♡ ✬10✬ ♡

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Pst pSSST fuck you lmao-
Not really
The other part of me :FUCK ME YOURSELF COWARD!
The other other part of me : >:/

My life is going back down the hill .

On to the story

It was a week later Michael was waking up feeling the urge to puke, he ran to the bathroom connected to his room and started letting out the contents of his stomach. Jason walked into the bathroom and held his hair back , Softly tracing circles into his back.
It was a few minutes before Michael stopped and Collapsed, Jason caught Michael. "I...it hurts...." Jason looked at Michael and touched his forehead 'no fever i hope'

(Jasons mom watching knowing exactly what was happening :


Michael whimpers, Jason Decided to test something he very gently pushed on Michaels stomach if it hurts him he will wince . Michael was in pain all over so he instinctively smacked Jasons hand "d...don't" Jason held Michael rocking the two back and fourth.

Michael put his hand on his stomach and whimpers again , he rubbed his face into Jasons arm. He just wants to sleep at this point.

This happened for a week and it kept getting worse and worse. Jason had entered the room after a trial and didn't see Michael , so he entered the bathroom to see Michael sitting infront of the toilet sobbing "i...it hurts so m-much... J-J-Jason c-come B-back!" Michael fell onto his side and curled into a ball he hasn't eaten at all that day cause every time he had he puked it out ,but if he didn't he'd puke anyway.
Jason drops his machete, and came to Michaels side as quick as possible, "com'ere baby..." he rocks the sobbing Michael back and fourth "we'll have the nurse check you out tomorrow..."

He held Michael and went back into the bedroom and set Michael down quietly humming to him. He turns on Michaels fan and tucks him in, (SWEET BOI IS A SOFT BOI SOFT BOI IS BEST BOI

Jason didn't wanna crowd Michael so he went to lay in his bed Michael Grabbed Jasons hand tightly . Jason smiled under his mask , he removed his mask and kissed Michaels hand. "I'll be back I promise" Michael frowns before letting go.
Jason left the bathroom door unlocked for Michael and he cleans up. When Jason he came back to a sleeping Michael, "still beautiful," Jason lifts the blanket a bit and lays next to him.

Michael immediately felt warmth coming from Jason and cuddled up to him . Jason just sighs 'i'll love you no matter what happens...'
The two slept until 7 am , Michael woke up and went to the bathroom puking again. He comes back to hug Jason, Jason picks Michael up . The nurse entered the room, "you needed me Jason?" Michael looks confused 'how'd she?' He remembers texting exists . He handed Michael to Sally,Then proceeded to follow her.

Jason enters the nurses room and just now noticed her bed is no where in sight. "Do you not sleep?"
The nurse looked at Jason "oh no I do, Just not in here, I share a room with the doctor." Jason just nods , the nurse set Michael down on the bed like thing . "Sooo what's wrong," the nurse asks , Michael just spoke about the issues he'd been having and the nurse wrote it down.

(Bitch i aint a doctor i ont know)

Jason was told to go stand outside of the room and does so, He sat in front of the door. Just playing with his thumbs,
Michael was handed some kinda box of a sort , he tilted his head confused . "Go to the bathroom and use, it Instructions are on the box," sally explains , Michael nods before going into the bathroom attached to Sally's room. 'Its Really clean...' Michael spends a moment reading the box the name scratched out, and he took the thing out , He read it next all it had on it was:
| negative. || positive. Michael blinks , he does as needed (PISS ON THE STICK) and now he waits for five minutes. It beeps || positive, Michael assumes this means he is just fine and its a stomach bug. He walks out and showed it to the nurse, "Does this mean i'm dying?"

The nurse facepalms before taking the test and reading it , she was really quiet after reading it 'I can finally handle what I've always wanted to!' She throws the test away and claps her hands quickly excited. She then turns to Michael and spoke "Congrats, You're a Mommy, ehhh daddy??? I don't know what You'd be called. I didn't deal with pregnancies and babies when i worked at the hospital," Sally shrugs before softly patting Michael's shoulder.

"But, ... I'm a dude, I can't have babies... you're not funny Sally," Michael says crossing his arms and pinching the bridge of his masks nose. Sally blinks, "eh, That was a pregnancy test Michael, You're pregnant. Besides you're the embodiment of evil, You're like a demon, they normally can have children man or woman. Take a incubus for example, They can have kids with another male , as long as that male is more powerful making it like an alpha. Jason in this situation is your alpha, You're his Omega, Michael." 

Michael stood there flabbergasted, "... so... I'm ... gonna have Jasons baby?" Michael grips his arm, "this can't be true, You're lying to me right,This is a prank...," Michael's eyesight was focused directly to the floor. "Are you not happy Michael," Sally asks "n-no," Michael whispers, "I am happy, but ... I'm scared , Jason will hate me... when the child is born Freddy will most likely prowl on them and oh god.. they'd kill em....... I'd hurt them... i'd kill them, I can't .. I don't wanna deal with the Jamie situation again..."

Sally Grabbed Michael's face , "look at me Michael ," Michael looks up at Sally , "You met Bubba's baby girl a week ago, none of us and Including Freddy Were mad about that child coming to this home, and they won't hate or hurt you for having a child born from someone you love, and if they do they'll have to deal with it, You got that? Lastly your curse Michael wasn't your fault , You didn't choose to kill off your niece, or your big sister. But the baby isn't like them , This one is from you Michael not your shit parents alright?" Michael nods softly and just hugged himself gently, "but how do I tell Him about this?"

"That's not for me to decide Michael, you'll have to figure that out yourself, for now you should just tell him it was a stomach bug, Besides you're not alone Wraith is currently in the same boat as you , But with the trapper."  Michael nods , he left Sally's room "thanks SallY" Michael almost fell on top of Jason.

Jason caught Michael again, "You're real clumsy this week aren't you," Jason asks holding Michael, "you're the one who sat in the doorway."

Jason stood up with Michael, "So i just have a severe stomach bug should be gone before your birthday." Jason nods softly , He then see's Bubba holding his baby. Bubba used sign language 'Guess we both have a different definition of baby haha'
Jason nods snickering he was carrying Michael like a baby, "so , have you named her yet," Michael asks.
Bubba uses his sign language 'yes, her name is , K , A , Y , L , E , E'

(Totally not my name - okay fine i love my name for many characters lmaooooooo , besides that's literally my slasher persona lmao. Fight me biotch)

Michael blinks , "I like that name actually, Reminds me of October for some reason." Jason holds his Michael 'my baby'
Bubba nods before the baby just squeaks while yawning she was growing - a lot of canines just canine teeth. Michael is officially concerned, "That is one odd baby," Bubba nods before signing 'she can do this cool thing with her face actually'

Bubba boops the baby causing it to get confused mid yawn, it's face split open into sixths growing teeth a lil more visible. Michael looks shooketh and Jason spooketh , "you are literally taking care of a half Thing Leather face."
'Realized ,I love it' he signed as the baby closed its face it fell asleep again.
Bubba signs again 'bye, Gotta set her to sleep'
Jason waves his hand to Bubba as He left, Michael falling asleep in his arms. Jason went to their room and put Michael in his bed, getting under the covers with him they go to sleep.

Michael is thinking on how to tell Jason about the unexpected issue, but at least he wasn't alone in this problem, He always has Wraith to talk to about this.
(Yeah Wraith is gonna have Trappers baby, but it makes more sense with him cause he's like no longer human he's mostly like a creature lmao)

This chapter was shit i wanna sleep lmao

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