Part 11

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All Might stared deeply at Izuku. As if he were staring into the boys soul. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Izuku asked as he looked away. "What you did today, and at the entrance exam. Do you know what you did?" He questioned with a serious expression, no joking in his tone. Izuku turned to look at him and said "Yeah, what about it?" He asked and steam rose from All Mights body. As he slowly transformed into a slimmer boney version of himself. Izuku raised an eyebrow at the sudden transformation. "I am made of questions right now" he said as he sat up and looked at All Might.

"I know you are, but I am too" he said in a normal tone. His voice losing it's once manly edge to it.

Jeez his balls left with his form I guess

Izuku thought as All Might sighed. "What about it is that, it's my quirk. One For All" the Pro said as he stared at his feet. "Let me give you a little history lesson. The power you used is called One For All, a very powerful power that has been passed down from person to person. I wondered why I couldn't use my Quirk for much longer now. You see, originally I could only use my quirk for 3 hours before I became like this. But, lately that time has been slowly deteriorating and now I'm down to an 1 and a ½ hours that I can stay buff. It started deteriorating about 11 months ago, and from backround checks of you, it seems you seemed to get your quirk 11 months ago. Coincidence, I think not. You see, as I said One For All, or OFA for short. Is passed down from person to person. And the only way to receive the power, would be if the user accepts the power. Think of it this way, if I give you a present that you don't like, what will you do?" All Might questioned. "I would give it back" Midoriya said.

"Exactly, OFA can only be passed down if the user accepts it. And, the next recipient must have digested a piece of DNA from the previous user" All Might stood and walked over to the window to look out of it.

"Then how did I get it?" Izuku asked as he turned to face the Pro.

"Well, I lie, the DNA doesn't exactly have to be digested, I just needs to be inputted into the body of the recipient. It can be put in anyway, injection, a tablet, or digested, however you can put it in. Which does raise the question. How did you get it? Me and you haven't been in direct contact until a few hours ago when I carried you here, and even so, the quirk can't be transferred through skin contact" "Plus I had it before you carried me here" Izuku said and put a hand to his chin. Using his smart, scientist brain to figure out how it happened.

"Yeah, you catch on quick. Your smart. Which brings me to a theory that I've had for some time now. I knew your father, his name was Hiashi Midoriya. And me and your father worked on a project a few years back. It was to see if we could give quirks to the quirkless. Now the test ended up going all wrong to the point where your father...died" All Might said as a tear escaped his eye. He quickly wiped it off as he continued. "He tried science as a means to create a quirk, but it failed. Then, one day after I fought a really bad villain, called All For One. He...he scarred me. So now, my quirk doesn't work properly and I have a specific amount of time to be a hero, before I become like this" He said and turned to see Midoriya's expression. Izuku was crying now.

He looked at his hands and they were trembling. "The symbol of peace is disappearing, and it's all my fault" Izuku said and put his hands on to his face. All Might walked over to Izuku and put a hand on his shoulder.

I should have known not to be so serious. He's just a kid after all

All Might thought as he smiled at Izuku. "It's not your fault. Its All For Ones fault. He injured me, causing my hero timeouts" All Might looked into Midoriya's eyes and smiled wider. "Now, let me ask the question, how did you get your spider quirk?" All Might asked. Trying to prove if his theory was correct.

SpiderIzukuWhere stories live. Discover now