♡ ✬12✬ ♡

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"I can't believe those assholes left me with YOU," Freddy snarls while keeping The baby a distance away from him. Kaylee just looked at him and started giggling, Freddy wasn't amused. He took her to the couch and set her on the opposite side of him, Turning on the tv. Kaylee looks up at him he doesn't even acknowledge her. Then she crawls over to Freddy slipping a bit she landed on her face, she continued rubbing her eyelid. Getting to Freddy she just lightly laid her head on his leg. Freddy growls, picking her up and setting her back on the other side of the couch.

With the three bottom bois lmao
Michael , Ghostface and The Wraith split up looking for someone to kill.
Michael was looking around for some moments before having a stomach problem, he leans on a tree for support. "Come on not now baby," Michael shakily sighs, "We gotta kill someone." He starts his journey again and sees three people , two appeared to be hugging. The bigger one was Just hugging someone by the size looked maybe eight or ten.

The bigger one made a sudden move and pushed the smaller one off of the cliff like area they were on, Smiling back to the other one nearby. "Wh-WhAAAAAA!" The small one had screamed as they fell, they ended up going out of his sight not even two seconds later.
Michael heard a scream of pain shortly after the small person was all the way down. Michael for some reason went into a fit of rage, he swore all he saw was red. When he could see again there was blood all over his hands , coveralls and knife. He heard terrified breathing from behind him, turning around he saw who looked to be the one who pushed the small person off, 'I killed the wrong one.' He lost his sight again

Freddys attention was back to the Tv, Kaylee got up to crawl , Doing the same as last time. Freddy groans before moving her away again, however she looked determined. She tries again, this time she gets to him curling up next to him not touching him what so ever, she looked at Freddy. Freddy looked fed up with her as he pushed her away this time.

~*Ding Dong*~
The wraith was on his own path humming softly,he kept looking around seeing a black fox run past him he smiled. He started seeing hooks around him , "I guess this is either the training area or an unused trial area..." He continues walking until he heard a blood curdling scream, pausing he saw the aura of a hooked person. "Guess this'll be easier than I thought...," he started heading that way. He didn't like what he saw when he got there..

Kaylee being a baby she's not good with balance yet, she falls backwards flipping to the other side of the couch. She looked up at Freddy again, he seemed mad while watching the Tv intensely. She just sat up before looking back down at her feet, tears welling in her eyes. She curls up close to the pillow on her side of the couch, closing her tear filled eyes. Crying softly,She quietly attempts to calm herself so she can sleep. Freddy looked over to her, seeing her crying he started to feel bad.

Ghostface sighs ,he's not getting any luck. He goes to find Michael, seeing a aura he paused. "I guess i found them," he started heading that way. He saw Michael on the way there, he was holding some dudes head. He watched Michael shove the dudes head on the branch of a tree. Picking up the other girls body , he notices Ghostface, Then the aura.

Freddy turns to the tv again, trying to focus on the tv. He looks back at Kaylee , he sighs shifting how he was sitting. Freddy carefully reaches over and scooped Kaylee back up. Kaylee looked up tears still falling from her eyes, she blinks slowly she's sleepy, yet hungry. Freddy just lays his head back on one of the pillows on the couch, He puts his legs on the rest of the couch. He set Kaylee down on his chest, softly laying his clawed hand over her , Like a protective gesture.

The wraith despite him being pregnant, ran over to the hooked person. 'It's a little girl ,oh my god,' he got to her and looked at her. The little girl sobbing , her hand was hooked causing her to hang from her hand. trying to get off the hook she see's the Wraith, She started to panic immensely. The Wraith reached up taking the girl off the hook, he sets her on knees on the ground. Taking the girls injured hand he speaks ",Shhh, it's okay, You're okay, it'll be okay." He softly held the girls hand before softly rubbing the tears off her cheeks.
The girl was scared and in pain, this was actually comforting. The Wraith picked her up gently.

Freddy was watching the tv before he heard soft little giggles. he turns his head back towards Kaylee to see her happily pressing her tiny hand against Freddys. Upon closer inspection she had tiny claws, she seemed happy. Freddy blinks before softly chuckling, he some how found her attempts to compare her small hand to his bigger one , adorable. Her hand wasn't even a quarter of Freddys hand size, 'she's a runt.'

Michael and Ghostface see the Wraith, "cool you got meat too," Ghostface says as the Wraith shuts him up, "she is not meat, she's a child." Michael blinks , "so now you'll have two kids huh," Michael laughed a little, "How'd you?"
Michael just points to his own stomach, "OhMYGoD you two are PREGNAN," he was shushed again but by Wraith covering his mouth. "You're keeping her right," Michael asks as they start walking home, "I hope I can , Finders keepers." "L-losers... weepers...," the girl finishes, "yeah this is mine now ," the wraith adds. "Can i be uncle ghosty," Ghostface asks as they get to the house, "maybe."

They enter the front door to see Freddy and Kaylee asleep ; a Childs dream demon; with a tiny little baby curled up on the demons chest, under its clawed hand, HMM. Ghostface whips out his phone and gets a picture, "I love it," Ghost face smiles, "That's highly surprising ," Michael adds, "agreed," Wraith nods.

Michael just slowly made his way to drain the blood of the Lady into a lidded bowl. Once done he hung her in a noose outside for Bubba to deal with, "her teeth aren't fully formed yet so I'm assuming she can only drink blood for now." Ghostface looks up , "makes sense to me- oi where'd Wraithy boi go," Ghostface looks around , "probably to get the girls hand fixed."

Wraith had taken the girl to the nurse who had put the girl to sleep, Unlike the rest of the people here, They get used to pain. But this little girl appears to be just a normal human, so she thought anesthesia would be a good idea. The trapper had come in to ask the nurse a question seeing Wraith with the little girl made his heart race.

"Phillip?" The wraith turns to see his lover behind him , "I uh ... yes," Philip questions , "Are you not telling me something?" Philip shook his head, "no," the trapper made the face that says 'spit it out already' , "DAH, Okay fine, I found this little girl out in the area we no longer use for trials hooked by the hand and Sobbing, so I maybe kinda, ..........adopted her?"

The trapper felt happy , "soo I'm a father now," he speaks happily, "to two kids," The trapper pauses , "t-two?"
Phillip looked down at the ground awkwardly wrapping his arms around his stomach , "you mean you're," The trapper took a moment if silence. The silence made Philip really uncomfortable and panicky causing him to tear up, this caught The trappers attention, "Phillip, why are you crying?"

"Because you don't seem to like this at all... I'm sorry .... I-," Phillip is interrupted by trappers hands cupping His cheeks , "who said I wasn't happy, I'm the father of a child from the best person in my world, I love you no matter what, Even though you're pregnant I still love you." Philip hugged The trapper quickly, "Thank you... I love you Evan....," Philip smiles, "I love you too."

"So can I name one!?"
"Pftheheh ,oh my god ,sure..."

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