♡ ✬5✬ ♡

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A week had passed, Michael was still out cold, his body weakening slowly, Jason had never left the other's side unless he absolutely needed to. At this moment he had been asleep next to him, softly snoring, while Michael started moving.

Michael twitched for a moment, slowly waking up, he started coughing. Like a dust storm had ran through his lungs, this woke Jason up with a jolt. He slowly reached over and pats Michael's back. Trying to help, he did what he had to last time, raising the others mask to be just above his lips. Michael prevented this however.

Michael looked around confused, reaching up to stretch, when he realized who it was he tried to back up for a moment before stopping. Jason reached his hand up to hug Michael causing the other to flinch.

Michael swung his feet over the edge of his bed, Michael stood up, his vision slightly blurred and darkened.
Jason was walking back to the room after using the bathroom , 'I bet Michael is gonna be curled into a corner-' Jasons thoughts cut off when he heard a thud.

Jason speed walked into the room (which we all know is practically running to everyone who is full on human.).Jason looked around for a second confused on where Michael was ,until he saw that the younger killer was on the floor . Michael attempts to stand up again collapsing, Jason sped over and picked Michael up putting him back in the bed. Michael just stayed there confused, Jason left the room and dragged Anna in. "JASON LET ME GO- oh he's awake, I'll be back!" Anna ran out the room to get Michael food.

Jason was about to sit down in his chair again but Michael hugged him. Jason just stared at Michael, 'he's hugging me...' Jason hugged Michael back.

When Anna ran back in she stood there to internally fangirl. Then walked in and poked Jason "I got Michael food."
Michael looked at Anna and kinda hid behind Jason scared She was mad at him. Jason points to the Bedside cupboard like 'put it there' ,Anna obliges putting the food down and leaving.

Jason looked at Michael and took out a pen and Notepad , jason wrote'Eat.'
Michael wrote back 'no'
Jason wrote 'Yes'
'No' Michael writes
'Fine, I'll just force feed you.' Jason writes
'WOT'Michael wrote scribble like

Jason forced The mask off of Michaels face and internally snickers, Michaels long hair was over his eyes.
Michael was confused he didn't notice the mask being gone. Jason made a hand motion that meant 'eat' Jason took the food and handed it to Michael Groans and just sat there and ate. "Don't take my mask off again..." Michael manages to say in a raspy voice

Jason looked at Michael 'he talked.' He blushed under his mask a little, but for the rest of the day Michael was resting in a normal way but with his head on Jasons lap . Cause they were both asleep, not a coma way.

Anna enters and snaps a picture and leaves with this face

Anna enters and snaps a picture and leaves with this face

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