Chapter 36: Beast Transformation

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I caught his rapier and he was dumbfounded, all of the other bandits too,

"What?! He caught his [Sure-kill thrust]?"

"No one ever survived that thrust?!"

"He kills his enemies with only one thrust? Even so?!"

"What the hell? Who is he?!"

The bandits behind him were now getting nervous, they never seen anything like that.

"W-what?! Tsk, to catch my rapier? You're quite formidable, but [Martial Arts: Body reinforcement!] [Beast blood!] [Extra Sense!]"

He chants martial arts, and the aura around him were now different, somehow, his physical strength also increased, he thrusts his rapier forward, but *clang* his rapier was repelled, I swung my sword unto his rapier once it entered my attack range.

"W-what?!" He was dumbfounded, his rapier was deflected before he noticed it.

Then Leena invoked nature magic, and constricted the bandits behind, all of them were unable to move now.

"W-what is this?!"
"What the hell?!"

"Shit! They caught us!"

All of them were trying to escape but, Leena's vines were stronger now, she was practicing under my instructions awhile back.

"Tsk. All of you are useless!" Leon shouted, then he threw his rapier and began taking a stance like a wild animal.

"Azazel, It seems that he's going to transform, a beast transformation" Alice said, beast transformation? Oh yeah, I've red it on the royal library, It seems that Demi-Humans back at the Demon war used an ancient technique where they can transform into beasts, because of their current appearance that looks like a person, Once they transform, they can fully use their beast powers for a duration of time.

"Is that so? All of you get out of here, he might go rampage inside this fort, we still haven't found the one we are looking for." I said to them while pointing at the door.

All of them nodded, they ran out of the door, I as well, when we got out, Alice took the woman and the little girl, the three adventurers also followed, and then, there is a sudden noise inside the fort.


It was a beast's roar, and a wild one too, and then the door of the fort suddenly bursts open, *BANG* the debris flew to us, Alice, Rin sliced the large debris's that is coming to us, while I'm catching the larger ones.

Then a large animal came out, about 4 meters in height, blood on his mouth, It's a giant tiger, his skin is color orange and black stripes, and his fangs are out of his mouth, his more like a Saber tooth Tiger from prehistoric times.

"He's large, Tsk, girls get to safety, take miss there to the carriage and drive far away from here!" I said to them.

"B-but leaving you here with that thing?!" Rem said

"I'll be fine, quickly, get out of here, I'll catch up with you later." I said to them while giving a thumbs up to them.

"Alright, be careful you hear me?" Rem said to me while having a serious face.

"Yeah, I'll be careful." I said to her.

"Master is strong~ He will beat that cat." Hikaru said

"But you're a cat too Hikaru~" Hikari said while looking at Hikaru

"I'm a cat too? Waaah, I'm a cat too~ Master will beat me up too!" Hikaru said while panicking.

I suddenly laughed, but the tiger in front of us finished eating the bandits, Eeek so gross, "No, I will not beat Hikaru, Hikaru is a cute cat, got it?" I said while patting her head

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