Im Sorry What?

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Clarke's P.O.V
We wake up when Lexa's alarm goes off.
"Babe, why the fuck do you get up so early?" I groan and she just laughs "Its only seven thirty its not that early" I groan again "Clarke" "Hmm?" "Look at your phone its light is flashing" I roll over to check it:
5 missed calls and 10 unread messages  from Octavia Blake.
3 missed calls and 7 unread messages from Bellamy Blake.
4 missed calls from Echo Blake .
2 missed calls and 1 unread messages from Mom.   Clarke. Lexa.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Noo. What's wrong? My mom called and texted me, I didn't answer.
Shit, you better call her now. What did she say? That I need to call her a soon as possible. Ok how about you go and make breakfast whilst I deal with this bullshit. She nods and goes to the kitchen. I start pacing my bedroom as my phone rings
Abby. Clarke
Hey mom, sorry for not ans- Clarke why is the vampire still alive and why is your tracker in the middle of the woods? Also why did Bellamy report being knocked unconscious after trying to find you with Echo? First of all shes still alive because shes in hidding I haven't even met her yet, second of all I don't know why my tracker is in the woods as I have not mark of it being reopened, and third of all I haven't seen the Blakes other than Octavia after leaving the airport. Clarke Im trying to help you, so either tell me the truth or I cant stop them coming for you. What do you mean you can't stop them? You're the chancellor. I still can't change the law we go by. Im telling you the truth. She's nowhere to be found, no family, no friends, no trace. She's like a ghost. Ok, call Octavia shes worried after I called asking for you. Yes mom, talk soon. Of course. I hang up on my mom and call Octavia she answerd on the third ring.
Griffin you better have a good reason of avoiding mine and your mother's calls. You know I do, I removed my tracker chip and passed out. Next thing I know I'm in my apartment with Lexa this morning. I leave a few details out like her brother and training. Clarke, I'm guessing your going to school today? Yes O, I am but I won't be there until late, so don't wait for me. Ok, talk to you later. Sure, see ya O.
She hangs up  and I just ignore the other Blakes.  I walk into the kitchen and wrap my arms around Lexa. She laughs and turns around. "All good?"  I nod and she kisses my forehead "Eat, I'll drive you to class, then ill go to work to say that im moving" I pull away from her "I'm sorry what?" "I'm moving, out of the country" "You were gonna tell me this now?" "What I wanted to actually ask is, will you move with me?" "Where will you take me?" She thinks for a second "Paris, London, New York, around the whole world. You can think about it I won't go anywhere without you" I nod "I'll go with you. I just need to drop out of school, I'll do that today" "I'll get you into another school, where ever we go" I nod and kiss her, she wraps her arms around me and picks me up. She puts me back down "Go get ready I'll take you to class and I'll go with you to the secretary if you want" "Yeah, I'll be back in like five minutes"  I get changed into some jeans and a t-shirt. "Ok ready lets go" She smiles and we leave the apartment.
Lexa's P.O.V
1 hour later after checking out of Trikru - Lexa's office
Lexa. Advisor.
Listen here I will be away from this building and I'm putting Indra in charge of running things. Heda are you sure that is a goo- Do not question my decisions, I am moving away and Indra is to be leader of this building, dismissed. Yes Heda. I walk out of my office once the new advisor leaves, I find Clarke in her office and ask her if she's ready to go, she nods. We walk out of the elevator to see Indra waiting for me. "Heda you will be missed" "Now Indra im sure it will be gods gift that i have left you in charge. Now if you dont mind me and my p.a have a flight to catch" Indra nods and Clarke and I leave the building. Lexa. Clarke.
So what do we need to pack? Just some clothes and other essentials, we can buy the rest once we get there. Im guessing you have an idea. Yes we take only essentials and we make our homes look as if they have been ransacked. Clever, my mom will be worried though. Yes but you can call her just before and then leave your phone, we dont need to be tracked down. Ok, I'll tell Octavia to come over after we've packed. I nod as we continue to the apartments. Once we get there, we both go to our homes as planned to pack important items :Money, clothes, passport,..
Afterwards I wreck my place, and then meet her at hers. Ready Clarke? I just need to finish this off by calling my mom and then Octavia. Ok. I kiss her on the cheek and grab her bag. I can hear both her and her mother. Clarke whats wrong? Nothing just thought I'd call to see how things were. They're  good, so when are going to visi- Wait mom, I hear something. She points to me and I throw a glass on the ground. Clarke?! What's going on?! Mom dont worry I have it under cont- I smash another glass and Clarke drops her phone before quickly hanging up. Lexa. Clarke
Well that was fun now to call Octavia.
This will be fun. Be quick with this we have to go. She calls her and puts her on speaker. Griffin whats up? Octavia I need to speak to you. What's wrong?  Are you Ok? Yeah I think im ok its just Lexa left and she didn't tell me where she was going and- she pretended to sob into her phone and I had try not to laugh Don't worry I'm on my way with Raven ill be there in 20 minutes. Ok ill see you in a bit. She hangs up and bursts out laughing as she drops her phone on the floor. Oh my god that was funny. Yeah it was how did you get the crying voice? Practise from high school drama. Now we better go. You're right lets bolt. We get down stairs and into my car and drive to the airport. How are getting to France? Change of plan we're going to London, and were taking my private jet. We're going to London first? Yeah then after that we're off to Greenland, and then where ever you want. I love you Lexa. Love you too Clarke, now relax its going to be a while before we get to the airport. She nods and looks at the window, I hold her hand in the middle of the console of the car.

Sooo I think I missed an upload day but I had a bit work to do and I forgot, anyways the next one will be in third person P.O.V as to see all of the shit that goes down when Octavia gets to Clarke's place, but for now I hope you enjoyed reading. Hope you have a good day/night/night or existence. 😝😝

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