What? Part 1

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Clarke P.O.V
What the fuck just happened? I pull out my phone and call Octavia
"Octavia come to my place now. Trikru Ave apartment block 15. 10th floor apartment 12" "On my way" "And Octavia?" "Yes?" "Bring Raven" "This must be serious" "Yes"
I hang up the phone and pace up and down until I hear a knock on the door I look at my watch and see its 1 a.m.
I open the door and Octavia and Raven walk in. Clarke. Octavia. Raven
Clarke whats wrong? Yeah Clarke what happened? She kissed me. She knocked on my door I asked if I had forgottensomething she sais no I have and kisses me. Damn get it Griff. Raven this is serious. Ouch O that hurt. Guys what do I do shes my boss and she kissed me, tomorrow, well today I have to work with her. Well for starters calm the fuck down. And then just play it calm, she's probably panicking right now as well. Yeah Griff shes probably pacing her apartment talking to her bestfriends as well. Shes going to call her cousin and her half and half wife. Your boss is married? Rav I love you babe but you're an idiot, no shes not married her cousin is and her cousin's wife is half and half. Octavia, I'm a genius and you know it so fuck you. Not helping guys what am I going to do, if I dont they'll hunt me and if I do I'll die. Ok Griffin you're sleep deprived. Yeah Clarke you need to sleep. No one's going to kill you or hunt you. Could you guys stay here tonight I don't think I can sleep alone. Yeah we'll stay.
Next morning 7 a.m.
"Wake up Griffin you're gonna be late to work if you dont get your ass up" "Shut up Raven else I'll cripple your other leg" "Feisty much? I see why Lexa likes you" "Raven shut up and go to work I'll take care of Clarke" Raven nods and kisses Octavia, then she is about to leave when she opens the door to see Lexa standing there "Oh hey Ms Woods, Clarke's gone already said she had to do something before she goes to work" "Ok Reyes thank you for informing me" With that she leaves and Raven walks back into Clarke's room "Clarke, Lexa just stopped by I said you weren't in so you gotta get up now" I nod "Thanks Rave I'll see you later" I get up and get dressed, once im done I grab my keys and phone, when im leaving I hear Octavia "I'll be gone when you get back but call if you need me!" "Thanks O!" With that I leave my apartment and leave for work.
15 minutes later- at Polis Corp
"Hey, are you Clarke Griffin?" "Yes, I am" "Ms Woods wants to see you, but right now shes in a meeting, said you had an errand to do before work and gave you extra time" "Ok thank you" I walk back out of the building and go to the coffee house to order the same thing as yesterday. I check my watch 7:45 a.m I go back to the Polis building and ask the receptionist if Lexa has finished her meeting, she sais yes so I go up to her office and knock on her door"Come in Clarke" I enter and I start talking "Lexa, I got you your coffee and sandwich from the coffee house"  "Thank you Clarke. Listen about last night I don't know what I was doing but I went to yours with the intention of giving you my number not to kiss you. I'm sorry." "Lexa its fine i dont care that you kissed me, its not as if the world will end now is it? Plus I said I can't do anything ,not yet" "Ok Clarke I have to do some work I call you if I need you" I nod and go to my office. Well that could have gone better I think to myself before i start doing paperwork.
A few hours later
I hear a knock on my door "Come in" Lexa walks in with a bouquet of flowers "I didnt know what type you liked so I just got you these" "Lexa they're beautiful thank you, but why did you get them?" "I just thought our conversation could have been better so I thought flowers would work" " Thank you" "No problem, do you need a ride home?" " No im just gonna walk its a nice night out" "Ok Clarke goodnight" "Goodnight Lexa" As Lexa leaves I start shutting down my computer and putting the paperwork away.
I leave the building and head home, as I walk down the street I see someone sat on the floor, I go to take a closer look, when I get close enough the person looks up "Lexa? Why are you on the floor? "Clarke? How did you get here?" Shes hurt thats weird shes a vampire, vampires dont get hurt "Lexa lets get you home so we can see the damage Ok?" She just nods. I help her up and take her hand. As soon as do i have some kind of weird strength I seriously need to figure this out  Then I hear Lexa's voice "Don't worry I know what's happening with us"  Ok I need to take her to my place just so I can figure out what the fuck is wrong.
After we get to the building I hold Lexa As if we were just coming in together so no one gets any idea of that something is wrong, then I hear Lexa's thoughts again "At least I got to know my hunter" That makes me remember whats my mission was- is I have to eliminate her- but I can't.
I get her to my apartment and thankfully no one is here i get her to the bedroom and lay her on my bed. Lexa Clarke
Lexa whats wrong? Why were you nearly unconscious on the floor? Clarke there was a hunter after me and I had to fight but the bastard cut me with something and now I think im dying. Ok I know how to fix this, when the hunter strikes but misses the heart any wound can be healed by a hunters blood. Ok Lexa I need you to do something. What do I do?Bite my wrist itll heal you. Clarke I can't do that. I missed one important detail about me but I can't tell you. Lexa stop being an idiot and bite my wrist for fucks sake I know you're a vampire now do it.
She wouldn't do it so grabbed her face and kissed her after she started kissing back I managed to get her biting my bottom lip. Whilst she was distracted I got a knife from the nightstand and cut my wrist, I moved it to her mouth quickly and she looked at me wide eyed as she bit down. "Lexa this will heal you don't worry" After a couple seconds I moved to the bathroom quickly and got medical supplies from the first aid kit. "Clarke how did you know?"  "Lexa go to my kitchen and grab an ice pack please, Ill explain in a minute once ive done this" She gets the ice pack and when she gives me it I say "Thanks.Go sit in the living room I'll be out in a sec" "Ok" "Actuall, Lexa come back in here" "Yeah Clarke?" "Where'd the hunter hit you?" She takes off her jacket and lifts up her top and turns around, to reveal that it hit her no more than 1inch away from her heart "Lexa you're lucky that i found you. Go sit down I'm nearly done" She nods and goes to the living room

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