♡ ✬6✬ ♡

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Guess who's back.
Back again..
Tell yo friends.
Sorry for not updating for sooooooooooooooo•••••••••••....long, I have been HELLA BUSY!

♡ ✬✬ ♡♡ ✬✬ ♡♡ ✬✬ ♡♡ ✬✬ ♡

Michael awoke silently , a strong arm wrapped around him knowing he had his mask off he decided to leave his hair in his face. But Just glanced back behind him 'yup... still Jason' . Jason was Sleeping peacefully until they both heard a loud door slam and a big ol', "WASSSSUUUUP!"

Michael faceplants into the covers 'Ah fuck ,Ghost is back...'  Jason Didn't really like this rude awakening that they could hear from downstairs. So he got up and Grabbed Michaels mask for mike, And then got his machete. He patiently waits for Michael to get his mask on and grab his knife. When he was done he had dragged Michael downstairs with him (not literally), and Looks for the source of the amount of 'wassups' he was hearing.

He turned to face the living room area and There he saw FredFuck laughing with another masked dude in a black cloak thingy. Thats when he saw Michael "Heyyyy McMichael! Wasuuuup," Micheal just Stares at the dude with no emotion. "Aaaand You're still not a talker yokayyy. Ay see you got a boyfriend at least ahahaha."

That made Freddy burst into laughter, Anna sighed "Ghostface This is Jason who's currently helping me watch Michael, Jason this is Ghostface Freddys best Friend. We usually call him Billy." Micheal Flips Billy off like usual when he's around ,annoying is what he is. "Awwwwe Mike don't be like that C'mon now," Billy fake pouts ,then attempts to walk to Michael to hug him or Pat his head.
Jason didn't like that, so he single handedly pushed Ghost away. Ghost ended up Backing into Freddy causing fred to just stumble back a bit. "Okay Big Fuck ,we get it you're strong don't gotta push him to mark Michael as some kind of territory." Freddy growled Kinda territorial himself as he unknowingly aggressively held Ghost.

Anna spoke "okay now you have your fuck buddies you can go to your rooms now," she snickers.
Freddy was confused before looking down at Ghost who was looking up at him, he realized before letting him go and just backing up. Michael didn't budge from Jasons grip, 'this one's mine fucker'

Jason looks down at Michael and just Shrugged. Before putting Michael on his shoulder . 'Guess we should get Breakfast'  Jason grabbed two of the set out plates on the counter with food. Michael not caring he just casually pokes Jason, 'He has hard skin' (you know what else is hard Michael?

My existence )

Jason set out for the stairs with the food in hand, he went upstairs and stared at the colorfully painted door, then nudged it open. He put the food on the bedside tables, before setting Michael down on his bed. He went to his side of the room ,but Michael made a noise of disapproval, so Jason came back.

Jason got comfortable next to the younger killer ,he had to turn away to eat. Michael finished his food quickly so he could beat Jason , why? To see his face of course, he slowly snaked his way up to Jasons side of the bed. And popped as quick as possible to be in front of Jason . He wasn't expecting it to work, But when he looked at Jasons Face he wasn't shocked or anything, Jason was of course . Michael just seemed to smile warmly , Jason was shocked he's not used to someone smiling at him, Especially not after seeing his face.

(While the entity was dragging jason there He managed to fix a bit of his face lmao)

Michael was happy cause he himself had a kinda fucked up face. Michael moved some hair from his eye and showed the large scar going through his eye ,this eye wasn't blue like the other, It was brown .He had different skin color patches on his face from being burnt before. He had scars from what it looked like a bottle breaking on him.

Jason just looked at Michael's face, He wasn't expecting anything to be wrong with his face. He used one of his large hands to rub on of Michael's scars , he was in disbelief trying to make it disappear like makeup. Michael just let him . Jason realized it wasn't fake and he just Stares at Michael's eye , 'he's perfect...'

Michael spoke not really good at it though "C...ute..," Jason just hugged Michael a bit , "beautiful." Michael paused he looked up at Jason shocked , Jason was also shocked. Michael just reached up and kissed Jason on the lips , Jason Kissed back but harder he wanted Michael to know he was the dominant one in this situation, putting Michael in his lap.

Jason slowly grabbed hold of Michael's hands and Pinned him to the wall. Michael not caring just continued to kiss Jason , as Jason used one hand to pin Michaels hands he used the other to caress Michael's soft hair.

When they disconnected from the kiss they just looked each other in the eyes, Michael was obviously wanting more , And so was Jason.

(To be continued in the next chapter
Next chapter is gonna be NSFW so yeet)

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