i going to get past Octavia? What do you mean? Shes just a friend right? Her eyes turn dark green. Shes a werewolf. Calm down. Sorry. She's a werewolf ok so she'll be able to tell your heart isnt beating. What will she do to you? I don't know last time she was near a vampire she freaked out and her eyes went yellow/green it was scary. Is she the only one of her family? No her mum was aswell but she died when she was like 8. Ok we can tell her together. Babe shell go crazy just stay in your apartment and stay clear of the door. Ok so I suppose she'll break it down? No but ill have to run. Maybe keep away from your bedroom window aswell. Ok I live directly above your neighbour to your right. Number 14? Yeah. Let's go.

30 minutes later- Grounders Restaurant
We walk in to see Anya walking out of the kitchen. When she spots us she goes back in the kitchen and returns with Luna.
Clarke. Lexa. Luna. Anya.
Lexa, its good to see you. We are sorry for last night. It's just you know the way we thin- Luna shush listen. Can you hear that? More like i can sense that.  "You're a vampire" They both say Yes shes a vampire she didn't clean the wound properly so this was an accident. But completely worth it to save Lexa. That's cute. Actually Luna we need some help. Clarke's bestfriend is a werewolf and hates vampires any way to keep her technically alive? Yes actually. Just tell her and run out the window, its what i did with Lunas parents. Luna hits Anya on the head Branwada, that's an option if you fail. Just get some meat and put in your pocket, she'll smell it and think nothing of it. When will you do it? Tonight after this. May we have two usuals? Obviously undercooked for you this time Clarke? Yes it'll be a first for me. Luna smiles and goes to the kitchen, Anya goes and gets the drinks. She brings them out and finally has a real smile on her face until she sees another customer come in. I hear my phone buzz. Lexa. Clarke
Damn it's Octavia shes going to be at my place in 30 minutes. Don't worry, I'll get Luna to give you something before we go. Thank you, also like i said stay away from your bedroom window and lock your door. Ok Clarke. Luna comes out with the food, and Lexa asks for something for when we leave. She nods and goes back to the kitchen.

1 hour later- Outside their apartment complex.
Lexa. Clarke
You ready? Probably not, I have the thing Luna gave me. Good, now if you get in trouble come to me. Obviously, but I should be good. Let me walk you to yours and then I'll go real quick. I'll be up later just lock your damn door. Ill be fine now go. We walk to my door and i quickly kiss Lexa before she leaves. I open my door to see Octavia on the sofa. Octavia. Clarke
Hey O, whats up? Clarke I know somethings up. What do you mean? You and Lexa, spill. We're dating. I knew it! But you're still hidding something and- Octavia we need to talk. Ok? What's your opinion on vampir- I don't like them why? Ok what if something happened say like me or Raven got bit, to save someone and the turned? I think I would be fine, its not like their personality changes, right? No they stay the same person just lack of breathing and a heartbe- Somethings wrong. Clarke? Tell me why the sudden interest. Im a vampire. Her eyes turn yellow/green and she stands up. You're a what?! A vampire, now sit down and I'll explain. Fine. She sits away from me, I tell her how it happened and she relaxes. Ok Clarke I get it, you love her. Can i stay here tonight? Ravens working late tonight. Sure I'm going to bed now. Ok ill see you in the morning. I might not be here when you wake up. I gotta work tomorrow. Ok if I dont ill text you. I nod and go in to my room, I shut my door and open my window and climb out to go to Lexa's. Luckily I can climb now, when  i get to her window I look in and see her standing in the doorway looking at me. Clarke. Lexa
Hey babe, it go Ok? Yeah it went fine just a tinge of anger, on her side mostly, shes asleep now. Can i stay with you? Yeah of course you can, do you want a drink? Yeah but it's weird I need a drink but I dont know what. I got you covered. She walks out of her room and comes back within seconds holding two pitchers. Try some of this. She gives me one and I almost spit it out. No that was horrible. Ok then that's a no for animal blood. Try this one. She gives the other one and it taste good. Hm what is this? Human blood, dont worry I didn't kill anyone its from a bloodbag. Tomorrow were going to the woods again Im going to teach you some basics. Ok? Yeah ok. Can you hear that? Yeah it's Octavia growling in her sleep I suppose, no dogs allowed in the building. Yeah that should be right. Lexa can we just lay down? I'm not tired yet. And you probably won't be for a while. Lexa I love you. I love you too Clarke.
We start kissing, its not long before it escalates Are you sure Clarke? Yes. I smile at her and she returns it before kissing me further and so on.

Next chapter will be up later today as I didn't prepare it cause im an idiot so it'll be up as soon as i finish it. Have a good day/night/evening or existence. 😜😜

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