Part 2

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Izuku woke up on a cold hard floor of the abandoned building he entered before. He rubbed his cheek as he stood up. "What...happened" he said before his brain was rushed with memories of how he got like that. 
"It's kinda dark in here, huh" he said, just then the pain from the spider bite came back.

"Man, that damn spider" he said as he pulled out his phone. "22:34. Mom must be worried. Gotta get home quick" Izuku said as he switched on the flashlight on his phone and looked around. "How am I gonna get outta of here" he said and looked up at the hole he had fallen through before.

Izuku walked over to the walls of the room and started tapping them. "Maybe some sort of secret entrance or exit" he said as he placed his hand against the wall. "No" he said and attempted to walk away, but he found that his hand was stuck to the wall. "Is there glue here?"  He asked and looked at the wall confused. He kept pulling till his hand was free. "Geez" he said as he started moving his hand around. A web suddenly shot out of his wrist and latched onto a table in the room. "What the!?" He exclaimed, both shocked and confused. "Webs? From my hands?" He said and examined the webs.

He let go of the web line before shaking his head. "This is all confusing, let me try to make sense of this. I got bit by a spider that kinda looked like All Might, and now I can shoot webs from my hands and my hand got stuck to the wall. Let me check this out" he said and picked up some sheets of paper and skimmed through them.

"So...tried to do a test to mix All Mights DNA with a spider. He was trying to see if you could give a quirk to someone who didn't have one. Figures, mixing All Mights DNA with something elses DNA would do this. So, I have the abilities of a spider. So, I HAVE A QUIRK!!" Izuku yelled with joy.

"This is amazing" he said and jumped in joy. "Okay, what can a spider do? a spider can lift over 100 times there body weight, it can climb up walls and shoot webs. Plus it has a powerful sensory organ which tells it if it's in danger. So, it would be safe to say that I can do all those things"
He said and jumped in joy.

"But, I'll test all this tomorrow. For now, I've gotta find out how to get outta here" he said and scratched his neck where the bite is.

"Wait..." He said and walked over to the same wall as before. He placed his one hand onto the wall, then his other, then his foot, before slowly climbing up the wall like a spider until he got out. Once out the hole, he looked at his hands in amazement.
Izuku ran out the building onto the streets of Kyoto. He then walked into an alleyway feeling amazing. "This is great!" He yelled and jumped up about 5 metres. "Woah" he said as he landed once more. "Wait, how did I shoot those webs before? I did a specific hand sign" he said and started doing random hand signs, until a web shot out his wrist when he folded his middle and his right ring finger on to his palms and having all the others outstretched.

A web shot out and latched to the wall of a building. "Haha, yes!" He yelled. "Hey kid, give us your money" a guy said as him and his group stared at Izuku. "Perfect way to test out my abilities, let's go boys" he said and shot a web at the ones face, blinding him before kicking him, sending him flying into a wall.

One of them grabbed a pipe and tried to hit Izuku from behind. Suddenly, a buzzing was felt in his head and he flipped over the man and webbed the pipe before pulling it so it would smack the man in the face.

Izuku then webbed right in front of the one and pulled himself toward the man and punched him across the face once he arrived. He felt the buzz, so he dodged a punch from a guy and webbed him in the face before kicking him. He webbed onto a box and swung it into the one guy.

The buzz came, so he flipped onto a wall before pushing off and punching the guy in the face. He twisted to see a guy behind him. He ducked under an attack and jumped up and punched him into the air. He webbed the man and pulled him close and kicked him.

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