New York

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Clarke P.O.V
Apparently every time were on a plane one of us falls asleep and the other takes pictures. This time it was Lexa taking pictures, Aiden seems to be happy, he asked if Madi could come with us. I had to think about, then convince Lexa. She gave up after an hour. We get to the car and Aiden and Madi have their headphones on.
We get out of the car and Lexa takes us into an apartment building, we get into the elevator and she pushes the button for the top floor. Of course. Of course what? Lex you live in a penthouse. Only when im here, other than that its normal apartments. I roll my eyes at her and she smiles. She tells me about the apartment so I can tell the kids where they're staying.

We get into our home for the next few weeks and I tap the kids on their shoulders

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We get into our home for the next few weeks and I tap the kids on their shoulders. Aiden, you have that room there. I point to the door on the right. Madi youre across from him both rooms are the same. Thanks Clarke. Madi come on. Yeah yeah Aiden. Lets play a video game. Yes!

Clarke come here

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Clarke come here. I walk to where I heard Lexa. I walk out onto the balcony.

 I walk out onto the balcony

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Lex? Over here Clarke. Lex this view is amazing. Yeah it's why I got it. So, where are going whilst we're here? Where ever you want. Babe you always say that. I always mean it. Dork. Come on let's go unpack. She takes my hand and leads me up some stairs.

 She takes my hand and leads me up some stairs

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Lex, you're style is great. Now, either you're really bad at sarcasm or you actually like it. Babe I like it. I know, thanks most of my apartments are similar just different places. Except Rome though? Yes, but when we get there you're helping me choose a place. What? You will help me choose a penthouse, if you want obviously. I'll help, but isn't that like a really big step for us? Yeah I suppose, does it bother you? No, I want this. Me too.
Clarke, Lexa, do you need anything? Aiden, just get whatever, and be careful. Will do.

11 hours later - Penthouse

I don't remember falling asleep, last thing I remember was watching a movie with Lexa, then now.
Clarke? Clarke wake up. What is it Lex? Clarke youve been asleep for ten hours, are you ok? Yeah I'm fine babe, just tired. Okay.. What? Nothing it's just it's weird. Ok, are the kids back? Yeah they came back an hour after they left.. What are you not telling me? Well, they won't wake up either it took me two hours to wake you up. What?! Yes thats why I was worried about you. We both rush to Madi's bedroom. Their on the floor asleep. Aiden Madi wake up. Come on wake up. Clarke what do we do? I don't know Lex. Just help me get them into the living room surely we can do something. Wait, I wonder if... Wonder what Clarke? If we turn them, if they'll wake up. Clarke surely youre not serious? Ckarke they're both fifteen. I know and I don't like it either, but we cant just leave them like this. Clarke I'll do it. No, we both will. I'll get Aiden. Then I'll get Madi.

Two hours later- Penthouse.

Lex? Is Aiden up? No, what about Madi? Yes, she's just feeling a little weird. Ok I'll be there in a second. Clarke why isn't Aiden up? I don't know. He should be up soon. Madi? Aiden?! You're awake! Aiden? Lex? He's up. Brilliant. Clarke you're a genius. No, theres just one problem. What? Their family can't know about it. Shit, what should we do?  I don't know. Clarke, I- Madi elbowed him in the ribs We know we can't tell our families, so why don't we just stage a robbery gone wrong? Aiden that won't work. I look at Lexa and smirk. That could work actually. Clarke?! Not again, we can't do that. Lex it's easy remember instead of one of your apartments, we just do it somewhere where it's out of the way. Then send an anonymous text and picture from one of our phones, then we throw them. I'm not going to win am I? Me and the kids all say Nope at the same time Fine, let's plan it.

I've changed my updating schedule, instead of every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, I post once a week 'cause I did that anyways. Anyways hope you enjoyed. Please Vote and comment what you think. Have a good morning/ evening/ night. See ya 😝

A/N edit Tuesday 27/11/18
Sorry for not updating last week but to make it up to whoever reads this I'm doing a double update this week. I also did some spell checks on this one. Have a good/ evening/ night. See ya 😝 Dont forget to message me if you have any requests or whatever.

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