Chapter 33: Chevalier rank

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Eh? Village chief? Me? I was dumbfounded when i heard that.

Currently the only ones that are left are women and children, they don't have any male with them so they are powerless, they said they have no fighting experience because the tradition there is the male must work and the female must take care of their child.

Now they are currently at 6th district where lodgings for refugees are built, the King approved to take the refugees because their village is at Hegerin territory.

Hikari and Hikaru are currently playing with the children, Rin, Leena, Megumi, and Rem are currently helping the adult women settle in, Saria and the Knights are also helping.

While me, i was speaking to the village representative, the middle aged women, her name is Amelia Roper, and her daughter, Lily Roper, her husband was the village chief, when they were attacked he defended the village, resulting his death, and the other male in the village, this caused major grief on her, and then they were captured by those goblins.

They spent three days with no food and water, luckily we arrived, they were saved. Some of them are still depressed because of their loss, some are trying to be happy, honestly the current condition of the villagers are bad.

I asked Amelia to make the villagers at ease, because i'm gonna protect them here, a smile floated on her face, and bowed down saying "Thank you chief!" well, i don't mind being their village chief, that will make them at ease at least.

Then after that is settled we head to the castle to report, now Saria is riding a horse next to us, she was secretly stealing a glance at me, then when I turn at her she averts her gaze and looks ahead, but her face was red, I wonder what's happening.

After driving for 10 minutes we reached the castle, as usual, the large gate was open, and a cobblestone road about 30 meters.

We drove through, the guards saw Saria and saluted, she really is the captain huh?

The castle door suddenly opened, and Knights standing there knelt down, because the King and Queen suddenly walked out, and Alice is with them, she was wearing a white dress and her blonde hair is braided, her bluish eyes is glancing at me, and her cheeks are blushing, maybe she's embarrassed because this is the first time we saw her in a white dress, one thing came to my mind, beautiful.

"Greetings, Azazel, how are things?" The king looks at me and smiled,

I knelt down, "Everything is alright your highness, we dealt with the Goblin Camp in the forest, with the help of the heroes, we quickly destroyed it, unfortunately the leader escaped using a teleportation gem, like that Edward used." I quickly explained the situation.

"I see, good job, then I wish ask you a favor?" the King then looks at me like asking for help

"What it is your highness?" I am still kneeling down

"I wan't you to deliver a letter for me to Duke Maxford in Rebet Town, the Port town of Hegerin Territory, Duke Maxford governs the town, then to Duke Barin at Gremit Trade City, the Commercial hub of Hegerin territory, and Duke Ramlance at Garyou town, he's my knight back in the day, so please."

"I see, then I will do it, we will depart tomorrow." I stand up and look at him.

"Fumu, I see, you are a good man, Alice is right about you, right dear?" He looks at the Queen

"Yes, he's also a strong man you know? Right Alice?" The Queen looks at Alice with a grin

Then Alice's face turns beet red and looks down, "Y-yes"

She can't mutter a single word now because of embarrassment.

I laughed lightly, then the king looked at me again, "I wish to give you a rank, so that your travels will be smooth."

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