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Lexa P.O.V

We planned out how to stage the pictures. We'd do it in Berlin. Obviously Clarke's idea is what we'll end up doing. We buy a litre of fake blood and find a side street. We get to work Madi and Aiden lay down on the ground, then Clarke and I start pouring blood over them. After the blood has been spread out, Clarke takes pictures from different angles, then we head to my place thats an hour from where we took the pictures, once in the apartment the kids run into the bathrooms to get showered. Babe you sure this will work? Yes. Lex the kids look dead and its more proof than what we gave them on us. So they have no choice but to belive it. Exactly. Ok go gets some rest I'll cook.

A few days later

Clarke? Yeah Aiden?  Since we can't go back, are we staying with you from now on? Yeah me and Lexa will be like your big sisters. Or we can be your say foster parents? It's up to you guys. I hear Clarke talking to me Really? You wanna do that with me?. I nod at her Madi walks uo to us. Well i like that idea what about you Aiden? Sure that sounds fun. Then thats the plan we're basically a family? The kids and I all say yes at the same time, and go in for a group hug. Ok how about you two go play in one of your rooms. Ok. Clarke you ok? Yes just a bit surprised. Why? Because, Lex this is a big thing. Like really big. Yeah i know and theres no one I'd rather be with. Yes I heard how cliche that sounded. Clarke laughs Good because that was right out of a romance I used to want to die for, in a way I guess I did. Now who's being cliche She slaps my arm and we laugh. Come on let's go watch Netflix. Ok but we're not watching a documentary again. Fine, you pick. Notebook? I know I won't win so sure.
We end up asleep before the movie even finishes. I wake up with Madi poking me. What's wrong Madi? Uhm just wondering if were doing anything tonight? No probably a movie night. Why? No reason I'm just planning to go to sleep. I smile. Ok, night Madi. Night ehm Lexa.

Later that night

Clarke wake up. What? Dinner. Im up. I know, you'll always wake for food.
After we eat the kids go to a room, and i grab Clarke and take her to the balcony. Why were you so quite tonight? No reason. Liar. Fine I want to ask you something. Ok go on. I ehm, we've been going out for 9 months and I know love you. Lex you're rambling. Right ok. What i want to ask is I get down on one knee and pull out a ring. Clarke Griffin will you marry me? Clark gasps and covers her mouth. Clarke say yes. I look to my left and see Aiden he gives a thumbs up and runs back to his room. Yes. Yes? Yes Lexa I'll marry you. I stand up and kiss her she jumps onto me and I fall over. We just start laughing. Aiden and Madi both run out and join in on the now family group hug. Clarke Woods has its ring to it. Don't you think? Yes babe it does. Can we see the ring Clarke? Once Lexa let's go of my hand then yeah. I laugh and let go. How about we go inside theres more light. Clarke it's an awesome ring. Yeah really cool. Lex when did you even have time to get this? I've had it with me since London. LONDON?  Yes Clarke London. You were asleep and I just went out for a walk and came back with it. As always you are amazing. I know. I love you. Love you too

So Clarke what should we do? How about go to sleep

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So Clarke what should we do? How about go to sleep. Thats all you ever do- she elbows me in the side. Im going to sleep, now shut up and let's go. Yes babe. Night kids. Night Aiden. Night Madi. They both say Night guys.

Short one but yeah dont have a lot of time right now but i shall not stop updating till this stories finished. Anyways hope you enjoyed leave a comment and vote if you liked it. Have a nice day/evening/night or existence 😝
Btw you guys are awesome I didnt think anyone would actually read this but it's nearly at 200 reads after like 2 months it's amazing thank you.

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