♡ ✬13✬ ♡

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"Did she say something?"
"M...my na-name is S-Sophia..."

The girl had been fixed up and still seemed to be scared but not by them, mostly cause she thought she was dead.

"Your name is Sophia," Wraith asks , "mhm..". The trapper speaks , "Hi Sophia, I'm dad-,"
Sophia started giggling, However the wraith was making the face of regret. "We just got her and you're-," Trapper interrupts, "Yes." "Okay fine," Philip chuckled softly, Trapper goes to Sophia, "You're so small."

"I'm onwy f-Fuh...," Sophia pauses trying to remember how to say the number, "fu...Fuhhhh... Fuck?" "nO," Philip shrieks Trapper wheezing in the background , "I think you mean five!?"
"Fu...FuIve,Five," Sophia smiles she was missing one of her baby teeth.

Philip just face palms laughing, Evan/trapper just picks up Sophia carefully, "Am i holding it right?" "Yes, yes you are," Philip smiles before walking over to the two, Hugging em Both lightly.

Michael was outside the nurses room , leaving he started thinking about Jason, 'I hope he'll still love me like that..'. He walks back downstairs to see that Freddy and Kaylee were gone , 'OH SHIT NOT AGAIN!'
Michael panics frantically looking around for the two, he spots them in the kitchen. Freddy was obviously tired, he and Ghostface were trying to figure out how to give Kaylee the blood without making a mess. "We could like , put it in a bag and snip a hole in the corner," Billy says , "or we could just let her drink from the bowl?"

"Or you could be like normal people and use a fucking spoon," Michael face palms taking a spoon out from a drawer, "I mean that makes sense" Michael just takes Kaylee, who was now awake, she too looked tired but hungry.

Michael just put her in a chair and sat next to her, casually taking the bowl and Spoon feeding her BLOOD. She actually went through the blood quickly and fell asleep again, Freddy and Billy were sleeping on the couch. Michael got up put the bowl and spoon in the sink, then comes back and picks up Kaylee. 'Bubba must be going through plenty of Trials,' Michael walks up to Bubbas room and enters it. 'Surprisingly clean,' he looked around for a moment before spotting what looked to be a cradle/baby bed IDFK, made out of bones and skulls, Obviously the hags work. He set her into the cradle before leaving to his room, washing up he realized Jason wasn't there.

Michael decides to take this time to brainstorm how to tell Jason. He scavenges through his amount of art supplies, Finding a poster board he throws it to one side of the room along with a Black marker. Michael then goes to that side of the room and Writes on the board, once done he hides it back in his art supplies

Michael then starts drawing in his notebook, drawing until he falls asleep. Jason enters the room covered in blood, Machete drenched, he walks in growling mentally. He eyed around the room ,seeing Michael sleeping soundly; he calms down. Sighing he goes into the bathroom, cleans up and changes his clothes. He walks back into the room and up to Michael, he takes Michaels mask off , puts it and Michaels art things on His bedside table.

Jason gets in bed protectively wrapping his arms around Michael he goes to sleep.

oN FrIdAyThe13Th CAuse FuckyOU

Michael was just watching as Lisa and Amanda were trying to wrap gifts. Michael already had his gifts wrapped up, One in wrapping paper and the other (you should know by now).
Philip was watching as Sophia gently held Kaylee ,he was smiling "You'll be a great big sister," Evan nodded in agreement. Sophia smiled, Kaylee just stuck her long tongue out and pretended to be a snake , "ssssss".

Freddy and Billy were just being the look out for Jason, Billy wasn't feeling too well and that's why Freddy was helping him. Anna and Bubba were making a CAkE, Demogorgon and hill billy were both sitting in a corner watching. The spirit was currently trying to figure out where part of her arm went, The clown was well asleep like the lazy ass he is. Each member of The legion were playing marioKart , and lastly the doctor and the nurse were just talking about Fuckin MedIcAl StUff. Anna and Bubba had finished the cake when:

Billy spots Jason, "HE'S HERE EVERYONE FUCKIN HIDE," Freddy picked Billy up and walked behind the couch . The legion pauses their game and just hid in the second half of the stair well, Michael just sat on the couch, Bubba and Anna were ducking down behind the Kitchen counter.

Amanda and lisa go and hide.Hillbilly just hid behind demogorgon not knowing what to do. The nurse took The doctor and blinked behind a wall, spirit phase walks behind a wall. Wraith and Evan take Sophia and Kaylee to hide behind the couch too.

Jason enters, only seeing Michael he frowned under his mask 'no one but Michael remembered my birthday??' "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON,"Everyone had attempted to unhide , all of The legion fell down the stairs "shIt, ow , OOF , mOMmY-,".
Sophia and Kaylee poke up, Kaylee just hissed like a snake.
Jason literally almost had a heart attack, Michael noticed the fact that Jason seemed shaken up so he walked over and Hugs him.

(We gon skip the party shit cause bitch this is on my nerves??)

Jason finished opening his gifts before Michael got everyone's attention, "Jason hold this for me," Michael says handing Jason the poster board , "and Don't look at it!"
Jason nods holding it ,Michael stood up taking out his phone he snapped a picture:

Jason finished opening his gifts before Michael got everyone's attention, "Jason hold this for me," Michael says handing Jason the poster board , "and Don't look at it!"Jason nods holding it ,Michael stood up taking out his phone he snapped a pict...

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(Poor bubba his baby is on the ceiling)

He then takes the poster from Jason, throwing it away he shows everyone the picture before Jason. Anna seemed so excited, 'I consider this a win win situation.' "Can I see it now Mikey," Jason asks kinda antsy he needs to know what Michael just did. Michael walks over handing Jason the phone he backs up. Jason takes a long moment to examine the photo, Michael stood there waiting patiently yet anxiously.Jason sat there motionless Registering what this meant, Michael started to worry.

Jason dropped the phone and removed his mask, he covers his face with his hands. Michael got so worried that his eyes start watering, "J-Jason?" Everyone was quiet not a single noise, then a sniffle. Michael looks at Jason knowing he sniffled, he walked up to Jason . "JasO-," Michael was quickly Brought into a semi tight hug, "You just gave me the greatest gift anyone could ever give me, I love you." Michael hugs back quickly calming down again, "I love you too..."

Anna speaks, "Does this mean I'm a grandma now?" "I mean I'm uncle Billy so yes," Ghostface says laughing , Bubba is making distressed noises .
Jason and Michael started lightly laughing at the situation around them. "Yes you can be their second grandma," Michael replies , "yes I know about Pamela, Jason."

Jason seemed shocked, Pamelas voice chiming in in his head 'ahahahahah'. "i'M A FATHER MA," Jason was very happy , Freddy facepalms.

Billy just sweats 'oh dear...'

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