Chapter 32: Goblin Camp

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I asked Leena to snipe those Goblins that are coming back, she shoots magic arrows and hits the head of those unlucky goblins.

The guards outside the camp was quickly alarmed and took their stance, the guards in the tower took their bow and loaded them with arrow, unfortunately they could't see where the arrows are coming from.

Leena kept firing, i asked Rem and Megumi to stay with Leena, to guard her, I asked Rem to chant some long ranged spells to aid Leena.

While I, Rin, Hikari, and Hikaru are attacking the flank of those goblins, they recently learned how to stealth so they can kill those goblins from behind.

We arrived outside the camp where we are not seen, Rin and the twins stealth themselves and rush at the goblins, those goblins who are searching for where the arrows are coming from were killed, their throats were cut open, their blood was gushing everywhere, for 10 seconds they killed 10 goblins.

I go through the front gate, the goblins were alarmed, they've come in groups inside, about 300 are in my view. Leena, Rem, and Megumi also came, when the goblins saw the women, they let out a strange cry and drools was coming out of their mouths.

I was disgusted, I asked Rem to chant area spells, that can kill most of them.

[God of fire, he who rules over the world of fire, heed my call and burn my enemies, Flame Tornado!]

A flame tornado quickly engulfed the goblins, the tornado was 30 meters in height, its so hot. The goblins caught in the flame were screaming in agony.

The flame dispersed and the 300 became only barely 100, all you can see were burned corpses and burned huts.

The goblins were about to escape when green vines entangled them, Leena secretly chanted a nature spell, then she drew her bow and shoot the heads of those goblins, Rin, Hikari, and Hikaru rushed and stabbed the goblins, one by one they fell.

Rem and Megumi were holding their mouths while watching the scene, naturally they haven't seen any bloodbath in this world.

All the goblins were killed and what's left is the chieftain of the Goblin Camp.

There is a big wooden house in the center, then a full armored goblin came, he was holding a greatsword, he has muscular body, red eyes, his teeth are overlapping his mouth.

[What happened?!]

The goblin spoke, he was different from any other goblins.

[Well those are weak goblins, I just need to find more women to reproduce more goblins kukuku.]

He didn't notice us, but when he turned his head he saw beautiful women.

[Kuku, Just my luck, women, kuku reproducing will not be hard.]

He took his stance and rushed at the 6 girls, when he got close I punched his abdomen, his armor was dented and he splurt blood.

When he saw me his eyes became redder, he stood up and picked up his greatsword.

[What are you doing? Who are you?!]

He asked me, then i asked the same

[Answer me first, who are you?]

He puffed his chest and wiped his blood on his mouth.

[I am one of the who the Demon Lords gave knowledge and enhanced, originally i was a normal goblin, i was so weak, when the Demon Lord Toggan found me, he gave me power to rule over the goblins! Kuku! I am the Demon General! Goblin General Rebel!]

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