Chapter 1

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I can't take this anymore not only are the guys driving me insane at this moment in time but to be told we've got another band coming that consists of 4 guys yet ironically they're called 5 Seconds of Summer, it's going to send me over the edge I tell you that!

Louis was the one who found them on YouTube and then Niall just had to join in and now not only are the 4 guys signed to Modest! They're also opening for us and coming on tour with us for 3 months. Don't get me wrong they're really talented and nice lads but now it's going to be even more hectic.

As I'm sat back on the couch watching the scene in front of me unfold - Harry and Ashton play wrestling whilst Becca cheers on Ashton and Zayn does for the opposing team, then Niall and Mikey stuffing their face with pizza next to me, my mind wanders back to Lexi and how she never came with us leaving me completely empty and miserable.

I've been told by literally everyone to stop moping around and brighten up but without Lexi by my side I just can't.

I'm all of sudden pulled out of my trance as a really attractive girl walks in who I have no clue of. Has a fan seriously just walked backstage and got past security?

I stand up making my way to the girl "I'm sorry but you can't be-" I'm cut off by screaming making me jump and hold my ears.

"I actually can't believe you're here!" Becca screams and wraps her arms around the girl in front of me, she hugs her back and then stands back smiling up at me.

I look around and notice that Niall and Mikey were no longer in the room, Harry was literally eye raping the girl whilst Ashton couldn't keep his eyes off Becca. This isn't going to end well.


"Guys this is my best friend from home, Freya" she finally introduces her and Harry is the first to walk up and greet her with a welcoming hug, Liam followed suit hugging her too saying "Hi, sorry about that I thought you were a fan that got backstage"

She laughed "Nope, here to visit my best friend and this boyfriend of hers who she won't shut up about" I automatically blush, do I really talk that much about Niall?

As on cue he enters the room with a muffin in his hand taking small bites ever so often as if he's savouring the sweet taste.

"Babe! Come and meet Freya" I walk over to Niall giving him a kiss on the cheek then trying to tug at his arm to walk over with me to where she was stood.

"Who the hells Freya?" He spits a mouthful of food whilst he's talking making me scrunch my face up with disgust at his manners.

"I told you Niall. My best friend. Why do you never listen to me anymore?" I scold him like a mother telling a child off, he rolls his eyes at me and walks over to Freya saying a quick hi then walks out again.

I'm gobsmacked by his rudeness and bluntness towards my best friend since primary school. I don't know what the hell has gotten into him lately, he's been like this since I became good friends with Ashton and Luke. Jealousy gets the better of him.

I watch as Harry doesn't leave Freya alone asking questions about herself, showing off his perfect dimpled smile. They were getting along well and if I didn't know any better I'd say they were definitely flirting.

I stand on my own watching my best friend get the attention from Harry but I can't help but think about Niall again and I'm instantly upset, I try to brush it off but it's like Ashton knows me inside and out as he walks over to me and engulfs me in a warm hug "He'll come around just give him space" he whispers into my ear and I can't help but smile up at him.

His 6ft1 towers over my 5ft2 so I'm having to crane my neck just to look up at him. He's like the older brother I've always wanted but as Niall walks in and spots our position something tells me he doesn't see it that way at all, he scowls at us then glares at Ashton before sitting down on the couch all by himself.

I can't help but frown at the fact that I can't do or say anything cause once Niall is in a mood he's stubborn as hell and won't listen to anything I say and all I can think about is the fact it's only the first day of tour.


Why did I have to like 5SOS and their music? It's my fault why they're here now and I never once expected that I'd have to compete with another guy over Becca. Here I thought she was all for me just as much as I was for her but as soon as she met Ashton they clicked as soon as they first laid eyes on each other. I don't want to compete because I always end up failing and losing what I want.

I know sitting here all alone letting jealousy get the better of me isn't going to help but hell who could compete with Ashton fucking Irwin?!

Letting my thoughts take over me I can't help but let my eyes start to get glossy as tears threaten to spill over. I'm losing my girlfriend to another guy who's in a different band, who can not only sing but play drums guitar and saxophone, and is even good looking. This isn't fair one bit!

"Niall? You alright mate?" The Aussie accent rings through my ears and I turn my head to the side to see Calum looking at me worried. I shake my head 'no' not saying anything.

Getting up from the couch I consider walking over to Becca and hugging the life out of her so that's exactly what I did taking her and Ashton completely by surprise.

Tucking my head into the crook of her neck not caring if anyone was watching us I let the tears take over me letting it wet her shoulder. "Niall what's wrong? you're scaring me" she says in a whisper and without saying anything I crash my lips onto hers to which she responds immediately.

"I don't want to lose you. You're mine please don't forget that" I pull back and say only loud enough for her and Ashton to hear making it obviously clear that he can't stand a chance against me and what me and Becca have.

"I'll always be yours. Don't be silly" she replies wiping away the remaining tears under my eyes then kissing me softly again. I can't help but smirk under the kiss knowing Ashton was watching us.

Pulling away I look around and notice Ashton was no longer in the room and I smile on the inside as I have won this time. When did I turn into this possessive crazy guy?

Me and Becca finally pull away from our embrace and walk over to the other guys to see what's going on and I instantly regret it.

"I'm telling you now Louis this won't end well for you so just back off right now" Zayn warns Louis then storms off in another direction.

"What was that about?" I ask getting not only Louis attention but everyone else's, Calum and Luke's eyes narrow at me as if to say 'not now' but Louis gives me the answer.

"I told Zayn that I like Freya and find her attractive but apparently that was the wrong thing to do" Louis says exasperatedly and looking like a lost puppy but that soon turned into a scowl "He thinks Harry should get her"

Everyone now groans as they all now know this is going to be the longest, drama filled tour ever and they don't even know the feud going on between me and Ashton for Becca either.

Life goes on though, doesn't it?

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now