♡ ✬16✬ ♡

978 24 23

It was now october the 8th
Michael had picked up on the fact that Kaylee was two now. He realized she straight up played with dangerous things and had nothing to actually play with...just like he was, but it wasn't from neglect, Its just that Bubba is too scared to go in public to buy things like most. So he wanted to help Bubba.
Michael decided, 'Y'know what I'll have to get used to this anyway later on, might as well start now.' Michael went and changed into something that looked normal but still covered his body,He took off his mask and went downstairs . then he immediately started having doubts on his plan.

Amanda and Anna noticed this and removed their masks, both grabbing one of Michaels two hands each. Michael looks at the two , before slowly smiling, "Ну же!" Michael blinks, "she said come on," Amanda translates, "She's been teaching me some Russian, now lets go."

While going out into the world eventually ending up in haddonField he covers his face with his hoodie and scarf. Amanda rolls her eyes, Michael started going slower to look around a bit, but Anna wasn't having it hoisting him and Amanda up on her shoulders she ran to the store.

Michael screamed at her while Amanda yelled and cheered . remembering Michael was pregnant she put him in a safer position in her arms while putting Amanda on her shoulders like a piggyback ride. Isn't that ironic piggybacking the pig. All the way to the store , Anna laughing her ass off.

Bystanders watching confused on both : how a girl so giant could exist ,and what she was doing.

Once at the store she gently put Michael and Amanda down, "Michael, amanda will go with you to shop for stuff, While I get groceries. Okay?"
Michael nods, Amanda grabbed Michaels arm, "lets go," Michael nods walking with Amanda. A teenager ran past wearing a Ghostface mask , "WASSSSUUUUUUUUP," another ran after him using a Myers mask laughing and lastly someone using A LeatherFace mask.

"Oh brother...," Amanda sighed Michael seemed shocked, Next thing you know they were in the toy aisle . Michael went to the stuffed animals immediately, picking up soft things and squishing them happily. It's been so long since he's seen a lil stuffed toy, Michael picked up a cat teddy, "think she'll like this?" Amanda shrugs , "She's two and cannot talk, so Maybe, while you're here you should get stuff for your baby. Y'know you ARE a month or so pregnant now."

Michael sighed , "You're bad at helping," Amanda shrugs, "Thanks I try." He used his cart and did pick some things up , pacifier, teething toys, Bottles etc. he doesn't like shopping, He did see a toy called the 'good guy doll'. Amanda spoke picking it up, "Huh, I guess Billy could use a friend," talking about her Jigsaw billy puppet thing.

Amanda put it in the cart, Michael shrugs before continuing on, grabbing a couple more things to help Bubba raise a kid, and to help himself with raising a kid. Grabbing parenthood books ,sign language books, baby books. Lastly he saw the pumpkins from across the aisles, "Amanda, Pumpkins, Amanda, Amanda," Amanda finally paid attention.

"AMANDA," Michael yelps , "What is it Michael?!" "look," he points to the pumpkins All giddily like a kid in a candy store, "Michael no."
"Michael yes," he swiftly put Amanda in the cart before she could protest again, Putting one foot on the cart and kicking off towards the pumpkins. (YOU ALL KNOW WE'VE DONE THIS LMAO)

Once at the pumpkins, Michael took the dizzied Amanda out of the cart, Staring at the beautiful pumpkins. He looks at them before picking out a couple and putting them in the cart. "Hey Michael...," Amanda quietly asked nudging him, "Isn't that someone you know?" Michael raised an eyebrow looking up, "... Laurie... J-Jamie... they're.. oh my god.."

Michael shook his head trying to make sure he wasn't seeing things, "They're alive...!" He felt his heart ache a bit , he pulled out a paper note and Wrote on it. Amanda was dragged over to a corner , "Give her this... please," Michael asks, "why do I have to," Michaels eyes showed panic. "Oh, I see, Alrighty Mikey..," she grabs tbe paper and walks to The two girls.

"Hey miss, I think you dropped this," Amanda says innocently enough to convince Laurie that she did drop something. "Oh, Thanks uh ma'am," Laurie smiles before looking back at the pumpkins, "I like your puzzle tattoo," Jamie exclaims pointing at Amandas collar bone.

"Oh thanks kid," Amanda sheepishly chuckles before returning to Michael who looks like he was about to full on cry, "Michael? MICHAEL!?" Michael had lost his balance and nearly fell but Anna caught him, "I see that you've come across his sister and niece, They're quite nice." Amanda exhaled , "thank god you caught him, I probably would've went down with him..."

"I.. I wanna go home.." Michael murmured softly crying. Anna sighs picking him up, And checking out with him in her arms. "Ask and I'll choke you," Anna growls at the cashier, he nods quickly checking them out. They left for home.

With Laurie,
"I know I didn't drop a note, But I guess it MIGHT be important," she sighs reading it. 'Please, Meet me at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx tomorrow. Please bring your daughter too,
From someone that remembers you.' She seemed spooked but Nods, "Jamie, We got plans tomorrow,", "Are we visiting the icecream shop," Jamie asks excitedly, "I wish but no."

About 10 minutes later with Michael,

Jason was cuddling Michael to calm him down, "shhh, it's okay...," Michael was having a melt down , he felt horrible for what he did to his sister, his niece... it hurt him so much.
Bubba thanked Michael for helping him while Kaylee was in his arms staring at her newest toys, but signed to him 'I think you should rest...' , he left him and Jason alone. Michael could hear Kaylee Happily squeaking about her Kitten toy, that cheered him up a bit.

Jason laid his lover down on his back, lifting up Michaels shirt over his belly, it was already growing a bump. Michael seemed confused at first but jolted when he felt Jasons cold hands touch his belly. "Hi baby, I know you can't hear me but I love you already," Jason purred before looking up at Michael as he kissed his tummy softly. He then moved and sat next to Michael, "I l-love you ...you dork." Michael moved Jasons mask and softly kissed his big dork on the lips.

"I love you too," Jason smiles , softly hugging the now happier Michael while gently rubbing Michaels small Baby bump with his hand.

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