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Lexa P.O.V
Whilst we were in London we saw a few sights well it was mainly me showing Clarke the typical tourist attractions like Big Ben, River Thames,... but her favourite was the London Eye.
Now here we are on the plane again traveling to Nuuk, Greenland. I got a new flight attendant so Clarke doesnt get jealous again, we're an hour away from landing and Clarke has been drawing for a while. Clarke Lexa
Claaarke will you let me see? Nope you'll have to wait until its finished Can you give me a hint? Yeah. Its of my favourite thing in the world. Do not finish that thought its not that. I smirk at her. Yes babe, but i know its a close second. Fine thats true. So you wont tell me? Not for a few minutes its nearly finished. Ok, then. Lex, what are we going to do here? Well i need to visit some people, and i want you to meet them. Who? My friend Lincoln and his brother Aiden they dont know about the whole vampire thing so best not to say anything. She nods and continues with her drawing. Lex, close your eyes. Okay? She puts her sketch pad on my lap. Open. I look down to see a sketch of both of us on the couch with Clarke curled into me drawing and me with my arm around her reading. Clarke this is amazing, so this is your favourite thing in the world? Yeah just being with you. That's cute, but now who's the dork? She hits my arm Still you Lex She smirks. I love you Clarke. Yeah, I love you too. So how about you tell me where you want to go next? Ok i was thinking New York , as its the city thag never sleeps, all that cliche stuff, but mainly because of the sights and i could draw some of it. That sounds good, we're only staying here for two weeks, then we're off to New York for a while, then where? Berlin? Sure I have a house there its by some mountains with some woods. So you have a house everywhere but Rome. Yes, also Italy because i just didnt find one i liked. She rolls her eyes and laughs, i smile at her. So then where? Well after Berlin we're going to Rome funnily enough. I have one question. What happens if Arkadia find us? I don't know, but i wont let them hurt you, besides Octavia and Reyes will tell us if anything new comes up. Ok, so i kind of think we should be prepared just in case for example I that of we get found we just knock them out and run like we did with Bellamy. Yeah i suppose we can, it sounds possible that they got hit by something. Yes, now how long until we get there? About half an hour. Ok then we can go and sleep? Yes, but I dont understand how you cant sleep on a plane? Because i dont want to wake up without you or something, and its uncomfortable. Ok then. We spend the rest of the flight just talking about nothing.
We get to the apartment and unpack, afterwards someone rings the door bell, when i open it i see Lincoln, Aiden and a girl.
Lincoln. Aiden. Madi. Clarke. Lexa .
Linc come in, how are you? I'm fine Lexa, this is Madi and of course you remember Aiden. Of course. Hello Aiden, Madi how are you guys? They both say fine at the same time. Lexa is it true you have a girlfriend? Yes Aiden, shes just unpacking she should be out soon. So Madi do you go to school with Aiden?. Yes its quite boring but the classes are better with him. Yeah they cause all sorts of trouble. Do not. Really little brother you think Lex will be live that? No shes too smart. I crouch down to talk to him. Dont worry your brother was the same always causing problems if it wasn't for me he'd never have graduated. Lex dont lie we both know we were in it together. I suppose that's true. Hey Lex who's at the doo- Lincoln, Aiden, Madi. It's good to see you again. Clarke! Aiden and Madi run and hug her. Clarke i thought you were dead. How? Lincoln listen I know its your job to report back to HQ but don't they want to kill us. Clarke what do you mean? She means they think were vampires or something, so we're on the run. Exactly. Well at least you have each other. We won't say a word. Thank you so much Linc. She hugs him. So who's up for some lunch and a movie? Aiden and Madi both say yes, and so does Clarke.

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