♡ ✬18✬ ♡

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2 mom-ths(months but mom- it's.... it's a pun okay)

Michael was now bout 4 months 3 weeks and 3 days pregnant, Jason was with him at all times except for during trials. Michael seemed fascinated with Billy, his belly ...It was almost bigger than his 4 3/4 month belly. Billy was only at 3 9/10 months, and he had all of the pregnancy symptoms worse than Michael, which scared Freddy a lot.

Phillip was at 5 months , He and Evan were excited , the nurse had the equipment for almost anything medical due to the entity, so Phillip had an ultrasound. Evan was reallly spooked when the ultrasound looked like twins, and Phillip nearly fainted. Michael had his ultrasound as well at 4 months though, for some reason she couldn't tell if there was more than one baby. Jason was so excited that he nearly crushed Michael hugging him, not his stomach though.
Billy hasn't had an ultrasound yet actually.

Anna was teaching Bubba how to talk , so he had a way to properly communicate with his daughter. Kaylee was getting bigger now that she was eating and sleeping properly. meaning her voice is occurring more , her hairs getting longer and her teeth are coming in quicker. Bubba and Max were getting along more ,mostly via Kaylee though as Kaylee started enjoying Maxes company. Some times it's cause they have nothing better to do, and lastly through Anna teaching them how to talk.

Michael was laying down with Jason and their new cat Michael Meowers, or Mike Meowers. When Michael gasped causing Jason to jolt, he sat up looking at Michael to make sure everything was okay. Michael was resting his hand on his stomach , it bumped up a couple times. Jason confused put his hand on Michaels belly slowly realizing that Pamela was kicking. Jason removed his mask , Watching the bumps occur on Michaels tummy. Leaning down ,Jason planted soft kisses on Michaels belly making Michael giggle. Meowers just rolled over, he's a cat babies are not somethin to care about for him.

Everything was fine until someone let out a scream, and that someone sounded like Bubba. Michael jumps startled, Jason growls softly angry that the peace was yet again ruined. Jason put his mask back on, carrying Michael. They approached the lead cannibal of the house, Bubba was stressing over something you could tell, He was covering his eyes as well.
When they got to see what was wrong, they both seemed shocked.

There was a broken hook impaling someone and that someone was Max

Max was holding what looked like a gift that he worked dangerously hard to get, He was shaking harder than a baby deer trying to stand. Bubba looks up , eyes locking onto the hook impaling Max. Making a panicked noise he reached out for Max , in which Max started to collapse. Bubba grabbed Max carefully scanning him for more injuries. A couple glass shards were stuck in his back, broken wood from pallets were stuck in his skin as well, along with some bruises. Bubba looked around scared holding Max, noticing Michael and Jason.

Michael spoke up, "We'll get the nurse and the doctor you stay here with Max," Jason nods. Bubba whimpers before nodding, Kaylee had crawled her way over. "Dada...? P...papa max...," She reached up to Maxes face making Max look at her, "...papa okay??" Tears were welling in her eyes, she considered Max like a dad too being he was also with her at all times when possible like Bubba.

Michael looked at Jason, Jason took this as a hint to go as quickly as possible. Jason ran to the doctors room, knocking hard enough to maybe break the door if he knocked faster. The doctor opened it, "what happened today, someone break a skeleTON of bones?Ehehehehe," The Doctor laughs, "more like someone named Max is actually dying downstairs." The nurse blinks over with a med kit, "WHERE," Jason ran back to Max, The nurse and Doctor in tow.

The doctor stopped laughing for once, "what in the actual fuck happened," Bubba was focused on Max who was just barely conscious. Max looked up at Bubba slowly blinking , He raised the small box shakily while smiling . But then Max paused dropping the gift, he started wheezing, then started coughing up blood, gasping for air. The hook had cut through one of his lungs.he grasped Bubbas apron/shirt thing looking at him for help.

Bubba started freaking out so he softly rocked him in his arms, snapping his stare to the Nurse and Doctor. Noises of panic escape his lips again, raising Max up to them desperately wanting them to help. The doctor and nurse were frozen in shock, the doctor SNAPPING OUT of it grabbed Max swiftly but gently.

The two rushed off with Max, Bubba looked at the now crying Kaylee and scooped her up in his arms. He looks at Michael and Jason, attempting to speak "Thenk... You..." Michael got down and hugged Bubba, who had started tearing up, He just got a friend that understands what he was going through and they were just dying in his arms.

Michael let go of Bubba and watched him comfort his daughter quietly, Kaylee hugged Bubba whimpering and sniffling. Bubba looked at Michael standing up, He hugged him then Jason before going upstairs to his room.

Michael sighs softly, "Poor thing," Jason nods in agreement, noticing the box on the floor he picks it up. "I'm gonna put this back with max, do you mind telling Anna what happened," Michael asks,  Jason nods heading off to find Anna. Michael went upstairs to the nurses room, he knocks on the door.

"Uh, Come in," The nurse calls, "Hey so Max dropped this and I wanted to give it to him," Michael explains quickly. He was not liking what he was seeing right now and he wanted to get out as quick as possible. The nurse nods, walking over Michael hands her the box , "Thank you Michael Audrey you may leave," the nurse says. "Why did you use my middle name," Michael asks, "that's not important," the nurse replies , "Okay?"

Michael leaves and heads to billy's room , Freddy was in some trials so he wanted to check on him. He entered billy's room Billy was asleep but he saw plates n things on his bedside cupboard , a puke bucket that needed to be emptied and an empty water bottle.

Michael sighs walking in further, he picks up all the trash and throws it away, grabs the puke bucket and plates, and grabs the water bottle. He heads down stairs putting the dishes in the sink and washes them, next he fills up the water bottle .
He goes to the bathroom and empties the puke bucket into the toilet and flushes it away, he then heads outside and hoses out the puke bucket. He goes back inside dries the bucket ,grabs the now full water bottle and heads upstairs back to billy's room. Putting the things back in Billy's room he hugs him softly before leaving again, closing the door too.

Jason stood there, "since when did you-," Michael interrupts him, "he's like a brother to me, so when Freddy isn't here ...or anyone else... , I take care of him." Jason nods as in a understanding, picking up Michael he takes him back to their room. Michael is put down on the bed and is handed a new set of clothes, "What?"

Jason looks at him, "no more coveralls, go change," Jason points at the clothes , Michael blinks unamused, "uh no thanks?" Jason turns to him, "you either change now or I'll change your clothes for you," Michael shakes his head no like a child. Jason picks Michael up , "Michael...," Michael speaks, "Jason...," he mocks Jason , Jason then pinned Michael to the bed and tickles him.

Michael burst out laughing trying to get Jason to stop, "I- HAHAH STOP HAAHEHA-," Michael wheezes. This continues for about 2 minutes before Michael gives in, changing his clothes. He joins Jason in bed, Snuggling up to Jason he sighs happily.Jason Smiles, moving his mask he lightly kisses Michael on the cheek.

"I love you Jays...," Michael yawns cuddling up real close to jason, "I love you too mikey, lets get some rest." The two fall asleep snuggling happily,

((Why did i make this chapter such fucking cringe though))

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