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Octavia P.O.V

After Clarke called, me and Raven went to her apartment, once we got there the door was open a bit, we walked in and it was trashed to say the least. "Rave stay here I'm going to Lexa's" She just nods before saying I'll look around.
I go to Lexa's after getting the information from Clarke's phone the other day. Her place is the same , I look around and I see her phone smashed. I take the SIM card and go back to Raven. I walk in and call out for her. "In here O, come here i found her phone, it wasn't a robbery" "Rave i found Lexa's phone aswell, her place is also fucked up" "Ok Clarke's was broken but, I have the SIM card I can use it to find out what happened. You bring Lexa's?" "Yeah I knew you'd do something with it" I give it to Raven. We look around some more and we see all her stuff is here. I go on my phone to find any information on Lexa. Raven Octavia
Rave I've found something. Lexa has left Polis Corp to go and travel, but will still be working. Indra Woods is now in charge. Wait did you say Woods? Yeah why? Thats Lexa's mom. I've found info on Lexa's SIM she started a text to Indra saying she was leaving in the morning to go to.. And it ends there obviously something happened. Now time for Clarke's SIM. She called her mom last so let's start there. I'll call her. I dial Abbys number she picks up after two rings. Octavia. Abby
Octavia, where's Clarke is she Ok? Did they hurt her? Slow down Abby. Who are talking about? The people who broke in she was talking then the line went dead, there was a crash then she said she has to check it out then nothing. Abby, shes gone. Her and Lexa Woods both apartments trashed, phones smashed and no trace. Octavia they can't be far it was less than an thirty minutes ago. There's nothing here just her phone last messege sent was to me to come and hang out, last phone call was to you. I hear her crying in the phone as she screams at her men. Is there any blood? No, just a mess smashed glass and plate food on the floor she wasnt planing on going anywhere, shes gone. Another cry and then more yelling. It's going to alright we'll find her. Im coming out to D.C ill be there in a few hours. I'll see you later. The line goes dead, and I feel tears in the corner of my eyes Raven looks at me then pulls me into a hug, I start crying. We walk out of the building to go home when i see a folded paper on my windshield.
I'm sorry that i cant tell you much, but I'm safe for now im travelling everywhere and anywhere. You probably won't see me for a few years or maybe never again. Tell my mom a lie say im dead that you found my blood somewhere in the forest or something, just not the truth. I love you.

From Clarke
P.s dont try and find me I had someone put this here

I laugh a humorless laugh, Raven staring at me confused. Shes gone off with her forbidden girlfriend somewhere and is never coming back. We should tell Ab- No shes dead as far as Abby is concerned. We need to find a way to contact her. We could do a broadcast on the Polis Corp website so Lexa will see it. Rae you're a genius. I know, now let's go home. I nod and get in the car. We head home and Raven starts the plan into action coding the letter to Lexa. You're sure she'll understand it? 100 percent Lexa will definitely get it. Ok im making the ransom note. She'll never get this, and Clarke owes big time. Raven laughs and nods as she finishes the code and... done. It should be sent directly to her email, but if not no one will understand it. Ok im alm- my phone cuts me off as Abby calls I finish the note quickly before answering. Octavia im landing soon, did you find anything? Uhm yeah Good or bad? Bad very bad, ransom note, sais she should have been more careful who she worked for, and that she'll be dead at midnight. What about Alexandria? She dies aswell. She's gone. Im landing in fifteen minutes. What? Its a 5 hour flight we got of the phone 2 hours ago!. I told them to be quick as it's a matter of life and death, well death. It seems useless now, but tell me, was she a vampire? What are you tal- Don't play dumb, I know you're a werewolf. Answer the question. Was she or not? She was, but she only told me yesterday, the last thing I said was "dont talk to me anymore" then she texted me saying she needed to talk to me that it was urgent. I went there and found nothing of her. I lie about her only just telling me yesterday and what i said obviously. I should have seen this coming her father was the same, too caring of others. It was just the way they were. She cries into the phone again at the memory of her family. Im sorry Abby, Clarke would want us to remain strong and keep fighting. I know, I'm landing now ill see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight Abby. You too Octavia. The line dies and I'm terrified of what she would do if she found out i was lying. Probably kill me. I look at raven who just burned Clarke's letter. O, let's go to bed, Lexa will answer tomorrow because shes probably in a jet off to the Bahamas or something. Or Rome, maybe Paris or Tokyo. We laugh and go to the bedroom, the days stress needing to be replaced with calm. Raven kisses me before hugging me and soon she fell asleep, I follow not long after.

Omg I'm so crap with updating, I forget to upload and when i do i procrastinate. So im sorry for the wait if anyone actually reads these things from author as I rarely do. Anyways hope you enjoyed, tell me what you think and vote if you want. Have a nice day/evening/night or existence.

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