Part 7

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Izuku looked at the letter once more before his phone rang. He webbed onto it from his bedside table and pulled it. Catching it with one hand. He pressed the green answer button before a voice was heard.

"Ahhhhh. Midoriya, your all over the news. In the suit that I made you" Paige said. Izuku smiled at her happiness for him.

"Yeah, I know. They say I'm a hero. I've gotten quite a fan base" he said and started picking the webbing off his phone. "So now you've got fan girls?" She asked. It sounded neutral, but a hint, just a hint, like a crumb of cake of another emotion was heard. But, it was so small Izuku barely noticed it.

"Anyways, on the news I noticed your suit got wrecked. Swing by the lab so that I can fix it" she said with the happiness back in her voice. "Okay, your friendly neighborhood spidey coming over" he said and hung up. He grabbed the suit and packed it into his bag before heading toward the window and stopping. I got off with a warning last time. I can't break the law again. He thought and walked out the normal way.

As he walked, he turned to hear cries for help. "Help me!" A guy shouted as he was being kicked and beaten in an alleyway.

Izuku was about to charge in there and take out those guys. When he realised that he wasn't qualified to. But where were the heroes? or the police to stop this crime? Is this crime too small for any attention. A man is being beaten and nobody's doing anything about it. Is this really what the world is like nowadays. Nobody cares if a man has been beaten half to death. The world only cares about bankheists and large scale kidnapping. And if the man bleeds out and dies from the beating. Still nobody cares unless he's a celebrity or a vice president. Is this what the world has come to.

Well I don't wanna be a part of that system.

Izuku thought and created a web ball and chucked it at one of the muggers heads. He flew back and landed inside the trash. His friend, the second mugger arrived and tried to punch Izuku. Izuku dodged and drop kicked the man into his friend. Now both men were knocked out. And a weird sensation flowed through Izuku. Like the door from before inside him opened a little more. He could now make out a women's hair behind the door.

He shook off the weird feeling and went to go check on the man. "You ok" he asked. "Yeah, thank you" the man said. "Good, because I was never here alright" He said and ran off. The man smiled and nodded after understanding his message.

Izuku ran toward Nara labs with a new resolve. He was gonna help people. Once he entered, he walked over to Paige's work station. "Hey Paige" Izuku said as he entered. Paige turned and smiled at Izuku. "Hey Izu" she said and Izuku seemed to freeze in place. Paige noticed this and gave a confused look. "You called me Izu" he said and tilted his head. "Yeah, and what's wrong with Izu" she said. "Nothing" he said and smiled. He pulled the suit out of his bag and handed it to her. "My, my, you really wrecked it" she said and held it in her hands. Examining it up and down.

"Yeah, I'm sorry" Izuku said. "No,no, it's cool, it's cool. I like a challenge" she said and examined it a bit more. "Hey Paige, I was thinking, maybe we could design two spider suits" he said and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Why?" She asked as she swivelled around to face him. Izuku had to restrain a blush at his embarrassment and how pretty she looked.

"Just in case, my new one gets wrecked ya know" he said. Paige narrowed her eyes at Izuku. Once again, Izuku restrained a blush at how cute she looked. "Okay" she said slowly.

Then they both started working on the suits together. Paige giving a view tips about style and Izuku giving a few tips about mobility.

(Play the song)

Now Paige and Izuku were taking a break from building suits and having a little competition. "If I can get a reaction out of you, then you have to pay for lunch" Izuku said. "Okay, fine" she said and breathed in and out before her face was emotionless.
Izuku stood and she watched him edge closer to her with a face that she'd never seen Izuku make before.

He leaned in closer and closer to her until their noses were touching. At this moment, Paige was trying her hardest not to blush. Izuku backed up and smiled. "Your good" he said. "My turn Paige said and stood.
Izuku's face was emotionless, just like hers was. Paige walked behind him and whispered something in his ear. Izuku started figdeting as he tried to keep his blush down.

Paige walked back to her seat and sat down defeated. "Haha, my turn now" he said and walked over to her and started leaning in once more. But, this time his foot accidentally slipped and he kissed her smack on the lips. Paige's eyes shot open wide as she stared up at Izuku. Izuku stepped back with his own blush. "I guess we're both paying" he said and Paige nodded.
"So where do you wanna eat?" He asked as Paige walked over to him. "We could go eat ramen or katsudon" he said as Paige put her arms around his neck. "Or maybe we could..." He stopped talking as him and Paige kissed slowly. They both kept their eyes closed as they leaned into each other.

The kiss was passionate and sparks flew between the two of them. Paige smiled into the kiss and so did he. Before they separated. "We should go eat now" Izuku said with a smile. "I would like that" Paige said. Izuku looked her up and down and she did the same to him. Before they left to go eat.


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