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Michael woke up to feel Jasons strong arms wrapped around him somewhat gently. Michael put his hands on the back of Jasons, "Good morning Mikey...," Jason lightly purrs, "Good morning Jays,"Michael purrs back. Jason lets Michael go sitting up, Michael stands up slowly stretching. His back cracked a bit , "you do know soon enough you can't always be in coveralls... right," Jason says looking at Michael. Michael nods gently, "You should be meeting my sister and niece today Jays," Michael Says softly.

"Oh, You didn't tell me that yesterday, I get to protect you if she acts shady, You don't. You're pregnant and I'm not letting you risk our baby's life alright?" Michael walks to Jason, "I would never do that to our baby... okay," Michael moves Jasons mask Cupping his cheeks Jason kisses Michael softly in return.

Anna who had entered the room snapped a picture quietly , "Hey love birds Breakfast is ready." Michael and Jason look at Anna shocked , "how long have you been there," Michael asks, "Long enough." Jason just puts his mask on right, Michael doesn't dragging Jason downstairs to eat, He's hungry.

Michael made it downstairs, Ghostface looks at him, "Wow, You really do look like your sister!" Michael shrugs , "I'm here for food not to be made fun of," Michael says looking over at Bubba and HillBilly Who was holding Kaylee. He was making Noises that sounded like 'Am I holding her right?' 'Oh god.'

Bubba reached over to Max and Adjusted how he was holding Kaylee gently, signing 'You're doing great, I think she likes you'
Max blinks at Bubba looking at Kaylee again, Kaylee was reaching up to Max and started Giggling. Max looked so scared , mumbling noises 'I don't wanna hurt her...'

Michael spoke while eating, "That's actually kinda cute, The two chainsawers Bonding over the others Baby," Anna nods. Max lightly blushed when Kaylee hugged Maxes Messed up arm and purrs, Bubba just shrugs signing 'At least we're finally getting along.'

The clown looked at them, "Heh tiny Fingers -," before he could continue his most likely creepy talk Max rose his Hammer , growling at him. Bubba blinks before lightly grabbing Hold of Maxes arm and putting it down, Making him look back at Kaylee to calm him down.
Freddy chimes in, "not even His baby and he wants to protect it haha," Jason looks up at Freddy, "didn't you do something similar?" Freddy looked over at Freddy with wide eyes , "Don't you dar-," Billy then raises his phone to show everyone the picture of Freddy sleeping with Kaylee on his chest using his clawed hand as a shield of a sort. Everyone stares at the photo some Awwwing, some asking him to send them the picture .

Freddy tilts his hat to cover his face, Billy just kissed him on the cheek. Bubba started to laugh a bit catching Maxes attention, causing him to laugh too. Sophia speaks while eating her bacon, "So she has two dads now too?" This shut the two up, they stared at each other for a moment before looking away from one another quickly.

Michael shrugs eating , Phillip explains that that's not the case. (Do y'all like Hillbilly X Cannibal cause i kinda do)
Anna and Amanda talk to eachother quietly, all Michael heard was the end of it "We have a new mission," from Amanda. Michael eyed the two, with the 'I know what you are doing' face.
Amanda and Anna just go back to their food dismissing Michael, Jason then finished up his breakfast, Michael did too. "I hope y'all don't mind someone coming over later," Michael says, before anyone can protest Anna speaks, "And If you complain I will use an Iridescent head hatchet on you."

Max seemed stressed now making panicked noises, Kaylee started purring again to calm Max down. She started making a noise as well "Da..." Everyone and I mean everyone went quiet, "Daaa...daaa??" Bubba looked at Kaylee in Maxes arms. She looks up at Bubba , "da...daa? Daadaa? Dada!" She reached out at Bubba smiling, "Dadaa!" Bubba just didn't know how to respond, Kaylee then looked up at Max while pointing at Bubba, "Dada!" Max took this as a sign to give Kaylee to Bubba, doing so.

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