♡ ✬7✬ ♡

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?You a sinner aren't you?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
.Hell yeah you are.

Michael just Blushed a deep shade of red, his multi colored eyes submissive to Jasons wood brown. Jason may be missing an eye and have a hole in the side of his mouth, but that doesn't mean he can't gaze at the beautifully psychotic man or make out with him.

Jason put his free hand on Michaels hip, keeping his hands pinned he casually nuzzled into his neck and started to suck on his skin. Michael wasn't expecting this so his small jolt was kinda expected. Jason just suckled on the one spot for a moment before moving to a new location :trying to find Michael's sweet spot. When Jason finally found his sweet spot he bit the spot it was Michaels collar bone.

Michael moaned softly, biting his lip he tried to move his hands Failing. Jason enjoyed the mans squirming ,so he sucked and bit harder in that one spot.
"J-Jays...~," Michael mewled lewdly while trying to grind on the literal Hulk of a man.

"Patience Mikey, Patience~," Jason purred while lightly kissing Michael on the lips. After he finished making an "artwork" of Michael's neck he moved his free hand to the zipper of Michael's Coverall. He glances up at Michael as a way of asking 'you okay with this?' , in which Michael nods quickly as a response. Jason then starts unzipping Michael's coverall , looking at Michael's pale bare skin he gets a little hard.

The feeling of the colder air on his skin makes Michael shift a bit, watching as Jason undresses him. Jason removed the coverall completely, and tossed it off to the side. Kissing his chest a little he trails down to Michael's V line, Causing Michael to squirm. Jason purred a little more before unhanding Michael and removing his own clothes.

Michael was very right Jason is a hulk of a man, making him harder a little wet spot formed on the cloth of his boxers. Jason just smirked, before sitting in front of Michael again and setting him on his lap. He slowly reached up and started to stroke Michael through his boxers. Michael blushed a bit more before shivering a lil, Jason just used his other hand to lift and move Michaels thigh a bit.

Michael made a small groan not liking the tease Jason was pulling. Jason Kisses Michael's jawline whilst tugging Michael's boxers off. He takes a moment to look at Michaels body, Michael covered his cock with his legs.
Jason removes his own boxers, crawling over to Michael; he flips Michael over.

Before Michael can say anything Jason puts three fingers in Michael's face, "suck on them" . Michael looks at them before proceeding to suck on the three fingers, Jason bringing the saliva covered fingers back to himself, He presses one finger on Michaels entrance. Michael gave Jason an impatient look, due to this Jason shoved two fingers up Michael's ass lmao. Michael yelps before arching his back a bit, whimpering he felt Jasons fingers scissor him.

Michael mewled and moaned at Jason , So Jason added the third finger , In and out repeatedly. Michael moaning a bit with each forced entrance. Jason got harder removing his fingers ,he presses his tip to Michael's entrance . Pushing in Michael moaned a bit ,clenching his teeth and grasping the sheets. Biting his lips;Jason pushes his whole seven inches into Michael.

Michael tried to move a bit to signal he wants to continue, Jason realizes this and he starts slowly thrusting. Michael moaning lightly, Jason speeds up. Leaning over Michael Jason quickens his pace once again, Making Michael arch his back more with a moan. Jason Decided to go as fast as he could and Well he doesn't regret it, Michael became a moaning mess before he and Michael came .

When Jason came he did it inside Michael, And Michael came on his stomach. Jason pulls out laying down he drags Michael down with him. Michael curls up to Jason quietly yawning lightly. Jason rubbed Michael's back covering the two with Michaels blankets. "I-i l-love you..." Michael whispers before falling asleep cuddling up to Jason, Jason smiles chuckling lightly whispering "love you too Mikey..." he too falls asleep while cuddling Michael

((Mpreg may start soon you're welcome ya sinnin fucks lmao))

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