Please read gadgets

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Okay, so there are a few things to clear up here. In the last chapter I let Izuku use some gadgets that you might not know of.👐 My bad okay. So 😁 here's a list of his gadgets and a few things he can do.
And just so you know the real Spiderman can do these things as well.

🕸️🤟Web modes🤟🕸️
1.web grenade/bomb a ball of webs that explodes and webs all enemies nearby.

2. Bounce/ricochet web, a type of web that has the ability to bounce.

3.taser webs, a web that can eletricute the enemy.

4. Impact webs, a web that Izuku or the real Spiderman can shoot that knocks you off your feet ,from the sheer force of it, and sticks you to the closed surface.

5.web mine. A small device that works like a normal mine. When stuck to the wall it shoots out a blue laser. Anyone that walks over the laser triggers the device and it shoots a web at the enemy and pulls them to stick the to the wall.

6. Web net. A net of webs capable of capturing ten people under it.

7. Tracker web. Kinda obvious what this web mode does.

8. Consecutive webs. A move where he constantly shoots webs until the enemy is tied up.

🕷️Moves 🕷️
1. Swing kick. Izuku webs onto the roof of anything above him and swings and kicks the person .

2.Perch takedown 1. Izuku perches on a ledge and uses this move for stealth takedowns. Because there will be more. He webs the enemies into a bundle of webs and sticks them to the ceiling.

3. Perch takedown 2. He webs the enemies and pulls them up and smacks there head against an hard surface before attaching them to the roof.

4. Perch takedown 3. Izuku jumps down and webs onto to the floor beside the enemy and pulls. He kicks their face into the ground, knocking them out.

5. 🔫⚔️Weapon pulling. He webs onto the enemies weapons and pulls them out of their hands.

6. Pull strike. He webs onto the floor by the enemy and pulls and punches the enemy.

So yeah these are just a few moves that he can do. Just so you know I will be adding a soundtrack to each chapter that I feel fits in well with the mood of the chapter. But I wanted to ask, if it's not too much trouble, if someone could give me a few ideas for the cover of the book becuz I'm kinda feeling it, I'm kinda not feeling. Ya know what I mean.


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