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Clarke P.O.V
She had proposed, we had two kids although "adopted" life was going so fast and yet it was perfect, even with the agency trying to find us.

We made it to Rome a month after Lexa proposed  we had stayed in a hotel the first few days until Lexa came in with a thin book of houses. Babe come on we need to check out some places. Lex we have I look at one of them holy shit Lex that looks amazing. Told you now come on.
A few hours later-New apartment

 A few hours later-New apartment

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Lex this is the place

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Lex this is the place. I know. Oh yeah mind reading soul mate special power thing. Still Lexa this is the place. Lets go get the kids. No need theyre outside with our things. You had them driven over didn't you. Nope, they've been with us the whole time. Asshole, why didn't you tell me. The kids walk through the door. It was a surprise Clarke. They both say in unison. Guys I love you. They come running at me and Lexa just grabs me from behind so it's the weirdest group hug in history. Right then, Clarke and I will get the bags. Kids go pick a room.

1 hour later- after unpacking

Hey babe? Yeah Lex? What do you want to eat? Lex we haven't got any food here. I know, we can just order something. Ok, go ask the kids what they want. Ok babe. She walks out but i hear her whats the bet they want pizza? I answer her Probably, just go ask. I hear her laugh. I turn on the Tv. Then after a few minutes I hear Lexa in my head again Ta-dah time to order pizza. I laugh and she appears through the door. She leans on the door frame. What pizza do you want? Whatever, you pick. She rolls her eyes. Dont roll your eyes at me. Damn Lexa already whipped? Madi, be nice. What? I was just saying. Dont worry Clarke you know I've been whipped since we met. Well obviously your thoughts aren't exactly silent. I smirk and her and Madis face drop. What? Lexa you know it's true. I- ehm- Aww Ok let's ehm go get the pizza Madi Aiden stay here dont open the door. Yes we know. Lets go.

30 minutes later

Kids foods here. They come bolting down the hallway. Lexa cathes them before they crash in to us. Woah slow down new borns. Hey!  You guys are new borns you still dont know how to control yourselves. Ok sorry mo- I mean Clarke. Sorry Lexa.

Lexa? Did you hear what i heard?

Yes. Madi nearly called you mom.

What do we do?


Well let's eat. Let's. Ok Madi heres yours. Aiden yours. Ok go watch tv. I walk to the bedroom with Lexa in toe. Clarke you ok? Yes it's just they think they cant call us that. I know but we said call us what you want. Ok yes, let's just leave it like you said. Ok, let's go back to the living ro-  all of a sudden the kids are in our room, Clarke, Lexa theres someone outside. Aiden what do you mean? He means that there's a man outside with a gun, Lexa. Ok Madi what does the gun look like? Its an agency gun. Mom you know what gun it is. Ok let's do this kids stay here. Clarke have you still got your gear? Yes it's here, come on. We walk into the bathroom and I grab a gun and knife. Lexa just grabs two swords. I look at her What? I'm good with swords. I roll my eyes and nod. Lets go.
As we walk out into the living room the lights cut out. We stop just in the hallway.

Babe, over there look.

Yes I see it.

Good thing we trained together.

Yes. Quick down, guy in the window.

Ok let's do this.


Clarke I love you.

Before I could answer the first shot went off. Then there was just pain. Last thing I saw was Lexa' s eyes turning red/green.

Lexa's P.O.V

Once Clarke went down I charged at the shooter, since he hadn't heard me he went down easily. I took his mask off, to see it was the guy from London, who was hitting on Clarke.
I get Clarke into the bedroom with the kids, and walk straight to the shooter. I got rid of him and took his phone. I go back to the house.
Madi, Aiden how is she? Lexa she will be ok. Yes she'll be awake in a bit. Ok kids go to bed.
Yes mom. They say in unison and walk out.
I can hear Clarke talking to me in her head

Don't worry I'll be up soon

It's not that it's just I dont want to feel like i lost you.

You won't ill wake up in like 30 minutes he shot a tranquilizer.
Who was it?

A boy from London called Finn Collins.

The supermarket guy?

Yes. I'll talk to you when you wake up

I feel asleep next to her.

Clarke P.O.V. The Next Morning
Hey Lex. Hey Clar- CLARKE? You're up! I laugh at her. Yes I'm up, I told you it was a tranquilizer, a shit one at that. I love you. I hope so because if not then why did you propose? She rolls her eyes. I love you too not go back to sleep its early. She smirks and I shake my head laughing.

Ok so a new part is up and I had writers block for ages. Hope you guys had a great Christmas or whatever you celebrate. Don't forget to vote, comment, and whatever. Have a nice day/ evening/ night.

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