Chapter 7: Bastard Noble

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The sun was shining in my face while i was asleep, it was hurting my eyes when i opened them. There are birds chirping, the fresh air in the morning going through the windows, ahh now this is a fantasy world.

I got up and washed my face then put on my usual equipment, when i got down there are people having breakfast, and the one serving was the receptionist girl last night, i think her name is Diane? I didn't ask her name yesterday but i heard customers calling her Diane. Oh well i might ask her later.

Then i walked to the dining hall and seat on the dining chair.

The receptionist girl Diane walks and greets me.

[Good morning, did you sleep well?] she asks

Ah she didn't inquire my name too last night.

[Yeah i slept like a log haha. By the way can i ask your name? I forgot to ask yesterday.]

[Oh right, my name is Diane Crystal, just call me Diane.]

So i was right huh?

[Ah right, my name is Azazel, im an adventurer, a bronze though] i bitterly smiled while saying that.

[Um nice to meet you, by the way are you eating breakfast? Our breakfast today is wheat bread and Grana Mushroom Soup.]

Grana Mushroom, as its name suggests its same as the usual mushroom in earth but this mushroom has more taste to it and fragrance.

[Um ill take those, and also do you have coffee?] i ask her

[Yes, we do have coffee. Would you like some? Coffee here is free.]

[Yes, thank you.]

Then she walks to the kitchen, after 5 minutes she comes back with the meal.

[Here it is.] she then puts the tray on the table, the contents are 1 piece wheat bread, then a bowl of Grana Mushroom Soup, the smell is so nice, and of course the coffee.

[Thank you Diane,] i smiled at her

[Thanks for the meal] i then started to eat.

The soup's  fragrance is so nice it makes you wanna drink the soup in one gulp, i then start to eat the soup, the aroma in the soup and the taste of fresh picked mushroom, im in bliss my face was smiling while eating.

Then i dipped the bread into the soup and eat the bread, the bread was soft, and then the taste of the soup is really coming together with the bread.

[This is so tasty, i wanna eat it forever!] i let my mouth say words of admiration to the cook, i then turn to Diane who was still standing at the dining entrance while waiting for customers.

[Hey Diane did you cook this?] i call her and naturally she was surprised.

[Y-yes i cooked the soup] she was surprised when i called her

[Is that so?]

[Why is there a problem?] She then have a troubled look

[No no, there's no problem, rather the soup is so delicious i want to eat it forever!]

Her face began to turn red, she was embarrassed because she was weak in praises.

[Um thank you for the praise Azazel] she then averted her gaze looking embarrassed.

Then i finished my meal and heading to the Adventurers guild.

[Diane im going out for a while, please look after my room.]

[Yes Azazel, that's my job you know?] while giggling

[Then im going out, ill be back in a while]

I got transported and my appearance is my in-game character.Where stories live. Discover now