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Meanwhile with Bubba
Btw if you're not interested in a story of Leatherface/Bubba saving a baby ima cut chu

Jk just skip toward the bottom lmao

Nvm ima cut you-

Bubba had seen someone out the window earlier, and is still following the fleeing thing. Soon he came across what looked like a small shelter like area . Kinda like in the trials but , it had the brick wall things kinda like in a large square shape surrounding a tree. The tree had something like a hole under it looking like a sleeping place , and then a assortment of different weapons and torture tools on a large leather strip stuck to the brick wall.
There was a small wall made of dried mud surrounding nothing but a corner , But the spot looked like something stayed in there on a daily. There were burn marks on the bricks in that corner area, and dried blood spots splatted on different parts of the brick walls , mud walls (?) and dirt. There was a gasoline canister near it , lighter and a book, It looks to be a journal.

He picked the book, up he knew how to read , but just doesn't know how to speak right , Anna was trying to teach him though.
'Entry 1, 10/08/2017' I had a baby today and she is me and my husbands everything ...

'Entry 2 , 11/21/2017' Update !its been a month the baby doesn't cry much she just... Sleeps and eats she doesn't do much? My husband doesn't seem too happy about her...

'Entry 3 12/12/2017' He doesn't like our child... he's attempted to kill her... he called her a monster ... I think i should run away... take her somewhere safe... she doesn't need to be around someone like this...

'EntrY 4 , 1/04/2018' ... he's hurt my baby, he took her from me as I held her ... he took a damned kitchen knife and Stabbed her in the eye ... I never wanted to hear a scream like that from my baby ... i was fucking frozen like a coward as the man I "loved" gauged our baby's fucking eye out... i took his knife and stabbed him in the collar bone took the baby and I's things and fled the house in the car... and we are ... I don't even know where we are... the car ran out of gas maybe after ,6 hours of driving? I walked for about 2 more hours farther away from there ... i found a brick wall surrounding a tree... this is home now I guess... I'm surprised how well my torn off sleeve is working to keep her from bleeding out...

Bubba skipped some entries cause they were all about trying to survive

'Entry 8' some irritation lines have appeared on the baby's face and They won't go away...

'Entry 9' I woke up to the baby crawling around on the fucking tree stump about 5 feet up... what the hell is wrong with her.. He was right.. she's a fucking monster... i checked the missing eye scar it glows pink theres nothing but pink in that fucking socket...

Bubba skipped three more 'i guess she's writing a story no one is like that.'

Entry 12... What ever time it is . I don't care , this little shit won't die! Fucking hell! Knives, saws, fucking bullets don't seem to work she heals in a non human way, I tried to burn half of her THE litTLE SHIT HAD THE AUDACITY TO CRY AND SCREAM! she wouldn't shut up and the fire went out due to the rain that came shortly after . She is still alive. I need to rid of this THING!

'Entry 13' I have found a house of ... freaks... maybe I'll just abandon the lil shit there... then maybe I can use the last of the money on me and get a way home!

Bubba looked at the last entry

Bubba looked mortified, 'it started wholesome. what the actual fuck' he was gonna look around a lil more before the sound of soft crying occurred . Bubba put the chainsaw down and decided to look in the hole.. 'that wasn't fictional...' he saw a small baby that looked as if it was barely even surviving anymore. He reached in and grabbed it before hearing another noise

"yes take that lil shit away" it was a lady... The bitch was in the tree. Bubba put the baby in the small corner before picking up and using his chainsaw to cut the tree down. The lady attempted to jump down and flee. too high of a jump... she landed on her head, she's dead 'Entry Dead end , You fell to your death'

Bubba put the chainsaw on his back it had a strap of a sort so he doesn't always have to hold it. He picks up the baby that's most likely under 10 pounds. It was crying Bubba knew it was crying cause it was in pain, He started heading back as quick as possible.

When he did he slammed the front door open and then gently closed it. He stood and waited kinda panicky , He knew Anna was gonna come to check out what was happening. The baby was just softly crying and Bubba held it as close to him as possible ,not knowing how to calm a baby down. Anna came downstairs and to the door.

Bubba made a noise of panic , that confused Anna cause she didn't see anything wrong. Bubba then sped walked a little closet to Anna holding the crying child , Anna blinks shocked "where did you get a baby from?"
Bubba made a face that was like 'cut the bullshit it's important'
Anna looked closer at the really small baby, "what the hell, who would do this to a baby?!"
Bubba made another noise , Anna just called the nurse, who came quickly

Jason and Michael were still asleep so they weren't checking out the drama today nuh uh lmao.

The nurse went as quick as possible to her room with the baby , Bubba and Anna following .
The nurse was trying to carefully clean the baby's wounds and hope she stayed quiet to prevent the others from waking up. Well she screamed when she tried to clean the large bullet like hole in the arm of the most likely 6 month old child.

Michael heard the screaming cry and woke up quickly "what the hell was that," Jason woke up groggily, "Freddy fucking Ghostface." Michael glared at Jason for once, "Jason I'm concerned that something bad happened to someone ,not that Billy lost his virginity," he facepalms "cmon get up."
Jason groaned he stood up and proceeded to pick up Michael instinctively.

Jason walked to the source of crying and they peeked in the door. It didn't take long for Michael to try and get down, "It's a baby," jason wouldn't let him get down so he started to struggle, "You are intent on looking at that baby aren't you," "yes cause it's a baby and it screamed"
Jason sighs and knocks on the door he gently pushed it open, Bubba looked at Jason with a look of 'sorry'

Jason walked in a bit Jason had his mask on cause he remembered. Michael didn't remember to ,so when he saw the baby he looked generally concerned about it. The nurse had cleaned up the baby and all that before putting her in a blanket , she gave her back to Bubba.

Anna snickers looking at Michael who seemed to be concerned and in awe, "hey Bubba I think Michael wants to see the baby!" Michael then realized his mask wasn't on, so he kinda just used Jasons arm as a hiding place. Bubba just shrugged , he walked over to Jason and Michael while holding the now quiet child.

Michael looks up again he never has actually seen a baby up close , "it's so tiny..." , Michael reached over a lil and pet it , "it reminds me of kittens."
Anna smiled "whats sad is I thought you didn't like children," Bubba nods in agreement ".... you what..," "the way Jason carried you in here I was waiting for a knife to fly at the kid," Michael looked mortified, "jesus christ Its a baby What the hell is wrong with you!"

Jason pet Michael's hair calming him. "going back to bed." Michael then pokes Jason on the hand, Jason turns and walks back to their room. Michael just >:/

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