The morning after

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Lexa's P.O.V
I wake up with Clarke laying with her head on my chest, I try to get out of bed without waking her up. Once im out of my room I go to make breakfast. I check my phone and text Indra that I won't be in for a few days as I'm sick, Clarke walks out of my room in my shirt on. Clarke. Lexa.
Morning Lex, whats thar smell? Bacon, there's blood and other things in the fridge if you need a drink. Ok, Octavia should still be asleep. You can borrow my clothes for today as we're only going to the woods to train. What are you training me for? Just basics, how to run normally and how not to rip someones head off when they flirt with me, that one ill join in on as I nearly went on rampage before you said that Octavia is just a friend. Yeah I saw that. Dark green eyes? Shouldn't it be red? No that's only when protecting or fighting. I was jealous. Ok so mine would be dark blue? Yes they would. You don't have to worry I'm not going with anyone else. I winks at her. Dork. We start training with running, then how to control anger, and lastly basic fighting wich we both know but it's better safe than sorry.
A few hours later- In the woods
We were laying under a tree, Clarke has her head on my chest, when we hear footsteps, "Clarke we need to hide, just in case" "Lex its probably just a hiker" "Clarke thats not a hiker I brought us to clearing way off the trail" she looks at me then nods. We climb up the tree and sit on a branch. Then walking into the clearing is a soldier holding a knife. Bellamy?. I look at Clarke as she thought of his name You know him Clarke?  Yeah he's a hunter and my friend, well I thought he was. "Clarke where are you dont worry I won't hurt you, I just want Lexa and this will be over." Clarke jumps down and lands on him. "You can't have her shes mine, you hurt her I kill you" "Clarke you're a hunter she needs to be dealt with, times up" He goes to get her off but she just keeps him there "When did you get stronger?" He screams out in pain when Clarke digs her nails in his arms. I jump down and talk to her "Clarke dont worry, I'll take him" she looks at me and shakes her head. "No hes mine" She knocks him out. "Clarke we need to leave he's not here on his own" "I know" "But?" "I have a tracker in me and I need to get it out, before I came here, my mom merged with a group called Maunon. They have trackers and I need mine out"  I nod and take her arm "Where is it?" She shows me but takes her arm away from mine "Just catch me when its over" Before I could ask what she meant, she rips out the device and spits it out. Her eyes turn black before she falls. I quickly catch her, I try to wake her but to no avail, i pick her up and run to my car so I can take her home. When I see my car i see another hunter on it, I decide to just run home. As im running she starts waking up. She opens her eyes "Why are you carrying me?" "You fainted, and now im taking you home. Before you ask there was a hunter on my car so I ran, we'll be home in 5 minutes" she nods and rests against my shoulder. "Lex take the back entrance" "Ok, hang on" I get to the back door and run up the stairs. Once on her floor i put her down and we walk to her place. When we get in she goes to her bathroom. "Clarke, you're a vampire now, you heal by yourself" "Yeah I know but if you get hit by a hunter you dont" I laugh at her "Mockery is not the product of a strong mind Clarke, now come here and rest" "Yes mom" I stick my middle finger up at her and she returns it with one of her own along with a smile. "I love you" She just nods before saying it back. We sit down and she lays on top of me again. She jumps up and takes out her phone "I have to call my mom, no maybe e-mail her, no write her a letter the longer it takes the better" "Clarke, just sit down rest and call her" She looks at me with sad eyes and I add "In the morning" She nods and goes back to laying on me. She hands me the remote and I switch on Netflix. "Let me guess. Disney movie?"  She nods and I put on the first one I find, Finding Nemo.
"Lex, are you working tomorrow?" "Yes, but ill pick you after your classes are finished" "They finish at 2" "Ok just in time for my lunch break" We go back to watching the movie, not 5 minutes later her phone is going off with the name Bellamy Blake on it she ignores it. Then it goes off again with a different name Echo Blake, she ignores thaf aswell. Then for the third time in a row Octavia Blake. "You not answering them?" "No because they'll gang up on us" "Ok, turn it off and let's go to sleep" She nods and takes me to her room she hands me some clothes and we change then get into bed. We don't sleep, Clarke lays her head on my shoulder and I kiss her forehead "How about we watch YouTube, because I know you're not going to sleep yet" "Yeah, thanks Lex, how am i going to deal with my mom?" "Just tell her you dont know or that the mission is a no go as I've disappeared" "Are you going to disappear?" "Not without you" She laughs "I can see headlines now. CEO Lexa Woods has vanished with personal assistant Clarke Griffin. What scandal has befallen the 20 year old?" "Clarke ill just say im moving but will keep the company in check. Besides they can't say anything I own the company" She laughs and soon after falls asleep. "Goodnight Skaiprisa" I barely hear her say "Godnight Heda" before I fall asleep myself.

I didn't update twice on Tuesday, but ill update twice on Saturday. Tell me what you think of this fic.  As always hope you enjoyed have a nice day/night/evening or existence. See ya 😝

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