Part 16

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Download webtoons, read Let's Play. It's a romantic comic book series. Also ready God Of Highschool. And Maybe unOrdinary.


Izuku looked at his watch as he walked toward Nara labs. Today was the day. The day that he and Ben would show the Nanobots tech to the Japanese, American, German and Chinese army generals and their presidents cabinet members. It was honestly quite scary thinking about it. But, Ben said that he'd done it a million times before and that it was easy. So, Izuku took his word for it. Izuku was wearing a pair of blue Nike trainers, a pair of pale blue jeans and a white shirt. Over said white shirt, he wore his lab coat that reached up to his knees. He left the lab coat unbuttoned as he walked with his hands in his pocket. Getting a few stares here and there.

He looked left and right as the robot turned red. Him and about 30 other people from both sides of the road crossed. He walked past a few booths of food and stopped at a steamed buns place to buy some. He paid the money for his food and continued walking. As he walked, he smelt more food and he ate his buns. He walked past a couple of stores playing loud music from a toy. This was how Japan normally is.

As he walked, he pulled out his phone and looked at the time. As he did, he bumped into a guy who was staring up at a electronic billboard. On the huge screen was the news. "and in latest news, Spider-Man. You've probably heard of the second webswinging hero in our fair city. It started out with the young boy Izuku Midoriya, saving those people from being kidnapped months ago. Now, we have a new webswinger in town. But, the topic still stands whether he's hero or villain" the news man said as he picked up his coffee mug to drink. "Your absolutely right Daewi. The Spider-Man, as he calls himself, has been getting mixed vibes from the people of the city. Some saying he's better that pro hero's, others not so much" she said as the screen switched to a women standing in front of a ramen shop.

"What do I think of Spider-Man? he's a menace. Guess what, one night I was taking a shower and then I had just gotten out of the shower. I hadn't even grabbed a towel yet! And he just swings by my open window like he owns the place!" The women disappeared off screen and a man came on. "What do I think about Spider-Man huh? He's a piece of shit. One day, I walked past an alleyway. Then I got dragged into it by some thugs. They beat me up and stole my stuff. And once I finally find the strength to stand, and the bandit's are long gone. Who do I see? Spider-Man. Swinging around like he's a hero" the man said before he disappeared off screen.

Izuku looked down at his feet, thinking about these peoples comments. But, he didn't get much time to think as a newperson came on, this time an old man. "I don't get why everyone are so mad at this spider fella. He's just doing what hero's used to do in the past. Dress up and go save lives" he said and   disappeared, off screen, replaced by a women.

"That spider guy, he's a good for nothing piece of trash. One time, my shop gets robbed and straight before that, he's swinging by" she said and more negative comments followed about Spider-Man.

Some saying he had no right to do what he was doing. Some saying their stories of how Spider-Man wasn't there for them. Izuku now seemed discouraged. "What do I think of Spider-Man? He's a great guy, he saved me and my wife from being crushed by a car, I'm grateful" a man said as he bought some octopus from a restaurant.

"Spider-Man, he's amazing! I love him after he saved me from being shot"

"Spider-Man, who doesn't love him. He's amazing, you know he saved me from a burning building"

"Spider-Man, now that's a real hero"

Izuku looked up as more positive comments came through. Better than the ones before. They almost made him tear up. But, the one that meant the most to him, was the comment from a little boy with black hair that he'd seen before. "Hello, my name i-is Mori, and Spider-Man is my favorite hero. See"  he said and held up a Spider-Man figurine.

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