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Btw thats me in the mask lmao

OKAY ONTO THW STORY MWAHAHAH@&@$@&@&@$@&@&@$@&@&@

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Michael woke up curled up under the covers , Jason wasn't there... Michael peeks out of the covers , no one. He sits up and lets out a yelp while wincing in pain. Michael was slowly sitting up until he heard loud yelling: "YOU TWO STOP," Annas voice mad and scared, "FRED DUDE CALM DOWN," ghosts voice... then "I WILL WHEN THE BITCH APOLOGIZES," Jasons voice...
Michael shot out of bed as quick as possible. He put on his mechanic suit/Coveralls ,putting his mask on he grabs his knife. Limping down the hall and down the stairs , He was halfway down the stairs when he saw it. Jason and Freddy covered in one another's blood, Jason covering the slashes on his chest and Freddy covering his arm that was practically a bloody waterfall . Jason rose his machete and Freddy rose his hand ready to slice. The swung at each other .
A deep scream , both of them thinking it was their opponent, looked at the others in confusion as to why they were mortified. They looked infront of themselves to see:

Jason yelled and drops his machete, he picks him up in the safest way possible . Freddy looked absolutely dumbfounded and shocked, "i-,"

"Shut it , Krueger," Jason growls deeply, "you come even five feet within Michael's presence and I will gut you like a fucking fish, Got it?" "Jason it was an-," Freddy was interrupted, "Did I STUTTER FREDRICK?!"
Jasons pupil glowing with rage , Michael writhing in pain blood pouring from both sides of his waist spoke, "J-jays, Jason...c-cal...m down.." the nurse and the doctor had entered the room."OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!?" Sally shrieked. It took the Doctor a moment to notice , "oh shit what the fuck?"

Anna couldn't even speak, Ghost face was hidden behind the legion Shaking. The legion of four stood in front of Ghostface with intentions to protect for the moment. "Jason, I need to help Michael if that's okay,"Sally spoke, "b-but...", "he could get into another coma Jason... and that one won't take a week it'll take a month..."

Jason looked down at Michael seeing the pain in Michaels eyes he reluctantly gave Michael to the nurse and doctor. He watched as the nurse and doctor had rushed off. Jason was quiet and unmoving until he heard : 🎵~Ding Dong~🎵 Jason turned to see wraith , hillbilly and The trapper.

The wraith opened his eyes being he was kinda like Jason very quiet and mostly refused to talk, When he saw pain , regret and sorrow in Jasons eye he felt horrible. He went to go closer to Jason, thats when he saw them , Crystal clear tears leaking and dripping from Jasons eyes . Wraith went to Jason fully and hugged him , Jason and Philip/Wraith were friends but Philip reminded him of his mother. Philip calmly let him go and looked at Anna and nods in a way, Anna grabbed hillBilly came to Jason and sat by him.

Hillbilly grunts he had his guitar hiding in a bag he normally carries around containing cool items he's offered by survivors during trials in trade for another chance at life. He takes his guitar out and started strumming it to a tune that he , Philip, Anna and Michael knew Jason liked , "In my arms" (plumb)

Jason looked up at him in confusion before Anna started humming the lyrics to the song, causing Jason to look at Anna now. Philip chimed in by using his bell hitting the small notes, The Spirit recognizes the song and limps over to wraith and sitting Joining Anna with the singing. They didn't have the right instruments so they played it in their way.

Freddy looked over remembering the time they did something similar for him: after he completely failed his first trial and was unable to walk, due to the entity being furious with him ... but it was only Anna, HillBilly ,and Trapper ... playing "the Hanging tree" at that time they were the only ones that liked him, Michael Jason Ghostface and Bubba weren't included in this realm then.

Freddy regretted it now, He had never seen Jason cry not even when he fought him before they were in this realm and insulted his mother. Ghostface went to Freddy and hugged him , The legion just went to their rooms, The hag and The Demogorgon made an effort . Demo crawling over to Jason and just put it's head on Jasons lap and purred like the weird creature it was. The hag made Jason a small totem.

Bubba frowned and since he can't speak or play an instrument he couldn't even help, He felt so useless , he then spotted something outside the window .

The thing outside the window noticed Bubba and fled. He left the house to go after it.

+-=!.Hours Later.EXE.!=-+

Jason had been in his room , Waiting. When his door opened it was the nurse "Jason," she asked Jason looked up before she floated in holding Michael. Michael was awake , Jason shot up but the nurse sat him back down. "I still have to bandage up your wounds," she says as she hands Michael to Jason. She floated there "you know what to do," Jason sighed mentally, He then set Michael next to him. He took his jacket off and shirt. In which the nurse took out the alcohol wipes and cleaned out his wounds then bandages him up. "There now don't do anything rough with Michael you're both injured," she says leaving the room.

Jason and Michael are both like this under their mask : >:O . Michael and Jason look at each other , Jason unzipped Michaels coveralls and removes them , grabbing a pair of sweatpants from his Dresser. He puts Michael in the pants and held him like he was a baby, "..I'm... sorry Mikey... I... I'm so sorry...". Jason started tearing up again, Michael reached up and removed Jasons mask and then his own. "... Jason," Michael sighs softly causing Jason to look down at his lover, " please... don't cry for me... I know you didn't intend to harm me, it was MY fault..." Jason looks Michael in the eyes, Michael's eyes reflecting love and sympathy, Jason leans down and kisses him softly.

"I love you ...," Michael says, "I'll love you no matter what happens... I can't and won't leave you behind... do you understand?" Jason looks Michael in the eyes again both of Michaels eyes were tearing up, "... I...I love you too and understand ... I always will..."

Michael sat up and winced a bit, he hugged and kissed Jason. Knowing Jasons birthday was soon in 2 weeks (its not Friday the thirteenth in the story yet ;) ) he decided to plan out a surprise but doesn't know what yet.

Y'all know what is gonna happen , right if you don't I WONT EXPLAIN AHAHAHAHAHHA!
Oof I realized it is now no longer Friday the 13th but I started this yesterday lmao

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