Part 10

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Izuku looked on ahead at the board in the classroom. Trying his hardest not to fall asleep. Him and Ben had been working on this nanobots thing for about a week and a half now. And they had barely done anything. They tried all sorts of ideas. But all of them had a problem. Izuku didn't want to admit it, but, he was slowly losing hope for this project.

He was beginning to nod off to sleep, when he suddenly felt a piece of paper hit the back of his head. The paper shocked him awake instantly. He turned to see Uraraka giving a glare to stay awake. Well, trying to give a glare and failing. She was just too kind for that.

Izuku looked forward as English class ended and the teacher left. It was five minutes till the next teacher arrived. "I have arrived!" He yelled as he entered the room.

Yes, with All Might here, I'll never be able to doze off.

Izuku thought and put on a tired smile. "Today, we shall be commencing in a trail of battle! Get your hero suits on and meet me outside, so I can lead you to the testing area!" All Might said and left the room marching out. Everyone cheered, they were finally doing something interesting.


Izuku looked at himself in the bathroom mirror wearing his SpiderIzu costume. He noticed the bags under his eyes and splashed water onto his face, before putting the face mask over and switching it on.

Luckily, it hid his bags and made him look less tired. Izuku walked out of the bathroom and into the middle of the field. Feeling his wrists. He walked up and stood by everyone else. They all turned to look at his suit. "Wow, your suit looks really manly" Kirashima said with a fist pump. "Thanks" Izuku said with an eye smile. "This is the suit you used to save all those people" Ashido said. Fan girling over the suit. "Yep" was Izuku's reply.

The rest of the class started discussing about what they would be doing, until All Might arrived. "Hello little golden eggs. Follow me to the testing site!" He said.
Everyone followed him and they picked lots on who was on who's team.

(They got paired as canon)

Izuku looked at Uraraka with emotionless eyes. She looked at him kinda scared from the cold look she was getting. But, blushed when his face suddenly flooded with emotion and he gave a bright eye smile. He removed his mouth piece and let it hang on one side before saying "Let's kick some ass" she fist pumped and smiled at his expression.

"First match up will be...Izuku and Uraraka as hero's and Bakugou and young Iida as villains" All Might said as one of his eyes twinkled on his darkly lighten face.

Izuku yawned and headed off with Uraraka trailing behind slowly.
They stopped outside a window to strategize. "Kacchan is gonna come after me, so you will head off to get Iida I'll try take down Kacchan as quick as possible to come help" he said and she nodded. He gave a thumbs up before flipping inside and landing soundlessly. Uraraka, not so much.

She made herself float and slowly drifted inside and disabled her quirk. Making her land and hit her face with a loud "Oof!". Izuku face palmed.

He helped the young heroin up before they made their way down the narrow hallways.

If this is gonna be a close quarters fight, then I can win. I thrive in close quarters fights.

He thought as his spider sense went off and he flipped backwards. Over Uraraka's head and webbed onto her back to pull her with him. An explosion came from around the corner as he did, destroying the rock and leaving bits of concrete dust in the air.

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