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"I have a message from the queen"
*opens paper*
"Tis a nude"



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Guess who belongs to who Okay this shit obvious af lmao

Jason woke up to Michael just puking in the bathroom, 'jesus... he's gon run outta stomach acid at this point'
*~-Ding dong-~*
The wraith was walking around the house casually acting as if nothing is wrong, Even though he himself had just had a puke session. He just saw Bubba chillin in the upstairs small living room like area with Kaylee. He could tell Bubba was asleep, Kaylee was not she was chewing on a flashlight Bubba ended up with from using 'Franklins demise'.

The wraith walked over and just observed casually .he realized that Kaylee from all the times he's seen her , Her eye never opened the socket was stuck open the other wasn't. He shrugged before he watched her turn the flash light on and flash it into her face. Bubba woke up due to the sound of the flashlight clicking , he turned the flashlight around from Kaylees face so she wouldn't end up blinder than she already is.

Michael was up and walking out of his room ,Jason left to downstairs already he wanted food Michael didn't . He walks over to the Wraith and also watched Kaylee try and use the flashlight. after a moment of trying she got mad at it, she growls at it and ya yeet there it goes. She had thrown it as hard as her little baby arms would let her, Yeah it just lightly hit the wall that was maybe 6 feet away.

Michael noticed that Bubba was waiting on something , "What's up Bubba?"
Bubba signs 'I have a trial to do in a few, So I'm just letting her tire herself out'
The wraith spoke quietly, "Someone could watch her for you....,"
The demogorgon had trotted over like the creature it was on all fours and looked at Kaylee, opening it's face to look at her. Kaylee opened her eye finally, it's a hazel blue with a gold ring but she has a Slit pupil like a cat.

Since the demogorgon had it's face open she opened her face making noises at it. Bubba was thinking, 'no one would want to handle a baby except Anna and she's already in a trial'.

Michael raises his hand , "i kinda wanna watch her," he says 'i have to learn some how' , "I can help too..." Wraith softly exclaims.  Bubba blinks 'really?' He signs again 'thank you guys' Bubba smiles a bit. Bubba felt the fading feeling of the entity pulling him to the endless cat and mouse game.

He quickly gave her to wraith , and signs 'by the way she's a canni-' he was cut off cause he was in the realm. '-bal... shit'

How do killers love? (Jason x Michael Myers)Where stories live. Discover now