Part 5

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"Whatever. All the people on the right! You will be...killed" the rock man said and Izuku's eyes widened. Suddenly, men with guns came out of the shadows  with guns pointed at the people. And Izuku's mother.

"No" Izuku said as the men with guns pushed the people back until they were on the cold iron walls of the warehouse. "No please!" "Mercy!" "Please God help!" "I have kids!" "I'm the only family my grandma has left" the people were yelling and pleading to deaf ears. The rock man and the guy with the hand on his face started walking away. Into the darkness of the warehouse. Izuku looked down as a cold sweat ran down his face as the reality of the situation hit him.

It was up to him to save these peoples lives. And his own.

Izuku webbed onto the men's guns and threw them in front of the only light source. The monitor. So he knew where the weapons were. He then dropped down and kicked the first man before sliding under the next one's legs and kicking him upside the head. Be twisted then webbed one of the guys in the eyes before webbing onto the floor in front of him and pulling to make it there before slugging him across the face.

He webbed onto one of the guns and swung it, smacking the guy over the head with it and doing the same with the last guy. Izuku turned to see the civilians looking at him with a hint of fear in their eyes. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you" he said. But they were all still cowering in fear.

"It's okay everyone, I trust this hero" Izuku looked to see his mother giving him a smile. He smiled under his mouth piece. "What!" The man with hands yelled as he looked at Izuku from inside the van. "Take him out Han" the hands guy ordered as he closed the back door of the van and the van drove off. Izuku watched as the rock guy charged at him.

Izuku jumped out the gate when he saw it open. The van drove through the open gate as well and Izuku  webbed onto the back of it and held on tight. "No...your...not..leaving" he said as he pulled. Suddenly, a huge rock hand smacked him and he flew into a metal pole. His back smacked onto it and he slid down the pole. He looked up at the rock man walking over to him menacingly. He turned his head just in time to witness the van drive off. Izuku planted his hands firm onto the ground. When he did, the rain water around him splashed and the light of his suit was reflected off it. A clap of thunder sounded in the sky and Izuku's hair flopped onto his forehead as it was now wet.

Izuku felt his chest as a sharp pain resounded.

The rock man punched down on to Izuku. But, our little spider dodged easily and flipped onto the warehouse wall before jumping off and punching the rock guy. "So what should I call you?" He said and webbed the man's eyes. Ignoring the roaring pain coming from his side and back. "Mr Rocky" Izuku then flipped over the man's head and kicked him in the back. "No that would be an insult to the boxer Rocky" he said as he dodged a fist coming toward him.

He then slid under the rock man's legs and kicked him on the side of the head.

The rock man stomped down and missed Izuku once more. "Mineral Man. Actually I think that names already taken by a hero" Izuku said as he jumped and webbed onto the floor next the rock guy and pulled. Giving him a double kick to the head.

Suddenly the man roared as he splashed in the water. "How about the pebble?" Izuku asked as he switched the web mode onto tazer webs and shot the puddle that the rock man was in. He got shocked as he stood. Izuku then shot a butt load of webs. Tying the man up in webs. "Time to put in work" he said as he unleashed a barrage of attacks on the man.

The rock man broke free and looked at Izuku with anger. "Yep, the pebble is nice" Izuku said as he shot a web at the man. The rock guy caught the web and pulled Izuku toward him and punched him across the face. Breaking the mouth piece in half.

He punched Izuku once more on the chest. Ripping the suit more across the chest.

The rock man then kneed Izuku on the side. A crunch was heard as Izuku's ribs broke. "Ahh!!" He screamed. "It doesn't matter what you call me" the rock man said and threw Izuku against the warehouse wall. "I'm only gonna me calling you one word, dead" he said and kicked Izuku through the warehouse wall easily. Izuku lyied on the floor in pain. He looked up at the civilians, who seemed to be in a state of horror and shock. None more that his own mother. Tears rolled down her cheeks when she saw him like that.

Izuku stood slowly as the rock man began to charge at him. Izuku looked and saw that the huge doors to the warehouse were still open. He noticed how the rock man was charging head first and got an idea. He ran forward toward the doors and jumped before webbing onto both doors and as the rock man's head came between the doors, he pulled hard and both doors slammed on his head. Knocking him out. Izuku landed on the ground and noticed how his head had deformed from the sheer impact of the doors. His head was now sporting a new sort of squished up horn on his forehead. It seemed like a clump of rocks. "Screw the name the pebble, you look more like a Rhino now" he said and walked over to the civilians.

"Are you guys okay?" He asked. "We should be asking you that" a women said as she looked at Izuku. They all nodded in agreement as they noticed that Izuku was just a child. Izuku looked down and noticed how his suit was ruined. The mouth piece was broken and the cyber mask it put onto his face to make his hair and eyes look gold was malfunctioning. Making half his face his normal green eyes and hair and the other half gold.

His chest area was broken as the golden spider was scratched out. Revealing his bleeding chest. His side wasn't as good either. The side was completely broken showing that Izuku was bleeding. The shoulder piece was broken to reveal a bruised shoulder. His left calf piece was scratched and revealing wires inside.

His right hand was missing it's glove completely and his back was wrecked. The spider symbol gone. As if it was never there.

"I'm fine, those others in the van. I need to go save them. The rest of you guys, load into that van and drive to the nearest police station while I stop the other van" he said and webbed the now Rhino looking guy to the ground before heading off. He began running along the road before jumping and webbing onto a street light and pulling. He landed on top of the street light and webbed onto the next and did the same thing until he saw the van. He webbed onto the van and pulled as hard as he could. He landed onto the ground and mustered up what little strength he had left and pulled. He was slowly sliding forward as the vans wheels lit on fire from all the friction. The wheels then popped and Izuku stopped pulling. He webbed the doors and pulled them off their hinges easily. He walked over to the van as the other man with the hand on his face jumped out. "You are irritating me" he said and walked over to Izuku.

He tried to grab Izuku's arm, but he dodged and punched the man. He tried once more to grab Izuku's arm, but once again Izuku dodged and kicked him in the chest before spinning and punching him. Izuku then webbed onto a rock on the side of the road and swung it into the man. Izuku watched as the man got knocked out before walking over to the van. "Are you guys alright? Someone get into the front seat and drive to the nearest police station" he said as he attempted to get into the van. When, a hand grabbed his foot. And he noticed how his left boot slowly disintegrated. He freaked out and punched the man with the hand on his face.

Izuku got into the back of the van and webbed the man with the hand on his face to the floor.

"Drive" he said as he saw the man in the front seat. They then sped off to the nearest police station in the town over called Minato. Once there, Izuku informed the authorities about where they could find the two villains. The police decided not the punish Izuku for not having a hero license.

He got transferred to the nearest hospital after that to heal up.


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