♡ ✬15✬ ♡

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My birth day is next week on Tuesday
:3 I'm gonna be 15 nyeheheheh

It had been maybe 4 days since the newest incident, Freddy was no longer possessed and was actually happy about the child situation. Billy was very happy that Freddy was actually happy.
Michael and Jason were watching Kaylee again cause Bubba had a trial. Philip Decided to follow Evan into a trial so Evan could start training Sophia while he watched, Sophia was awake with her time scythe.

Michael was watching as Kaylee attempted to use her small wings to fly, Jason was entertained by this. Kaylee eventually lifted off the ground only to fall back down onto her face, Michael lifted Kaylee back up to make sure she was okay. Freddy and Billy were walking together cause Freddy couldn't walk on his own at the moment, Billy came to watch Kaylee as well .Freddy just wanted to see her beat something up.

Kaylee saw Freddy and eventually whacked him with her tail, "pbbt," Freddy made a offended gesture causing laughter from Kaylee. Billy snickers, Michael just pet Kaylees head, Jason just laughed. She got on all fours and attempted to jump, Succeeding she flaps her wings. She waits to fall, Realizing she hasn't she looks down, she then proceeds to squeak rapidly because she's flying. Billy managed to record it cause he was tryna record her trying to beat Freddy with her tail.

Billy kept the video cause it was adorable, Kaylee flew over to Michael and gently landed in his lap. Michael realized she was tired so he was gonna get up to put her in her crib, Then vibrations happened. "Guys, She's purring in my lap," Michael whispers, "it's a kitty child," Billy laughs , "she's a runt I think?"

Michael looks at Jason, "What do you mean," Michael asks "I know that things and half things are usually 11 inches tall when born, she how ever is about 8, Almost everything about her is smaller than the average Thing , half thing, or human baby," Jason explains, "therefore she is a Runt ,explaining why she can't eat meat yet or speak."

"Since when did you know shit about kids or things," Freddy questioned , "about 6 years ago I found books on them at the camp, And read them cause no one was coming."
"Do you still have those books," Michael asks, "yes actually," Jason answered, "can I have them," Michael asks again , "sure when we get back to our room I'll give them to you."

The purring intensifies, Michael looks down at Kaylee petting her , "I have the strong urge to cuddle her right now, or hum to her," Michael admits. Billy shrugs , "you're a Mother/father now so I can understand why lol," Freddys more mesmerized by the fact that she can purr.


"Uhm, Phillip...," Evan asks , "yes?"
Evan breathes in then out "I uh, Kinda , maybe... Just lost our daughter-," Evan Sheepishly laughs, "YOU FUCKING WHAT?!" Phillip used his bell and uncloaks , not caring if a survivor sees him now ,"SOPHIA!" He speed walks away before Evan could even notice, "Sophia, Come out come out where ever you are," spotting a survivor he walks towards them.

It's Nea, she isn't aware that the Wraith was there . Phillip grabs her shoulder, "excuse me-," She screams and uses her flashlight to blind him. It not affecting him he held onto her shoulder, "Holy entity I just had a question," Nea stops, "Wait- wait wait wait,what." "You can talk," Nea asks, "Uh yes," Nea snickers "Wow, I thought all of you were just heartless mutes ahah."

Wraith glares , "Don't make me hook you," Nea jumps out of her skin "OKay What is your question!?" "Have you seen my daughter," Phillip asks making a size comparison "Bout this tall,Responds to Sophia , I don't know if she's gay cause she's literally fucking five, Brown hair with heterochromic brown eyes."

Nea blinks , "You have a ki-," "JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION PLEASE," Phillip shrieks, "OKAY OKAY, fine, short lil girl in Grey clothes?" "Yes, That's her," He replies, "She'd be with the other three, Claudette, Dwight and Meg, They wanted to make sure she stayed safe so they kept her with them." "And Where might they be," Nea pricks her finger on a hook and screams to mimic a Hooking. "They should be here in a minute," She crosses her arms and stands there, "Eh, Okay?"

Meg ran over as fast as possible, Dwight following behind out of breath, Claudette crouching Near the Pallet holding Sophia. "Jesus christ Nea be more caref- AAAAH," Meg screams about to run before; "Papa!" Meg pauses mid run sharply turning around, Dwight speaks "ahh, waiit, I thought you said it was the trapper!"

Evan caught up, "holy entity Phillip you're quick," he looks up to see the survivors and Claudette holding Sophia, "Daddy!" Sophia squirms a bit Claudette letting her go , Sophia ran to her adoptive parents. "I made friends," Sophia points at the three , Claudette, Meg and Dwight. Phillip looks at Nea, Nea put her hands up , "I was told to just deal with some Gens alone don't shoot me." Sophia hops a bit holding her arms up, "Up?"

Evan picks up Sophia, "okay okay, Up we go Time-Lime." Claudette looks like she's shitting bricks , "T-they are y-y-your parents," she nearly screams, "ye!"
"We're gonna die now aren't we...," Meg asks ready to bolt, "Not on my watch, you four are fine for a while, right Trapper?" Evan knows that glare that Phillip is giving him "eh, Y-yep," "hah Gayyy," Nea laughs.

Dwight blinks , "So we're safe for a while as in months," Philip nods, "from us we mean, we can talk to Hill billy and Huntress ,maybe you'll be safe from him and Huntress too." Meg makes a victory fist , "Yesssss," Phillip blinks , "Alright first things first you guys gotta get out so, Evan .. open the gate."

Evan nods walking with Phillip while carrying Sophia, the four survivors following behind talking amongst eachother. Sophia is set in front of the Gate controls, she takes her scythe and smacks it, "OPEN SESAME!"
Meg and Claudette chuckle, Dwight wheezes, Nea laughs walking over , "you just pull down the lever kid."

"What!?, it doesn't listen to open sesame!?" Sophia is Generally shocked , "meanie," she then attempts to pull it down, "Dad no reach..." Evan sighs smiling under his mask, He does it for Sophia. Once it opens the four go to the gate exit area, They each said a farewell to the killers and their daughter , "Bye, Thank you, s-s-see ya, Good luck in life kid." Laurie was on the other side of the exit, "So they let you guys go," she looks up and looks at Phillip ",Say Hi to Michael for me would you?" Philip nods , "will do, good bye and good luck to y'all." Philip cloaks the three, and they all leave .

While leaving Phillip and Evan talk , "can we lie and say Laurie helped in some way too?" "Sure, wait why," Evan asks , "That's what Michael would want, To make sure she lives, even though she respawns." "Okay fine," Evan smiled, "Liar liar, pants on fire," Sophia Laughs.

Michael had fallen asleep so Jason had taken Kaylee to her crib, then took Michael to their room to sleep . Freddy and Billy went to bed, while Phillip and Evan learned that Sophia should maybe be put on a leash, or taught not to run to far away. Now Evan and Phillip gotta make sure everyone knows not to hurt Meg, Dwight, Laurie, Claudette, or Nea, That's gonna take a long explanation.


Time skip?? Like to 3 months or something, Fucking help?



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