Chapter 21

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We were all in the taxi right now heading into the town centre where all the clubs and pubs were. I had Vanessa next to me on my right then Niall next to her who had ear phones in playing music full blast not paying attention any of us.

Seeing Vanessa in that tight red dress did not help the problem in my pants at all. I know I'm a bad friend to Ashton for thinking and being this way over Vanessa but to be quite honest, I can't remember the last time Ashton has actually paid attention to the girl since Niall and Becca's break up.

Felling flustered I look towards the window next to me and roll down the window to get some fresh air in my lungs, I felt like I was drowning right now in this taxi.

"Can you roll that up please? I'm kinda cold" Vanessa asked politely turning to me. "Why did I forget to bring a jacket?" She now whispered and asked herself, looking down to her lap where her hands were placed and fiddling her fingers together nervously.

Without anything said I complied and rolled it back up for her. I look towards her noticing she was now glancing from her lap to Ashton to Becca, over and over again. I think she knows something is definitely up with them two now, but I just had to make sure. "Hey, you okay?" I ask genuinely concerned about her.

Her face now turned to me and I could see her green eyes getting glossy, tears were threatening to spill over. "What's wrong with me Calum? I try my hardest to get Ashton's attention and he just doesn't take notice, he's all over her" Vanessa says and spitting the last word in venom towards Becca. "Am I not pretty enough?" She whispered now asking me.

Some tears had now left her eyes but not so much for her makeup to smudge, I take my thumb and pat my fingers on the teardrops making them dry and not to ruin that beautiful face. "Vanessa" I say her name and sigh, I really hope Ashton doesn't punch me for saying this. "You are not only beautiful but you're the most gorgeous and kind hearted person I've ever met" I admit to her making her blush in response and I get a smile too.

"Thanks Calum. You don't just have to say that though just because I'm crying to you" She smiles at me. I take a glance at Ashton and Becca who were sat in the front with Louis and the driver and were 2 rows away from us so they couldn't hear us talking.

"I mean it. Instead of throwing a fit and having a go at Ashton you sat back quietly watching him get along with Becca better" I state a fact "No other girl would do that"

Vanessa now went silent as if she was thinking, "Vanessa I-" I start again but get cut off by her.

"Why am I even here anymore Calum? I should just go home" She says and this now makes my stomach and face drop.

"Please don't" I say way too quickly and loudly because now Harry, Zayn, Liam and Mikey turn to face us from the middle looking behind their shoulders to us. "Private conversation, turn your heads and carry on with your lives" I sass back to them making them chuckle and turn back around and carry on with their conversation.

I turn back to Vanessa who was now looking at me intently. I sighed closing my eyes embracing myself for what's about to happen next. "Vanessa I like you, and I want to get to know you more" I confess to her. "I'll deal with Ashton if you decide to stay and give me a chance"

We were now both quiet, I tried to look in her eyes in search of an answer and when she smiles at me and nods her head yes I could've squealed for joy. "I'd like that Calum"


The club we were in was pretty much a rave. There were so many people in the middle of the dance floor and they had glow sticks in their hands and glow paint all over their bodies, most guys had their tops off.

"This is different" Zayn says to us all as we just stand by the door taking everything we see in. We nod our heads at him agreeing with him.

Becca now stands in front of me "Wanna dance?" She smirks at me and I smile back at her, I try to walk with her towards the dance floor but before I do I'm pulled back by Mikey and Calum. I turn my head to look at them and then turn to look for Becca but she was already gone and past the people in front of us disappearing.

"You guys better hurry up and explain so I can go find where she has gone" I snap at them for pulling me away from Becca.

"Calum has something to ask you" Mikey says with a look of fear on his face and ends up pushing Calum towards me, like he just threw him into a cage with lions.

I raise my eyebrows at Calum questioningly as if to say 'tell me now' making him gulp in fear and for me to see his Adams apple bobbing. "I-I just want to know, can-well...." Calum starts to stutter now wasting my time.

"Calum" I say his name in a warning tone, I just want this conversation to be over and done with, anything could have happened to Becca by now.

"Can I date Vanessa?" He spits out all at once taking me by surprise, I didn't expect that at all.

I raise my eyebrows again this time with a smirk, little Calum is falling in love. "Sure, she's all yours mate" I smile at him receiving one back and a hard sigh from him and Mikey in return. "Can I go now?" I ask them and they both nod their heads making me turn away from them and go to look for Becca in this busy place.

I finally find her at the bar talking to the other girls and laughing, I start to make my way over to them weaving in and out of people. "Hey you" I shout over the music to Becca getting her attention, she turns to me and I instantly freeze up.

The way she looks tonight, she's gorgeous and beautiful and everything I need and the problem is.

I don't know if I'll be able to keep my hands off her.

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now