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Anna/The huntress
Evan MacMallan/The Trapper
Philip Ojomo/The wraith
Max Thompson Jr./The hillbilly
Sally Smithson/ The Nurse
Rin Yamoka/The spirit
Michael Myers/The Shape/Michael
Lisa Sherwood/The Hag
Jumior Sawyer/LeatherFace/ The cannibal/BUBBA
Herman Carter/The Doctor
Freddy Krueger/The Nightmare/Freddy
Amanda Young / The pig
Jeffery Hawk/ The clown
Jason Vorhees/Jason
Kazan Yamaoka/ The Oni
None of these characters belong to me, They belong to Their creators-OOFOOOOOFOOOOOOOOOOF
This is 3rd person here
With Michael

Michael was eating in his room ,questioning why he was forced to put a second bed, bedside cupboard and the mere things that someone needed to live comfortably in HIS room. He never eats in front of anyone , and he plans to keep it that way; so he got a room divider and made sure it was nailed to the wall on the exact half mark of the room.

A female voice screams for Michael to come downstairs , he sighs in anger before standing up and cracking his back. He went into the hallway and down the stairs to see Anna "The Huntress", standing tall as she waited. Anna perks up, "Oh good! you're down here, come,he's here!" Huntress grabs his hand and starts dragging him throughout the house. Michael however raised an eyebrow under his mask as he walked, and thought to himself, 'he who?'

The others were there, talking and laughing with each other , Michael hated being surrounded, the issue was he didn't see anyone new because of this. The Huntress went to talk with the  others leaving Michael alone, Michael held his hands up to the white ears of his mask and pressed it to his actual ear to help with the loud noises coming from his surroundings.

He sighed internally and went to head back upstairs, turning around he bumps straight into someone, causing him to stumble backwards but not fall. Scowling he looks up assuming it had been The Trapper, but it wasn't, a man in a hockey mask stood there, taller than Michael and definitely taller than Evan, and nearly everyone else, well, everyone except LeatherFace.

The taller of the two looked down at the other, looming over him. Michael, stumbling to regain his balance falls back and into the arms of the Huntress

The Huntress hummed, "Ah, I see you two have met," she sets michael back upright, "Michael, this is Jason Voorhees, he's from Camp Crystal Lake, Jason this is Michael Myers, he is from the town of Haddon Field just a couple miles from here." Jason blinks recalling a newspaper he had seen before, 'Myers... I've seen that name before.' Jason, despite this, held his hand out to Michael, which Michael did not take, "The Shape here doesn't really do physical contact," Anna says ,demonstrating as she puts a hand on Michael's shoulder, causing him to jump. "Michael we do not use 'Evil Within' on other killers so stop it."

Michael took a moment before removing her hand off his shoulder, realizing why he was forced to put stuff in his room. He took out a note pad and wrote, 'Are you seriously putting this guy in MY room?!'
The Huntress nods, "Oh come on Michael, be nice, at least be grateful you don't have the Legion or Scream as your room buddy." Michael sighed nodding, he started walking away, "Michael do you mind leading him to your room," Anna calls out, Michael grimaces as he nods again, motioning for Jason to follow, he then walks to his room with Jason following behind.

     Michael pointed to a painted door in which it had his mask, a Jack-O-lantern and a knife inserted into it on one side of the door, the other half empty.
Jason tilted his head curiously at the door, examining the paintings, someone here knew how to paint! Michael opens the door, letting himself in before Jason could finish examining it , so Jason groaned mentally.

Michael pointing to the more dull half of the room looks at Jason. So Jason took this as this was his side of the room, leading to him sitting on his bed as Michael was staring at him.

Jason found this creepy ,until he noticed Michael had grabbed a sketchbook and pencil. Michael sketched out the mask and only occasionally looked up at Jason, so Jason just thought he was drawing and paid no mind to this.

Jason heard a small noise from underneath the bed and found that a small bag was under it, along with a note. He looked in the bag it was labeled 'From Anna, here's a small note with what you should know about Michael .' Jason rolled his eyes and took out the contents of the bag, a note pad, some pencils, pens, and most importantly bandages, and a cookie. He put the bag and note in his drawer, turning away to put the cookie in his mouth.

Meanwhile ,Michael finished the mask drawing and drew a machete under it, labeling it he closes the sketchbook before putting it in his bedside cupboard as Anna walked into the room, "Really Michael, a divider? What are you anti-Jason?" Anna smiled as she teased the younger psychopath.

"Anyway, I came up here to ask if you two were hungry," Anna asks looking at the two, Michael shrugs while nodding and Jason nodded. Anna nodded leaving, "They said yes Bubba!" Jason stood up cracking his back, as Michael just sat on his bed motionless.

Jason looked at the other man before walking away, leaving the room, probably to either roam the house or meet the others. Forgetting Jason had left the room Michael grabs his notepad to write, he looks up only to find he was alone... again.
Michael breathed out, sadly but annoyed, 'Yeah, okay, thanks. I didn't want to be friends any way.'

About an hour later Jason came back into the room ,to see the Divider was up halving the room. Jason was holding two plates of food ; his food and Michael's food.
He went over to Michael's bedside cupboard and put the plate down there. Michael looked up at Jason and nodded a thank you, Jason nodded back and went to his side of the room and removed his mask.

The two killers ate their food and Jason heard something like a pill bottle being opened. He peeked over not seeing Michael's face, he saw a bottle of melatonin, as Michael poured one out.

Jason frowned from under his mask 'Does the note say anything about that? He's either depressed or an Insomniac. great,' Jason thinks sarcastically.

Michael just sat in his bed after taking the pill waiting for it to do it's magic, he made sure there was no way he could be seen face wise, before he finally felt calm enough to try to sleep. He felt a roommate was a huge invasion of privacy, but he had no choice in the matter. Michael removes his mask and places it on the cupboard table, before taking his hairbrush and brushing out his messy blonde hair. He turns on his fan and turns the lights off after checking to see if the other was asleep, he was. He then relaxes and drifts off to sleep...
Damn I suck at writing

Years later now that this is edited: and Damn, I suck at writing.

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