Part 6

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Izuku lay in his hospital bed still.
Not moving as he watched the news on the T.V

"And in latest news, we have gotten reports of a young boy saving over 30 people from being kidnapped. Apparently the boy was wearing a black spider suit and had the abilities of a spider-"

Somewhere else

A blonde haired women watched the news as she drank her morning coffee. She was wearing a pink gown and white fluffy slippers as she leaned on kitchen counter and watched the news on her 84inch flat screen TV "Apparently the boy was wearing a black spider suit and had the abilities of a spider. The boys name is Izuku Midoriya-" Paige's eyes flew open wide as she spat out her coffee and placed the cup down before coughing. A picture of Izuku smiling came up on the screen.

"Here's footage from the crime scene in Chiyoda" the news lady said an footage of Izuku fighting came on screen. "Amazing that a young boy managed to save all those people. However the boy won't be penalized for what he has done, as using your quirk in public is illegal if you don't have a hero license. But the boy got off with a warning for his great job at saving those people's lives. Here are what some have to say" the news lady went off screen and a man was seen on screen. "He's a hero, he saved my life" "He saved my son, so he's okay in my books" a women said as she clutched her son. "It was amazing. He was like woosh and 'bang' 'pow' the guys were out" Another man said.

"That kids a real hero" a women said with a smile. "We could have died if not for him" a teenage girl said as her parents hugged her. "Izuku Midoriya, wherever you are. Thank you for saving our daughter" the mother said and cried into the husband's shoulder. "However, not everyone believes that this boy was right in his doing" the news lady said as she appeared back on camera.

"Using your quirk in public is illegal. He's technically a criminal. And now he's getting a slap on the wrist for breaking the law. Come on" a man with moustache and slicked back white hairs said. "And who are you sir?" The women asked. "My name is Stan Lee sweet cakes, how are ya?" he said as he adjusted his glasses.

"This is why people are just using their quirks freely. Because the police are too afraid to arrest a guy for doing the wrong thing" a guy said.

The news lady then came back on. "But, the boy did manage to take down one of two noturius villians. One being Han Ping. Who was found stuck to the ground of the warehouse incapacitated" a picture of the rock guy came on screen. "But people are now giving him the title of the 'Rhino' due to the fact that he now seems to be sporting a horn on his forehead. It's said that the boy also defeated his partner Tomura. But, Tomura managed to escape his sticky trap, as remanants of webbing were found on the floor. So the villain is still at large. What are your thoughts on the Izuku Midoriya. Hero or criminal? Go to the channels official website to see the full fight. On other news..." Paige looked at her TV with wide eyes.

The story was broadcast all over Japan and in some parts of China, America, Russia, Australia and England.

It was on every flat screen, billboard, computer, news website, news channel, social media app and radio station in Japan. It was hard not to miss it. Within a day, everyone knew of Izuku's heroics.

Izuku looked at the hospital TV with a smile at his own achievement. Suddenly, a knock came from his room door. It was Izuku's mother, Inko Midoriya.

"Hey Mom" he said, with that smile still firmly on his face. "Izuku, the doctor says that you've healed exceptionally quick and that your ready to leave" she said and sat down next to his bed. "That sounds great. And it only took 2 days. Whatever the doc gave me really worked" he said and remembered the neon blue liquid the doctor gave him. Saying that it will excellerate healing greatly.

Izuku stood and clenched his hand. "Izuku...sit down for a sec" Inko said looking down. "I don't think...that I can let you be a hero...after what happened the other day" she said with a serious face. Izuku's eyes flew open wide with shock. "But why, I saved all those people" he said. "I'm just joking Izuku" his mother said and looked up at him with a smile.

Izuku held his heart as he laughed. "Don't scare me like that Mom" he said and chuckled lightly. "After what you did the other day, it made me certain that I made the right decision letting you be a hero. I'm proud of you and I'm sure your father would be too" she said and gave a heart warming smile. Izuku felt tears prick at his eyes. He sniffled as he looked at his mother. She stood up in worry for her son. "It's okay Izuku, don't cry" she said and hugged. "I'm just playing" Izuku said and laughed.

"You tricked me" his mother said and laughed as well. "Well we best leave now. We've got at least a 1 hour drive ahead of us to make it to Musutafa" she said and Izuku nodded. "And to think, all this was over a carton of milk" Izuku said and chuckled once more. His mother did the same before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Izuku's face then suddenly became serious.

That guy escaped, remanants of spider webs. That's not good, but I can't do anything about it. I got off with a warning this time. Next time I won't be so lucky.

He thought and shrugged it off after.


After getting dressed in some proper clothes that Izuku's mother had bought at a nearby store. They  hired out a rental car and drove back to the Musutafa area.

Once there, they dropped off the rental car at the next company station and headed home. On the way home, a lot of people stopped Izuku, requesting to take a selfie with him to post on social media. Some asking to record his voice to make it their ringtone. Some asking him to shoot a web or stand on the wall of a building. But he refused those requests.

But, it's safe to say that our young spider made a huge fan base from fighting off those two villians.

As Izuku and his mother arrived home, and walked over to their house.
"Hey are you SpiderIzuku, the guy from the news? Who stopped those two villains?" The man asked with a smile. "Yeah I am" Izuku said with a smile. "Can I please record you saying that all kids should do their homework and listen to their parents, my son can really be a pain. But, your his hero. He'd listen to you" he said and Izuku agreed and got recorded while saying that all kids should respect adults.

Once they entered their apartment, the man at the front desk greeted them. "Hey Mrs Midoriya" he said with a smile. The man had a scar on his left cheek and two grey eyes with black hair. "I see you choose grey eyes today Sai" Inko said with a smile to the man. "Yeah well, I thought I'd give it a try" he said.

"Plus, this is all I can do with my quirk, just change my appearance" he said as he suddenly turned into a spitting image of what Izuku looked like before he got his quirk. Izuku looked at him and noticed how frail and weak he used to look. "It's like going back in time" Inko said with a chuckle. "But, of course you've grown tremendously" Sai said as he went back to normal. "Oh yeah, by the way, this came for you Izuku" he said and handed Izuku a envelope. "Thanks" he said as he and his mother said goodbye to Sai and walked upstairs. Once in their apartment, Izuku opened the envelope to find a letter that said that he'd been admitted into UA

"Mom, I'm in! I'm in! I made it into UA!!" He yelled as he ran out his room. "That's amazing Izuku" she said and hugged him.

One step closer to becoming a real hero.


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