♡ ✬14✬ ♡

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(Be aware i use the original Ghostface scream boi Billy loomis

Not no danny mofo)

THe SCieNce SHow
*Piano lands on evan*
Me: ùwú👌


Ghostface wasn't feeling any better from the other week, so he was hella silent. This was unsettling to EVERYBODY even Michael, Billy was like Michaels annoying brother. So While Freddy, doctor and the nurse were doing trials, He was watching Billy. Billy stayed curled up in a ball, motionless ,extremely tired, and Nauseous. Michael knows he and Freddy had fun a week or so ago, 'Freddy is a nightmare demon... and Billy is practically a ghost... wait a minute,' He looks over at Billy.

He remembered something , 'Sally said i'm mostly made of demon like evil so that's why my body is able to carry a child... Wraith is currently a creature demon human thing making him perfectly capable to breed. But he had sex with a demon , humans can be impregnated by demons by default... but he's half ghost and half alive, Part of him is able to mold into whatever... wait...'

"Billy...," Michael asks quietly,
"Hmmph," Billy groaned turning to face Michael paler than ever. "I think... I just might know what's wrong with you... maybe," He says standing up , "Stay here."
"like I can move right now , Really..," Billy snarls out , "Sorry," Michael laughs before heading to the nurses room. 

Michael looks through the various cabinets and drawers Finding the boxed thing he needed , he left the room holding the Box. He walks back into Billys room, seeing Billy dozing off he lightly shakes him. "Here go to the bathroom and use this," Michael says handing him the box, "oh right..." Michael picked up Billy and set him in His bathroom leaving the bathroom, he just waits for a bit.


Michael enters again, "Michael, what does it mean by positive ," Billy asks he literally was a teenager when he died he never came across one before that, now he's 21. "It means you're a mom," Michael simply explains, "Eh, Michael, I'm being seri- WAIT WHAT!?"
"Hi being seri, I'm Uncle hahahahahhahah," Michael laughs not noticing Billy was bringing his knees to his chest.

Michael paused when he heard rapid breathing , Looking at Billy he noticed Billy was hyperventilating.
Billys face was reddening as he started to try and back up , Nearly falling off the toilet seat.
Michael grabbed Billy ",BILLY!?" He Takes Billy back to his bed, "are you okay, calm down, It's gonna be okay-," Michael tries to help getting interrupted,"NO ITS FUCKING NOT!"

"Wh-wha-," Michael was in pure shock, "FREDDY USED TO RA — HE KILLED CHIL- ," Billy was having a panic attack stuttering up a storm, "HE... HE, HE'S GONNA FUCKING KILL THEM, HE'S GOING TO HAVE HIS FUN AND THEN KILL THEM AND MAKE ME WATCH!" Michael saw Billys eyes go from brown to white, "... I... no... I can't..."  Michael stutters a bit , "y-you can't what," Billy just broke down "I ... I can't do this... I don't want him to leave me but I don't want him to stay and be mad all the time.."
Michael hugged Billy , "yes you can... if he leaves you I'm still here for you so are the others, and if anything happens we'll kill him." Billy hugs back he needed to calm down , he did cry a bit, Michael was just in a mom like mood so he stayed until Billy was calm.

When Michael disconnected from the hug, Billys body was limp. Michael looks Billy in the face, 'he's asleep...'
Michael carefully tucked Billy in, leaving the room he heads back to his own room.

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