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Clarke P.O.V
We left D.C. and now we're an hour away from landing in England. It's been a long flight and we still need stuff as we packed very light. Lexa fell asleep with her head on my shoulder, the flight attendant a bit too flirty with Lexa but I shut her up quickly when i started kissing Lexa more and more, of course Lexa didnt mind she only just caught on after the 5th time I started as we weren't so.. clingy?.. Anyways she laughed at how jealous I got, but she had only just seen my dark blue eyes and smirked before whispering "She's just being nice, but it's good to know you love me" after that i snake her arm from around me and ignored for all of two minutes, before giving in to her pout.
So now here we are soon to land and get our stuff before going to a hotel. We get off the plane with our backpacks and Lexa has a car brought to us, "Lex I don't know my way around here, where are we going?" She smiles "Were going to some stores then we go and rest" "Ok, I can't wait to go to sleep" She laughs at that and kisses my forehead, after a couple of minutes the car pulls infront and a guy gives Lexa the keys. She takes us to a store that I didn't look at the name of, she seems to know her way around so i just hold her hand. "Clarke were going to be here for a while so pick out a jacket and warm clothes" I chuckle at that and lean in to whisper "We're vampires, do we even get cold?" "No, but we cant raise suspicion remember?" I nod and go to pick out some clothes "Lex? Don't we need a suitcase?" "Yeah I'll go get one" I nod and continue to look when I hear something from behind me I turn around to a guy looking at me "Hey miss, need a hand?" "No thank you, my partner is helping me already" He looks around  "I dont see your boyfriend anywhere" I look around until I see Lexa walking behind the guy, she looks at me then to the back of his head. She clears her throat. "When a woman sais shes fine i think it best to leave them be, dont you?"  He turns around and laughs "Listen, this is nothing to do with yo-" "Actually you're hitting on my girlfriend so it has everything to do with me" I try not to laugh as I step around him and kiss Lexa "Thanks babe, he wont take a hint" "You said you had a boyfriend" "No, I said I have a partner, which to me means none of your goddamn business" He opens and closes his mouth a few times before Lexa sais "I think it best you go on your way"  He nods and walks off. I turn to Lexa "I love you" "I love you too, now let's go pay. That is if you're done?" "Lets go"
After we've paid, I see that guy again talking to some other woman. I grab Lexa's hand as we walk to the car "Clarke, how about we go rest after that long flight?" "Yeah, I'm pretty tired" She opens my door and then puts the bags in the boot. We ended up buying a lot of clothes, a pair of boots each, a suitcase, and Lexa bought some food, even though we are going to a hotel she still bought some. She gets in the car, and pulls out of the parking spot, "How far is the hotel?" She laughs "We're not going to a hotel, we're going to my apartment  thats a couple minutes down the road" I shake my head at her. "I should have known, let me guess. You have an apartment  or house in each place we're going to?" "More or less. I dont have one in Rome though" I look at her before saying "No. Way. We're going to Rome?!" "Yes Clarke we are going to Rome" "When?" She thinks for a second "In about six months"  I laugh "Six months? We're staying here for six months ?"  "No we're staying here for one month, then Greenland for two, then where ever you want for one, then after a few other places we reach Rome"  I start smiling "Why so much moving around?" "So you're safe we cant stay in one place for too long, someone might see you" There's a hint of sadness in her tone "With you Im going to be as safe as I possibly can be, dont worry" She nods her head, i take her hand over the console. We reach her apartment, as she leads me through reception with our bags, we pass a few doors, then we get to the elevator, she presses the button for the top floor. Once at the top she walks us out and down the hall. We get to her door and she lets go of my hand to find the key. After we go in I see its like nobody has ever lived here before, all clean and new. She leads me throughout the place showing me the bathroom, bedroom, closet, kitchen, until we reach the living room again. It's all black furniture with white walls. It's big about two apartments wide atleast. "Want to unpack?" "Yeah, then after we're making food yes?" She laughs and nods, we unpack our new clothes, then we put our bags and suitcase away in the cupboard that was behind the bedroom door. Afterwards we went to the kitchen and placed the food away. "Clarke, we've unpacked now sit down at the counter I'll make food" "Lex let me help, we can do it together" I pout and she gives in "Fine come on what shall we make?" I think for a moment "How about something simple, like a steak sandwich?" "Yeah that should do it. The butter and steak are im the fridge ill grab the bread and put the stove on. Want some coffee?" "Yes. I need something warm, even if I can't feel the cold now I will always love coffee" She laughs and I hear a faint "I know, I know coffee is life" I laugh and grab the stuff from the fridge. After we've made and ate the sandwiches. We lie on the couch and watch Netflix when Lexa's laptop comes up with a message from Polis. "It's Raven shes saying Abby thinks you're dead. Call us you- uhm oh- you bastards. Octavia said you owe us big time and be careful Arkadia on world-wide search?" "That's Raven and her delicacy. Arkadia is going global looking for me so we might be here less time than you think" "We need phones that can not be traced, ill go get two with a SIM card from the gas station, Clarke they left their number in code" She reads it out for me "That's neither of their phones so its a burner" "Ok stay here ill be back in a half an hour" "No im coming with you we're not to split up, who knows what will happen" She nods we get into our jackets and leave the building, she takes us to a gas station and she gets two phones along with SIM cards. We go back to her place and we call one of the numbers. Clarke. Octavia. Lexa. Raven.
Raven? O? Clarke? Its like 3 in the morning. Where are you? I'm in London right now. Huh thats cool, anyways your mom thinks you're dead and well the whole of Arkadia is searching for your body. Rae why are you on the phone? Its three in the- it's Clarke and Lexa. Give me the phone. Better yet ill put it on speaker. Clarke? Hey O. Sorry for all that shit but it's necessary for us to- be safe we know. Yes now Lexa? Yes Octavia? You are taking care of her right? Obviously, we are going somewhere else in three weeks. Where? We can't say Rae but we'll call you guys every week at three a.m. for you guys ok? Yeah fine. You're still assholes though. Just up and left with no warning. Sorry Rae, Sorry O. Again it was necessary. Yes we know now fuck off we're tired. Yeah we are. Bye guys talk next week. Reyes look after that damn company, and make sure Indra is Ok. Oh you mean your mom? How do you know about that? It wasn't difficult for Rae to find thaf out, now, goodnight. The line goes dead, and I look at Lexa. Indra is your mom? Yes well shes my adoptive mom, I'm sorry Clarke its just we rather not tell anyone, so it didnt seem as though I give special treatment. I get it, but you did give special treatment to me and Indra. Also you could have said something, you didnt know your real mom? No i didnt, and yes I gave you both special treatment. Now can we just lay down and watch Netflix? Yes babe, I love you. I love you too. I lean up to kiss her, then we lay back down like we did earlier curled up into eachother whilst watching a movie. I could het used to this.

A/N: There will be a time jump next chapter.
Oh my god I'm sorry to whoever reads this book for not updating, but I do have chapters ready now so it should be good. Anyway comment what you think and vote. Hope you enjoyed and that you have a good day/evening/night or existence 😝😝❤😊

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