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It was about 10 P.M. when the killers had set out for a killing spree, Michael, Jason, Freddy, and LeatherFace all had gone in one direction and separated from there.

Michael walked his normal pace, fully unaware of Jason being nearby as he walked. Michael had been so busy searching the surrounding areas for something to kill, that he hadn't paid attention to the teenager on a skateboard coming straight at him from the side. He had attempted to jump over Michael but only managed to hit him in the face, he had been running from Jason.

Michael stood still for a moment before picking up the skate board and looking around for the kid, he spotted him behind a trashcan. He grabbed him from behind and tossed him to the side, causing the kid to scream. Michael didn't have the patience for this kid and immediately brung the skateboard down on him. Breaking his skull with it, turning his brain to mush.

Jason stopped pursuing the teenager as soon as he saw Michael get hit with the skateboard. He just watched him discard the kids life like it was nothing and blinked as Michael stomped on the kid before turning to leave.
Michael growls internally, 'shit head teenagers these days,' he walked away from the corpse before going to the metal trash can, Picking the lid up and tossing it like a frisbee.

Jason watched Michael toss the lid from where he stood, watching it all the way until it landed in front of him. 'I wonder what he'd do if I threw it back at him,' He thought to himself watching Michael get farther and farther away. He picked it up before looking Michael's direction and tossing it back, cocking an eyebrow under his own mask.

Walking Michael heard a soft metal clang behind him, he turned only to find the trash lid had come back, he hadn't noticed Jason, or that he threw it back. 'What the...,' Michael picked it up, inspected it for a moment, found it useless again and tossed it back still not seeing Jason.

Jason catches the lid this time, 'this is kind of fun.' He tosses it back still out of Michael's sight, he giggled like a child internally, he hadn't played frisbee in a LONG while. He turned from his hiding spot to watch it land in front of Michael this time, he ducked down soon after.

Michael picked up the lid that had just landed in front of him, 'What kind of sorcery is this, go away!' He tosses the lid again but harder, the lid is fast now and Jason didn't catch it in time this time, and it hit him in the mask.

'Ow, two can play at that game Myers,' Jason tosses the lid back hitting Michael in the back this time, Michael turns and grabs it before tossing it back angrily. Jason caught it mid air catching Michael's attention this time, Michael felt a little disappointed that the lid was not actually magic, but snapped out of that once the lid came back again and hit his leg. He picked it up looking up at Jason, he cocked his head to the side and tosses it once again. Jason catches it and Tosses it back, Michael never played frisbee before, this was... fun.

The two tossed the lid back and forth for a little bit, Jason internally giggling while Michael semi-smiled under his mask. It all came to a halt when a gunshot went off, and a bullet went through Myers' leg, Jason seemed shocked, being the two were zoned out playing trash lid frisbee. Michael looked back to see who exactly shot him, It was a woman, in a van, driving RIGHT AT HIM. Michael got hit with the car but that never stopped him before, he grabbed hold of the bumper to the car and climbed onto the roof of it. The lady was now driving after Jason, gun in hand, unaware of Michael being there still.

He crawled around on the top of the car and smashed the window of the drivers seat in. He took his knife and stabbed the woman in the eye , causing the car to swerve, both the screeching of tires and the woman could be heard. Michael drove the knife further into the eye ,just about to the brain he drives the knife into her skull. He got off the car as soon as it was heading for a tree, quickly taking his knife with him.

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