♡ ✬4✬ ♡

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It had been weeks, and Michael still refused to Interact with anybody. Michael had at least moved the divider open slightly, Jason would try to write to him, but Michael backed away from him still.

Anna tried to apologize even forced Freddy to do the same, but nothing came of it. Anna tried to bring Michael his food, only to have her hand pushed away from him, usually followed by Michael just disappearing. Bubba even tried to give Michael food but Michael was softer towards him, he knew Bubba was scared for him, he wouldn't eat... he knew Michael wasn't going to last long if he didn't. So all he did was shake his head no to Bubba each time he tried to bring the smaller food.

Some nights he would disappear, and couldn't be found until he randomly appeared back in bed the next morning.

Wraith tried to find Michael multiple times but the other was just as stealthy and hidden as he was, it was useless .

No one else tried to interfere with Michael, they didn't know what to do, so they decided to wait it out.

Jason however, had enough, and decided to pretend to be asleep, since he was unable to see Michael, Michael couldn't see him either (due to the divider), so Michael never knew if he was truly asleep or not. But the moment Jason heard the click of a window opening, and nothing for a bit after, he knew Michael had left.

Jason stood up, grabbing his Machete, he opened the door and headed downstairs. He looked out the window watching Michael til he was far enough before exiting the house himself, following the stalker quietly.

Michael was just walking through the forest that surrounded the house, looking around, staring at the moon and stars. It took a while of following until Michael had stopped, Michael had found a rushing river. It made Michael smile, so he sat, watching the beauty of the water in the moonlight.

Jason walked near, avoiding everything that could make Michael aware of his presence. It didn't take long before Jason noticed a woman approaching Michael prompting Jason to hide behind a tree. Michael heard the woman, and reached for his knife. She got right behind Michael before Michael jumped up and attempted to stab the person.

Though instead Michael got pushed into the river, in which Michael wasn't good at swimming, he never got to have much experience with it. (Reference to a part of one of the movies of halloween)

Michael didn't even know the river was deep enough to drag him underneath the water. He stuck a hand out for the land only to have his hand stomped on, letting go he's sucked into the fighting river.

"Thats what you get for killing my children...," the woman was obviously grieving and wanted her revenge, which she thought she got. But what she really got was a machete through the stomach shortly after. Jason pinned the woman to a tree and stuck the machete into her skull after tearing it from her stomach. He took a moment before remembering, 'Wait... Michael... WAIT, MICHAEL!' He snapped to the river, seeing the other being dragged along the current.

He looked down at the water, 'Shit... I can't swim... but Michael needs my help, wait Michael!' realizing Michael was gone, he panics, 'Where is he!? WHERE IS MICHAEL!?' He started looking, running down the side of the river. Jason spotted him and reached for him, failing he gives in and jumped into the water. He started doing the motions he's seen before when others swam, and boom, he started swimming, 'Holy shit, I'm doing it!' He shook his head quickly, 'Michael!' He swam towards Michael, he swam hard and fast, before grabbing Michael's wrist.

He swam up breathing in and grabbing on to a branch, he tugged the other out of the water. Jason got a better grip on Michael before hoisting the man onto land, and doing the same for himself. He crawled to Michael and pushed on his chest firmly, nothing, he does it again but harder, causing Michael to cough. He lifted Michael's mask up to his lips and repeated until the watery coughs had faded, and were replaced with normal coughs. Michael breathed in sharply, before exhaling and inhaling again.

Michael began taking in shaky breaths, Gripping onto the first thing he could. Jason looked down as Michael had a firm grip on Jasons shirt, he slowly lifted Michael into his arms. Rubbing the other's back, he knew how it felt to drown, all he knew how to do was try and comfort him. The Shaking continued for minutes, he thought Michael was still scared, until he looked at his hand, it looked like it was somewhat skin and bones. He had been starving himself for three weeks, the moment Michael let go of Jason's arm. Jason softly grabbed hold of his hand, trying to get the other to look at him.

When that didn't happen, Jason looked to the man's eyes they had been closed. He was unconscious, out cold, literally.

He immediately attempted to wake him up, 'Mikey?' He lightly shook the other, 'Mikey wake up,' he shook him harder. When he didn't wake up he stood up, bringing Michael to his chest and running over to where the lady had been.

He snatched the machete from her skull, and picked up the others knife from the ground. He knew something about the knife was irreplaceable for Michael, the same was for his Machete. He started jogging home, Michael in arms. He opened the door to the house, apparently Jason wasn't as quiet as he thought.

Anna had woken up, "Майкл?" She walked over, "Что с ним случилось?"
Jason cocked his head to the side confused, Anna shook her head, "Ah, Sorry, What happened to him?"
Jason looked down at him and the soaked male in his arms, Anna turned on a light to see better. "Oh my... come, go get dried off, I'll get the Nurse."

Anna held her arms out for Michael but Jason shook his head, he'd rather stay with Michael until the nurse showed up. So that's what he did while Anna went to wake the nurse.

When the nurse and Anna had come down, the Nurse obviously couldn't just pick Michael up, so she led Jason to a room to put Michael down. Jason soon left to dry off while Michael was dealt with.

The next day

The huntress entered Jason's and Michael's room, finding Jason waiting for Michael to wake up. She hums, The huntress said expecting Jason to acknowledge her, she sighed and went over, placing her hand on his shoulder, startling Jason. "Jason, why are you watching him sleep."
Jason took out his notepad, writing, 'Making sure he's okay, Want to be there when he wakes up.'  Huntress sighs, "I don't think he'll be comfortable with that, you'll make him uncomfortable, but from the way you saved him, I believe he trusts you. If he allowed you to hold him like, that I mean."

'It's no big deal, just did what I had to.'

"Jason, earning Michael's trust is hard, this is an extremely big deal, especially with how he had been raised in an abusive family."

Jason blinked, 'abusive family?' Jason growled mentally, he wrote something on paper again, 'when he wakes up , He needs to eat.'

The huntress cocks her head confused, Jason huffs rolling up one of Michael's sleeves, Michael was extremely pale, he had become frailer than usual. Anna frowns, "Oh Michael..." .  She reached over to touch Michael, but Jason nudged her arm away.

Jason didn't want anyone touching Michael while he was like this. 'Don't you dare touch him...' Jason growled mentally. The huntress sighs, "I'll get you some breakfast," the huntress left the room quietly.

Jason looked at Michael and held his hand gently, 'I'm sorry, Michael.' Jason sighed internally, gently rubbing Michael's hand. 'You'll get better, I'll make sure of it.'

The huntress came back soon enough, she pretended like she didn't see Jason holding the other's hand. She placed the food next to him before leaving again, Humming down the hallway.

Jason removed his mask and ate his food, slowly waiting on Michael to wake up. 'Wake up soon Michael...'

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